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Goodies Word Puzzles
Puzzle - Jul 2008 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 12/05/2007


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GOODIES WORD PUZZLE – July 2008 (C&G 152)
(by Brett Allender)
This puzzle consists of a series of Goodies clues to solve, with the highlighted letter from each horizontal answer forming a vertical solution, which happens to be a character name from the "Superstar" episode (3, 3, 6 letters).
The information to solve the clues can be found in my Goodies Episode Summaries in the Articles/Guides section of the website if there are episodes listed that you are unfamiliar with.



























































































































































































































































































































1.   (6, 4, 7 letters)       The Goodies compete against this island (Commonwealth Games)
2.   (5, 7 letters)           She produces an album of rugby songs for the Music Master (The Music Lovers)
3.   (8, 9 letters)           Bill's sherbet vision to improve police public image (Give Police A Chance)
4.   (5, 5 letters)           His odds of winning Nice Person of the Year are 2 million to 1 (Double Trouble)
5.   (11 letters)             The toothpaste company sponsoring the charity bounce (London To Brighton)
6.   (9, 4 letters)           Tim joins this organisation after quitting the scouts (Scoutrageous)
7.   (11 letters)             Graeme can't "boom" because he is busy designing this (Radio Goodies)
8.   (4, 4, 7 letters)       The Goodies travel to Scotland in search of this (?)
9.   (8, 4 letters)           Episode where Bill and Graeme dress up as Wolves (?)
10. (2, 4, 9 letters)       The restaurant that buys Uncle Tom's farm produce (Food)
11. (7, 5 letters)           He is turned into a rabbit, with a carrot for a telescope (Invasion OTMC)
12. (9 letters)               Graeme attaches his heatlamp to one of these (Winter Olympics)

Brett your talents at creating these word puzzles amaze me!! Keep them coming...I love them!!!
Posted by:vanessa cricklewood


date: 14/02/2009 14:36 GMT
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