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From Bard To Verse - Goodies Birthday Poems and others
50th Clarion & Globe tribute - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 05/07/2006


» Goodies Birthday Po...
» 50th Clarion & Glob...
» Stuff That Gibbon N...
» I Wish That I Was A...
» It Can't Have Been ...
» Goody Goody Video N...
» Bless 'Em, Bless 'Em
» An Ode To The C&G
» T' Art of Ecky Thump

by Brett Allender
(A tribute to the C&G reaching 50 editions in February 2000)
In 1995 and a bit, in fact late November
The first C&G went out to 23 members
 From this humble start rose a great tradition
Some 1300 fans will read this edition
The whole thing was started by Alison Bean
Now the undisputed Goodies fandom queen
With help from fellow fans along the way
She's made the C&G what it is today
Now we've reached a milestone that's pretty nifty
So let's celebrate this C&G number fifty
With a look back at what's been making news
Over which us Goodies fans can all enthuse
What to name our club was the first issue raised
Super Chaps,, Goodies Rule OK
Club t-shirts took a while, but were worth the wait
The re-screening petition though is still up to fate
There's been book reviews and special features
The Judith Lucy saga - what a charming creature!
ABC censorship articles made excellent reading
David's trivia quiz was tricky and teasing
Our super spotters have been on the job
Reporting on Goodies wherever they lob
Be it panto reviews or Tim in Oman
Or Bill playing a vacuum cleaner as part of a band
News on ISIHAC, ISIRTA and other shows as well
The welcome rebirth of good old Goodies-L
All the great bargains from your local GROK Shop
But one special feature was impossible to top
When Tim e-mailed our club, it caused great elation
To hear from a Goodie was quite a sensation
He answered our queries in a fun interview
Then it was brilliant to hear from Graeme too
The C&G continues to bring you Goodie news
Episode summaries and music reviews
All the latest about the convention
The webpages and other stuff well worth a mention
Our half century's up, but we're not stopping yet
There's a very good reason, so don't you forget
The Goodies may be over, but the Baddies abound
You'll see them and hear them if you look around
Rolf's still on the telly after all these years
Maxie's churning out records that bore us to tears
Flashbacks of the Osmonds, erk there's Nicholas Parsons
Keep the C&G's going...we've just got to outlast 'em!

Charming, delightful, kind.
Posted by:laddiebuck


date: 21/08/2007 02:07 GMT
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