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Magnus Magnesium's Monthly Goodies Quiz 2014
Quiz - Jun - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 01/01/2014


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Here's your chance to reclaim the 'Mastermind of the Year' title from Cuddly Scamp Hairylegs of Cricklewood by answering the following 10 Goodies questions correctly.   Your time starts now … !
Special The Goodies and the Beanstalk 
(1) Whose biro is the script written with, according to the opening credits?
(2) What does Graeme use as a reading lamp in the park?
(3) What name does Bill call the trandem bike by?
(4) Which other country competes in 'It's a Knockout' besides Great Britain and Germany?
(5) What is the first phrase uttered by genie John Cleese upon his release from the beans tin?
Series 8, Episode 4 U-Friend or UFO
(6) Which person is the only non-trombonist to be abducted by the aliens?
(7) Name any three of the groups of people rostered to use Knutters Knoll Park of an evening.
(8) What is the spooky alien being that terrorizes Bill in the park?
(9) What shows up as a "little green splodge" on Graeme's computer screen?
(10) Whose hair is drastically reshaped by the aliens?

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