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Magnus Magnesium's Monthly Goodies Quiz 2013
Quiz - Nov - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 01/01/2013


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Here's your chance to reclaim the 'Mastermind of the Year' title from Cuddly Scamp Hairylegs of Cricklewood by answering the following 10 Goodies questions correctly.   Your time starts now … !
Series 9, Episode 4 Change Of Life
(1) Who blows the candles on Bill's cake out with one little puff?
(2) Why does Doctor Grayboots smear a mudpack over Bills face?
(3) Why is the Goodies' office being closed down?
(4) Who does Graeme leave his teddy bear to in his will?
(5) Name three of the six death-inducing features of Graeme's Doomsday Machine?
Series 4, Episode 2 Invasion Of The Moon Creatures
(6) What is Bill's cheeky response to Graeme asking him to "help prepare the launch"?
(7) Which Goody is initially set to be left at Mission Control, and why?
(8) Which sport do Tim and Bill play while on the moon?
(9) Where does the landing of the returning space capsule take place?
(10) How is the Prime Minister affected by the rabbit space virus.

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