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A Collection Of Goodies Media Interviews
Graeme - Essex Chronicle Gazette Mar 2007 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 27/12/2009


» Graeme - Radio Time...
» Goodies - Televisio...
» Tim - Radio Lancash...
» Bill - Goodies 30th...
» Tim - Interview wit...
» Goodies - Deadpan -...
» Bill & Graeme - Rec...
» Goodies - Time Out ...
» Goodies - Cult Time...
» Goodies - The Heral...
» Goodies - Various (...
» Goodies - Various (...
» Goodies - Daily Tel...
» Graeme - Radio Time...
» Goodies - 1994 Inte...
» Goodies - Guardian ...
» Tim & Graeme - Esse...
» Tim - Maidenhead Ad...
» Tim & Graeme - Linc...
» Graeme - Nottingham...
» Tim - Worcester New...
» Tim - The Express M...
» Graeme - Essex Chro...
» Graeme - Guardian M...
» Tim - Hull Daily Ma...
» Graeme - Scotsman A...
» Graeme - Mature Tim...
» Graeme - Independen...
» Bill - Sunday Star ...
» Graeme - Time Out S...
» Goodies - Daily Mai...
» Bill - Bristol Even...
» Graeme - Best Briti...
» Tim - Telegraph Int...
» Graeme - Cotswold L...
» Bill - Daily Mail 2...
» Bill - Varsity 2012
» Graeme - The Age (T...
» Graeme - TV Tonight...
» Tim - Daily Mail (A...

 (Lisa Manekofsky – 5th Apr)
An interview with Graeme:
How did the Goodies Still Rule OK come about?
We first tried it out in Australia where there's more of an audience for us because it's been on television there non-stop for years. We've got a real following there so when we toured we got very enthusiastic audiences, there seems to be a real affection for the show. I think a lot of people had seen it as kids then carried on watching it when they grew up and saw the satirical side of it more. It's like a social history of the 70s.
After the success of the Australian tour, we were persuaded to do the Edinburgh Festival last year and we ended up doing a three-week run. Then we put the feelers out about doing a UK tour and the reaction was very positive.
Why don't we ever see The Goodies on the television anymore?
We're often asked why repeats aren't ever shown and we've never really got a cogent answer. The BBC didn't really release anything on video and it's another company who've put them out on DVD. There's another series out now by the way.
How did The Goodies first get together?
We were all at Cambridge University at the same time, we were all in Footlights, along with John Cleese and Eric Idle. It was an extraordinary time with all the Pythons about and people like Trevor Nunn and Richard Eyre producing Footlights plays. It was like a golden generation, we were all undergraduates together. I think we all did so well because we didn't take it terribly seriously."
What is the live show like?
I've worked a lot with Tim in the intervening years, and we just wanted to make the stage show fun. Having worked on radio together, we knew how to handle the loose format which is handy when the other person is trying to stitch you up all the time.
The show is scripted, we've got a structure, and we'll be answering questions about the show and showing clips. We'll tell some stories about the show and the clips, and also talk about Footlights and other TV and radio shows we've done. It makes me laugh that we're still getting away with it.
So where's Bill?
He did the Australian show with us, we all put that together, but his filming commitments meant he couldn't do this. He's kindly filmed his bits for the show so we'll be using video links for Bill which is good because we can turn him off when we get bored. We can't turn him off in real life unfortunately - we've been waiting for that technology for 30 years.
The Goodies Still Rule OK! is at the Southend Palace Theatre on Sunday, April 1 at 8pm. Tickets are £15.50, £18 and £19.50 on 01702 351135 or go to  

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