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Goodies Word Finders
Solutions - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 16/03/2007


» Jul 2005
» Dec 2006
» UK Tour April 2007
» Sep 2007
» Mar 2008
» Sep 2008
» Jan 2009
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July 2005
(Two words (5, 8 letters) - clue: "lethal weapons")
Black puddings
December 2006
(Four words (4, 4, 3 and 6 letters, plus a rogue apostrophe!) - clue: "the end of the world is nigh")
Tim's nuts are nicest
.UK Tour - April 2007
(One word (10 letters) - the one remaining tour venue not on the list of hidden words - cryptic clue: "To arrive in the world facing Mecca".)
September 2007
(Two words (4, 7 letters) - clue: "A character from the Goodies movie.") 
Lady Macbeth
March 2008.
(One word (5 letters) - clue: "it is used as part of the bunfight card game")
September 2008
(Three words (5, 3 & 4 letters) - clue: "one of the products that the Goodies advertise.")
Nosho Dog Food 
January 2009
(Two words (6 & 6 letters) - clue: "part of the reason why the dodo became extinct")
Finger lickin
June 2009
(One word (12 letters) - clue: "the flavour of a product that the Goodies advertise"
October 2009.
Two words (9 and 6 letters) - clue: "An essential requirement for being allowed entry to Disco Bilius"
Cardboard Bianca
March 2010
Two words (7 and 3 letters) - clue: "The end result of a rather odd(ie) experiment"
Hopping mad
June 2010
Two words (6 and 5 letters) - clue: "Tim and Bill unleash this on Britain"
Wabbit Power
October 2010
Two words (6 and 4 letters) - clue: "A victim of the Goodies' hunger on the high seas"
Flying Fish
January 2011
Four words (3, 2, 3 & 3 letters) - clue: "Poetic licence."
Man In The Bog
May 2011
One word (9 letters) - clue: "He probably enjoys the end game of rugby the least of anyone."
August 2011.
Two words (5, 7 letters) - clue: "You can do this on Goodies Hols"
Brain surgery
May 2012
Six words (1, 4, 2, 3, 5 & 6 letters) - clue: "Radio Goodies hit parade"
A Walk In The Black Forest
Nov 2012
Four words (3, 3, 4 & 4 letters) - clue: "A Trendsetters Ball contestant"
Nat Not Very Nice
Feb 2013
Three words (4, 2 & 4 letters) - clue: "A medieval fashion statement by Bill"
Coat Of Arms
May 2013
Two words (9 & 4 letters) - clue: "The BC TV broadcaster"
Parthenon News
July 2013
Three words (3, 8 & 5 letters) - clue: "Bill & Graeme try to obtain this"
Wig Spotters Badge
September 2013
One word (10 letters) - clue: "A gift from Barbara to Bill"
December 2013
Two words (5, 5 letters) - clue: "An interesting potential job opportunity partner"
Dolly model
February 2014
Two words (5 & 5 letters) - clue: "The patented windscreen wiper in the car that Graeme builds"
Sudsy Wudsy
April 2014
Two words (3 & 5 letters) - clue: "Lionel Bleugh's performance"
Les Girls
May 2014
One word (4 letters) - clue: "The first victim in The End"
July 2014
Two words (4, 5 letters) - clue: "Cilla's lethal weapon"
High notes
September 2014
One word (7 letters) - clue: "The Goodies assume this status after being struck off the medical register"
November 2014
Two words (6, 4 letters) - clue: "Help to warm up instantly"
Eskimo Nell
December 2014
Four words (3, 3, 3, 3 letters) - clue: "Two unusual Scottish road signs"
Och Aye The Noo
February 2015
Four words (3, 3, 3, 3 letters) - clue: "A foolish act by Bill"
Put The Cat Out
March 2015
Two words (4, 4 letters) - clue: "Part of the obstacle course in It's A Knockout"
Wine Lake
June 2015
One word (9 letters) - clue: "One of the original office renovations that the Goodies had requested"
August 2015.
One word (8 letters) - clue: "Beware of the King Charles"
December 2015.
One word (8 letters) - clue: "Birds with big wings nest in them apparently!"
May 2016.
One word (8 letters) - clue:"Tim misses out on these at Great Uncle Butcher's place"
June 2016.
One word (9 letters) - clue: "Mildred's surname"
July 2016.
Three words (4, 3, 6 letters) - clue: "Tim's description of a potential au-pair"
Duff old boiler
September 2016.
Three words (5, 5, 4 letters) - clue: "The Galloping Cannibal's recipe"
Human Clear Soup
November 2016.
Two words (6, 4 letters) - clue: "The Goodies' ill-gotten gains from the giant's castle"
Golden eggs
January 2017.
One word (9 letters) - clue: "Tim wants three coolibahs packed in this"
July 2017.
Five words (1, 3, 2, 3, 5 letters) - clue: "Sunday papers headlines"
A Bum In The Coven

August 2017.
Two words (3, 8 letters) - clue: "Off his rocker"
Val Doonican
December 2017.
Three words (5, 2, 8 letters) - clue: "Bill offers Graeme this nutritious drink"
Glass of Plankton
July 2018.
Two words (8, 5 letters) - clue: "Potholer description"
Reckless Loony
September 2018.
One word (11 letters) - clue: "Nobody calls him that anymore!"
January 2019. 
Four words (20 letters) - clue: "Impressing the Minister"
Blow up dolly secretary

Brett, keep these puzzles coming! I love them almost as much as I love The Goodies!!
Posted by:vanessa cricklewood


date: 12/09/2008 13:33 GMT
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