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A Collection Of Goodies Media Interviews
Tim & Graeme - Lincolnshire Echo Mar 2007 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 27/12/2009


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» Bill - Varsity 2012
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» Tim - Daily Mail (A...

LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO – 15th March 2007
 (Lisa Manekofsky – Goodies-l – 16th Mar)
09:45 - 15 March 2007
Seventies icons The Goodies are bringing their much publicised comeback tour The Goodies Still Rule OK! to Lincoln.
The comedy trio of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie are one of the most memorable acts of the 70s with their show running on BBC 2 from 1970 to 1982.
Now in their 60s Tim and Graeme are touring as a duo following a hugely successful run at the Edinburgh Festival last summer and a BBC 2 comeback with The Return Of The Goodies.
And there will be footage beamed into the venues of their good friend Bill who is currently filming having established himself as BBC2's resident wildlife expert with programmes such as Bill Oddie Goes Wild and Springwatch.
The 70s show saw the characters as a trio of trouble-shooters riding around on their three-seater bicycle or trandem and attempting to solve problems 'anytime, anywhere'.
Graduates of Cambridge University, the trio met at the Cambridge Footlights in the early 60s along with their long time friend John Cleese.
In The Goodies Still Rule OK, Tim and Graeme share with us their favourite sketches and behind-the-scenes anecdotes including material from the student revue they took to Broadway - and Tim's famed Union Jack waistcoat.
But when asked about their new-found popularity in the 21st century, Graeme and Tim are modest.
"People must have long memories," says Graeme.
"Or very bad memories," adds Tim.
"But seriously we think the reason our humour has endured is because it's universal.
"When we were writing, we were always thinking, 'what would make us laugh?'
"I think it's important that we're all quite different characters so we complement each other rather than antagonise each other.
"I'm a great believer in teamwork and I'm very proud of the fact we've stuck together for all these years."

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