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2007-05-24 23:33:29 |
Janice Eames' European Vacation |
Janice |
A little report on my holiday to Europe: Originally I was going to go alone, but Stephen decided to go with me. We saw wonderful things when we were away and visited 6 countries: UK, Holland, Germany, Belgium, France and Singapore. Our favourite places were the Cotswolds in England and Monschau in Germany. We stayed with a friends of mine, just out of London. We had tea with another friend and his fiancée one evening. They got married a week after we left! 
We met Dutch friends of mine in Brussels, at the military museum. It is a fabulous museum. I’d also arranged to meet the curator there. We stayed 3 nights with our Dutch friends and they took us to a wonderful aviation museum in Germany, in a town called Hermeskeil. We visited 7 aircraft collections, on our travels, altogether!
We thought there were some beautiful buildings in Paris, but found it a very dirty place. We really enjoyed the Le Bourget Aviation Museum…of course! I bought a pair of very impractical, frivolous, snazzy, real black suede, high heels in a tiny, crammed shoe shop in Paris – and they only cost 8 Euros (about $13)! We had a good trip on Eurostar back to London.
Our flight to Singapore was tiring, but we had a nice overnight stay there and enjoyed it. When we got to Adelaide, we were glad to be back home in our own nice, small city!
I didn’t have too much trouble with jet-lag. I was overtired and a bit woozy, with a ‘funny’ tummy, but I get like that with lack of sleep anyway, and two out of the last three nights of the trip I only had 2 – 3 hours sleep – so it was to be expected. I went to work the day after getting back and worked all week and enjoyed a big sleep-in the next Saturday. Stephen’s sleep patterns were out of whack and he had big sleep-ins Sat and Sun after, plus he didn’t have to work the day after getting back.
Overall we had a great trip. I brought back numerous model horses for my collection, 2 model aeroplanes and 2 aeroplane pins and many other items. My suitcase was very full - I was glad I bought a wheelie one!
Mood - Pleasant
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2007-03-25 19:53:02 |
Believe it, or not! |
Janice |
The following story was told on-stage by Tim, when I saw the Goodies in Adelaide. I'd forgotten about it, but just found this rendition of it on Wikipedia and felt it was worth sharing with those who may not be familiar with it:
"On 24 March 1975 Alex Mitchell, a 50-year-old bricklayer from King's Lynn literally died laughing while watching an episode of The Goodies.
According to his wife, who was a witness, Mitchell was unable to stop laughing whilst watching a sketch in the episode "Kung Fu Kapers" in which Tim Brooke-Taylor, dressed as a kilted Scotsman, used a set of bagpipes to defend himself from a psychopathic black pudding (from the Lancastrian martial art "Ecky-Thump") in a demonstration of the Scottish martial art of "Hoots-Toot-ochaye." After twenty-five minutes of continuous laughter Mitchell finally slumped on the sofa and expired from heart failure.
His widow later sent the Goodies a letter thanking them for making Mitchell's final moments so pleasant.(This incident and the letter were also confirmed by the Goodies, themselves, on stage during their February-March, 2005, tour of Australia.)
Mood - Quiet
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2007-03-24 23:01:11 |
My new toy! |
Janice |
 I got it! I got my new camera, just for a chance to use it!
I bought the Panasonic Lumix FZ50, which has the equivalent of 35 - 420 mm Leica lens, (12X optical zoom), optical image stabilization, full manual controls, zoom and focus rings around the lens, and a rotating LCD display. It is like the "Clayton's SLR" digital camera. (Not SLR, but next best thing.) It is lighter-weight than my very old, (but faithful!) Pentax, Program-A, SLR and can do soooo much more!
I walked out of the store a happy girl, with a new camera, spare battery, 2GB memory cards and a bag, for a bargain price and I am going to get them Duty-free as well!
And only 3 weeks today till my big trip!
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2007-02-07 23:47:45 | I come! |
Janice |
Next holidays I have great plans… I am finally going to visit London! I have wanted to for a long time. My niece is training as a doctor and is on a 3 month exchange there, so I thought I’d go and visit her. I will be there in April, for just under 2 weeks.
Two of my friends live in Middlesex. They are just outside the SW fringe of London, on the River Thames and a the nearest large town is called Staines. They are also about 15 min drive from Heathrow. One of my friends has offered to drop me off at the train on the work mornings and pick me up in the evenings! He also says I can visit Cambridge for the day on either of the Wednesdays that I will be there, as he will be going there himself. Isn't that great?!
I will also stay with friends in Holland and another friend and his fiancee will probably put me up for a couple of nights in London, as well.
My niece is excited too, as she says it will be so nice to see some family again by the time I come.
I am sooo excited!
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2006-11-06 23:15:03 |
A horse, of course... |
Janice |
I went to the Adelaide International Horse Trials on Saturday and Sunday. It was great to see those top riders (a number of them ex-Olympians) competing. I had my photo taken with Heath Ryan. For all his fame in the horse world, he seems to be a very approachable and friendly guy. (As is his brother, Matt.)
Unfortunately, after going for something like ten years, it may be the last one. I did hear that the organisers were 'in the black' due to ticket sales, so hopefully that will be encouragement for sponsors to keep it going.
After enjoying the horses on Saturday, and a cuppa at my sister's place, I went to dinner with SFSA...(the old Dr.Who Club) and saw our own Zaphod and his partner. They are lovely people and always nice to catch up with. 
After a busy weekend around all those horsies, I still managed some time for my own dear, Thoroughbred "Muscles"! He will be 16 in December... my how the time passes...he was only 6 when I got him...
It's the Melbourne Cup tomorrow and Muscles is actually related to Phar Lap, via his mother's side! And his Gt Gt Gt Grandsire was a famous US racehorse, called Native Dancer. Ahhh, those racing genes didn't come to the fore in him! But if they had, he'd never have been mine...
Mood - Quiet
Music - None
Edited - 2006-11-06 23:22:29 |
2006-07-05 23:14:56 |
From NZ to Split Enz |
Janice |
So, I visited the country, then I went to see the band. Yes, in June, I went to the Split Enz concert! It was great. I never actually saw them back in their hey-day, but a friend of mine did and I’ve been a little jealous that she got to see them. Well, now I have too. It was strange to see them with greying temples, grey hair, or even quite white hair, but their youthful energy and enthusiasm was evident. It was fun to watch Time Finn strut his stuff and jig about the stage. They wore amazing suits and had three different backdrops, that seemed to glow different colours with different lighting. For two hours, they played almost all the songs of theirs that I know, plus some others. They certainly played my most favourite ones. It was so great to see them actually perform those loved songs of my teenage years…Message To My Girl, One Step Ahead, Six Months in a Leaky Boat…and more…! It was a memorable night out.
Mood - Happy
Music - None, but imagining Split Enz!
Edited - Never |
2006-05-01 23:24:39 |
A Trip to Kiwiland...NZ |
Janice |
I had a little holiday and had a FANTASTIC time in the South Island of New Zealand for 6 nights! It is such a beautiful place! I enjoyed myself so much that I had a few tears in the aeroplane on the way home! I went over alone and was to travel, the next day, down to Wanaka to meet my boyfriend and his companions. They were there earlier than me, because we were all going to a big airshow, but I couldn't leave for it as early in the week as them. I arrived safely in NZ at nearly midnight on the Thursday before Easter and the nice man from my guest house, in Christchurch, came to pick me up, so I felt safe and cared for. On my bus tour, on the way to meet Stephen and the others, I went on a ski plane flight at Mt Cook and landed on Tasman Glacier and got out and walked on the snow!
When I got to Wanaka, Stephen saw me walking outside our accommodation and came out to meet me! The airshow was exciting and I flew in an old DC3. I also got to sit in the cockpit of one of the NZ Airforce’s aerobatics aircraft and the pilot’s seat of a big airforce Hercules transport.
Whilst in Wanaka, even though there were many people, I managed to catch up with other Australian friends, including a guy from WA that I hadn’t seen for years (even though we had no way of contacting each other – we just found each other!) and some other folks I wanted to see from Australia, whom I hadn’t met before, but arranged over the internet to meet in an Irish pub! Fortunately, Stephen had met one of the guys who was there first and recognized him for me!
Stephen and his friends were good to me and even put up with a drive, on the way back to Christchurch, out to where Phar Lap was born, and the next morning, a visit to the Botanic Gardens!
The scenery is incredible. I had a great time.
Mood - Pleasant
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2006-02-13 22:17:14 |
Of Sore Mice and Me! |
Janice |
I am a little stiff and sore! On Saturday, Stephen screwed the top back on the old step stool for me. He told me the wood was rotted. It had some reinforcing on it, which had been added by John. I used it to reach up into the man-hole. (I have had squeaky noises in the ceiling and the pitter patter of little feet! Rather loud boots, sometimes! So I wanted to set a rat trap.) After using the footstool several times, being careful to stand on the edges, which were stronger, I was getting down and absent-mindedly stood in the middle. I soon thought better of it, possibly even before there was a crunch, and down I began to tumble! I ended up in a messy heap on the passage floor, having landed on my left side and partly on the step stool! I got my leg down off the stool and laid there on the floor, trying to recover from my shock and wondering about how badly I had hurt my left leg, which was feeling a little sore. Ah, just scrapes and bruises! I am developing a fine bruise on my left arm and have a few knocks on my legs. But it’s all those stretched muscles that you feel the next day! I felt rather odd at school this morning; all shaky and stiff and sore. Oh, well, I’ll soon recover and I should’ve been more careful, anyway.
And what have I caught in the rat trap? Three mice! The first two were mangled. It is a rat trap, after all! Then, last night, I awoke to a ‘snap’ at about 4am. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I kept hearing a scratching and rattling. For half an hour I tried to sleep and prayed the creature would die, but the noises went intermittently on! At 4.30am I realized that I would have to get up and check it, if I was to have any peace. What was I going to do with a half-trapped rat? I had the trap in a low-sided box, so that I could contain it and its captive. I held a mirror into the manhole, (because I couldn’t see in – not high enough) and saw, not a rat in the trap, but another mouse! It was caught by its tail and was hanging over the edge of the box and was scrabbling, trying to get away. I lifted the box down, took it outside, had Charlie on stand-by and released the mouse. Charlie was all eager, but is not a good mouser. Off went the little creature, to safety. It will be docked once that tail drops of, though. Just like a lamb! The trap had caught its tail at the base. It will be running around tail-less, like a little, grey hamster! So finally I retired back to my bed and had to try to go back to sleep, which I did, eventually!
Mood - Tired
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2006-01-27 18:37:40 |
Remembering Jim Henson |
Janice |
I remember the day I heard that Jim Henson had died. I was driving along in my car, on my way to teacher’s college. (Must’ve been circa 1990, but I’m not sure of the exact year.) I was listening to the radio news. When they announced it, I just could hardly believe it. For me, it was as though Kermit the Frog had died, too! Dear little Kermie, whom I had grown up with and loved so much! It has so stuck in my mind that I think I can almost remember which stretch of road I was on! Later I was in class…an art lesson…and still kept thinking about it.
I’m so glad Jim's son went on with The Muppets and continued on doing Kermit’s special voice, so that he can still live on. I think that I even considered the idea at the time and hoped that it would happen that way. The Muppet Show…Yaaaaaay!!
Mood - Quiet
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2006-01-10 00:16:38 |
Young, innocent love... |
Janice |
When I was in Year Nine, I had a crush on a boy in my class all year. He was tall, dark, slim and good looking, (through my love goggles) and dressed impeccably. He wore glasses, but I didn't think that detracted from fact, I thought he didn't look right when he took them off for photos. He could rollerskate really well and I even liked the ADIDAS sneakers he wore! He was a key monitor with me every day and we had to go together to get the key, etc. It was a wonderful thing for a teenage girl with a crush! I was a little jealous of a couple of his female friends, but they had been friends for a long time and that’s all they seemed to be. It was unrequited love and in the next year or so, I eventually got another interest, but always had a bit of a soft spot for him, I guess. Throughout high-school he was a bookworm, who achieved high grades, worked conscientiously and never had a girlfriend. After high school finished, he visited me a couple of times at the department store I was working in. Then I didn’t see him anymore.
A number of years ago I went to the opening of a new housing establishment, to hear the free band. I saw someone who resembled his twin sister. I figured I had nothing to lose, so went and said hello and checked if I was right. It was her! She was very friendly to me. I took the opportunity to enquire about her brother. (Just in a friendly way…I was married at that stage!) And very casually she said, “He’s fine; he’s living with a guy; he’s gay,” just like that. My jaw wanted to drop to the ground, but I managed to look (I think) like nothing was out of the ordinary. She went on to tell me that he and his partner had been living together for five years. I told her I’d had a crush on him and she said, “You never told me!” (As if I would have told his sister!) “Can I tell him?” she asked. I replied, “Well, it won’t make much difference now!” (But, in a funny way, I kind of liked the idea that he would finally know…)
When I was on my way home I thought about it a lot, as I have from time to time. No wonder he never showed interest in girls! (Let alone me!) What a waste of time having a crush on him was! Another guy from high school, whom I told about it, wasn’t surprised at the news. Maybe guys sense these things better than we do...
Mood - Quiet
Music - None
Edited - 2006-11-16 23:44:54 |
2006-01-03 21:40:56 |
Happy New Year! |
Janice |
Wow, what a busy time of year it has been! I have not visited GoodiesRule much lately...and now find I'm well over my six hundredth viewer! But they didn't make their presence known, so I guess I'll never know who number six hundred was now!
My dear boyfriend took me to see the Narnia movie last night and I loved it. It is so true to the book. I know there were the odd little differences, but the images were so much like the little line drawings in the novel itself! How wonderful. All the parallels with the Christian Gospel are evident, too. The movie doesn't seem religious, but the essence of Christianity is there. Such a clever story by C.S.Lewis.
I'm one step closer to doing the nose art on the Spitfire today, after visiting it again and having a look at a copy of an old photograph. It won't be long and the old aeroplane will be sporting a new "babe" on her nose!
I came home to receive sad news in the post: My former high school teacher, whom I've been in touch with for all these years, passed away in September. His sister wrote to me, after having received my Christmas post to him. I felt I knew what it was going to be about, when I saw the letter was from her, but when I actually read the words, I burst into tears and cried my heart out. Funny, isn't it, how we don't really know much we care about someone, until they are gone? I didn't have much contact with him, but I knew he was there. His sister said he had kept a lot of correspondence from me. She seemed to think I was a significant friend. That is touching. Goodbye, Maggo...
Mood - Mild
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-11-26 10:31:38 |
Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum! |
Janice |
Before I went to The Goodies concert last night, my head started up this song:
“I’m off to see The Goodies, the wonderful Goodies in Oz, Because, because, because, because of the wonderful things they does…” etcetera! (Now, can you tell I was a little excited?)
I have loved The Goodies since I was about ten or eleven years old…and considering I’m going to be forty next year, that’s a good amount if time! Last night I got to meet two of them after the shows. Thus you will notice my NEW avatar! It was wonderful meeting them. They are just lovely.
I got Tim’s autograph, said, “My favourite Goody!” and commented about how I’d loved his version of Wild Thing since I was about eleven. He said that as he’s gotten older it hasn’t been as embarrassing to do! On telling our zaphod about it, he said women wish they were the one who got hugged, (like in Tim’s original Wild Thing). I said I’d thought about getting a hug, but didn’t know if I could. But, apparently, our Goodies are rather fond of a cuddle, so once I had Graeme’s autograph and a photo with him, I went back to Tim for round two! This time I got a photo and the cuddle you see in my avatar. I was soooo excited. (Thank you, zaphod: I wouldn’t have met them without your info! )
They stayed for quite a while: long enough for all the fans there to meet them and take photos and ask questions. If you ever get the chance to hang around with a group of fans, in a drafty street, late at night, waiting to meet them…let me tell you…it’s WORTH it!
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-11-15 21:21:17 |
Five Hundred Views!!! (And beware of little girls!) |
Janice |
My heading thingo says 30 journal entries and 500 journal views...yes, that's right FIVE hundred!! I feel so warm and much attention from others. 
So my 31st entry, this one, is celebratory...but you guys are getting used to the way I carry on! "Doesn't she have anything decent to say?" you may ask, and "Why do I keep reading this stuff?" So... why do you? That could make for some interesting "comments"!
Well, here's a litle story for you: Tonight I was driving home from tap dance practise (Yes, I really do!) and got to the end of the street in the loan car I've got, whilst mine is in for repairs. I saw two little African girls on bikes approaching the corner, on the footpath. I figured they'd stop, then cross the road behind me, (they were coming from the passenger side). I pulled up at the corner, but the littlest girl kept coming! She rode right down the little cutaway in the kerb, onto the road and right into the side of the loan car! I put the brake on, got out and had a look. She was okay and the car only had a few marks, mostly on the wheel cover. I told her to be careful on the roads and heard her sister tell her she must use her brakes! Can you believe it? I was crashed into by a cute, little, African girl on a cute, little, blue bike!
Mood - Bemused
Music - None
Edited - 2005-11-15 21:29:13 |
2005-11-14 23:03:58 |
A Quick Note |
Janice |
Oooh, I'm nearly at the half-millenium, (for want of a better word!) Who will be viewer number 500? Do let me know!!
Mood - Pleasant
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-11-09 00:06:49 |
D-Day...and landing in Melbourne... |
Janice |
Well, it’s about time I wrote a decent journal entry. I’d intended to write about my lovely trip to Jamestown: how Stephen flew me there, how I camped in a little tent by the aeroplane on the airfield with Stephen swagging outside, the country hospitality and Jamestown Show, but I didn’t get around to it and told you about my new web site instead! So, here I am, now about to tell you about my latest trip: a flight on one of the BIG birds, to Melbourne...
Every two years I go and stay with my cousin and his family. (My dad came from Melbourne, so I have rellies there.) They look after me really well. I make the trek so that I can attend Equitana, which is, I believe, the largest horse expo in the Southern Hemisphere! It’s like a home or lifestyle-type expo…except most stalls relate to horses in some way. There are rows and rows of exhibitors, promoting equine products. You get free give-aways, posters, booklets of info, entries into competitions and see unusual breeds of horses. There are small arenas, where you can learn about horse handling and riding, as well as see people do amazing things with well-trained horses.
The trip also gives me the impetus to go over and catch up with family. It’s amazing how quickly it comes around. I’ve been to all four Equitanas so far. This year I got to meet someone new…our very own D-Day! I arranged that I would see him there and phoned him on the Saturday morning. We arranged to meet after Equitana that evening. It was great to meet him. He’s a lovely guy. We sat and looked at photos of my paintings and other things, which prompted lots of conversation. After that, we wandered down by the Yarra, near the Crown Casino shopping area and watched the coloured fountains for a few minutes, before I had to meet my cousin, who was collecting me in the car. (Could all sound romantic, couldn’t it?! But it was all platonic: I’d told my boyfriend, Stephen, I was meeting up with him and he was unconcerned, which I thought was nice.) So, thank you D-Day, for sharing a pleasant evening with me!
Mood - Mild
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-10-20 00:01:35 |
Janice Eames: Aviation Artist! |
Janice |
I have just launched myself onto the Internet as an aviation artist, with my new WEB SITE! I discovered tonight that I could have a web site through my Yahoo! account. I got onto it straight away. Here's the address:
(D-Day, please note, if you have the extra pennies, there's even one for sale!! )
Let me know what you think. (I'm going to have a guest book, but haven't spent the time fiddling around working out how to attach it yet. )
Mood - A little excited
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-10-15 15:18:50 |
Spitfire! |
Janice |
Earlier this year I met the man who owns the Spitfire that is in the SA Aviation Museum. He discussed with me how he wanted to redo the nose art...and I volunteeered to do it! I was so excited, but since then haven't heard from him. My dear boyfriend is on the museum's committee and was going to a meeting today. I asked him if that man might be there and, if so, could he speak to him about it. He not only spoke to him for me, but put him onto the telephone and I had a chat to him. He's going to meet with me in about a week to discuss it and see some of my art work. I'm so chuffed! Maybe I'll be able to get it done ready for the museum's opening in its new location. What an paintings on a real Spitfire!
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-10-06 09:54:39 |
Making the Fourth Century |
Janice |
So, I'm up to 399 journal views... Will number 400 please make their presence known? Thank you! Cheers to you!
Mood - Pleased
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-09-30 18:04:09 |
School Holiday Time! |
Janice |
I'm so glad it's the holidays! No more pencils, no more books, no more students... Don't worry if you don't hear from me for a couple of days...I'm off into the wild blue yonder...and D-Day knows what I mean by that! 
I'll soon write another journal, jam-packed with holiday news!!
Mood - Happy and excited
Music - (In head) We're All Goin On a Summer (Spr) Holiday
Edited - Never |
2005-09-20 23:32:25 |
How the Time Flies! |
Janice |
I've been writing so many comments in other people's journals that I haven't bothered with mine...for over a month!! I thought I'd check out if I had any new comments and saw my last entry was about my birthday! So this is something about nothing much...sorry to bore you.
Junius thinks I'm a country girl...boy I get people fooled! It's okay Junius, you're not the first to think that! I think I'm a city-raised girl, with a brain that lives in the country. I'm from farm stock. My grandpa was a pioneering farmer at Marama, in the Murray-Mallee and my mum grew up on the farm. She rode her horse in the Karoonda Show. (You'll find those places on a decent map!) My dad came from...yes, Melbourne! Mum moved to Adelaide when they were getting married. I love it in the country and am at home with horses and sheep and chooks and kangaroos.
Mood - Tired
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-08-13 10:57:59 |
Birthday Girl |
Janice |
Another year of my life gone by! It’s hard to believe how the years roll on. I see the signs of the increasing years…yes, the face is starting to sag and those little wrinkles get a bit deeper…the skin is losing its elasticity…Inside I feel young! I still love to listen to music and sing along and dance…except young people today aren’t familiar with a lot of my favourite music, except in remakes! (I bought a new box of ‘80s CDs recently. One song started and I thought, “It sounds like the Gwen Stephanie number: It’s My Life”. It continued, and a guy started singing the same words…I didn’t remember that song from back then, so didn’t realize it had been “covered” recently.)
Oh well, I’m still young-at-heart and probably fitter than a lot of the little couch potatoes, who sit around playing GameBoys and X-Box and listening to their MP3 players, instead of getting out and doing things like I do! It’s off to the farm this arvo…have a ride on that old racehorse of mine. (Racehorse birthdays are on August 1, so technically my fella is now 15! But his real birthday is December 4, so he’s still 14 to me!) Then I’ll feed the menagerie. There are currently two roos and a lamb having bottles, a couple of sheep with lambs to put away in the evening, two wild ducks who think they are pets and demand dinner and the two horses. There may be someone there to help me with it though. I had to do it all myself on Thursday night…takes a while!
Mood - Pleasant
Music - Complete Eighties - (Box Set)
Edited - Never |
2005-07-13 12:33:51 |
A Town Like Alice, Part 2 |
Janice |
It’s been a while since I wrote a recent entry…my time has been taken up with various things, including the fact that I now have a boyfriend! He’s a lovely guy. What more do I need to say?
The trip to Alice Springs was great. I hadn’t been there since I was 11 years old, although I have been to Central Australia twice since then. For those of you unaccustomed to the size of this continent I live on, it takes about 9 hours’ driving time from Adelaide just to get to Coober Pedy, (not including breaks!) where we stayed the first night. The next stretch is about, I guess, 7 or 8 hours’ driving time, to get to Alice Springs. I was just a passenger, but it is so far and with early starts, it was very tiring. Much of the distance is flat, barren and tree-less, especially around the Coober Pedy area. The vegetation changes northwards, but it is arid land. There were dead roo carcasses littering the roadside and wedge-tailed eagles were a magnificent and common sight.
The conference itself was good and I had fun at the fancy-dress dinner. Our accommodation in Lasseter’s Hotel was lovely. I felt rather spoilt. I had a look around Alice on Wed arvo, when we had time off. I visited the Central Australian Aviation Museum, which had amongst other things, two aircraft on display that had been involved in the loss of life…3 men who perished, because they were lost in the desert. From there I walked into town. I had a look at Panorama Guth, which is an interesting painting of Central Australia, which I hadn’t seen since I was 11. I have a new perspective on it, now that I do my own art work. I shopped and looked around. Some of the staff from work were going to Anzac Hill Lookout, so I got to have a nice view of the sunset and take some photos.
By the time we left the Alice, rain had come and we were not able to go off onto the dirt roads to visit one of the remote Aboriginal communities, as planned. There was lots of water about and, as we left Coober Pedy on our last day, there was fog stretching for miles. It was an interesting change to the trip up. Rain is so uncommon out there, but of my 4 visits to Central Australia, it has rained on 3 of them! Mind you the rain only came at the end of the trip. It was nice to get away from Adelaide winter and have sunny days and at least one day where I got around in a t-shirt. 
By the way, I have my second journaling badge now!
Mood - Happy
Music - Essential Eighties
Edited - Never |
2005-07-01 23:17:01 |
A Town Like Alice |
Janice |
I'm off to Alice Springs for a conference tomorrow! I'm so excited about it! I stay overnight at Coober Pedy, then go on to The Alice on Sunday. I'm there with work colleagues for the week, departing on Thursday morning, another stop at Coober Pedy and home Friday. So, for those of you used to my almost daily check-in...I will be Net-less for a week and thus not online here. I'll tell you about it when I return.
Mood - Excited
Music - Spandau Ballet
Edited - Never |
2005-06-25 11:11:34 |
A Catch-Up and Batman Begins |
Janice |
Well, it's been a long time since I last made an entry. Then I just wrote up a nice entry and it didn't insert into my journal. Grrrr! 
Life has been busy and a couple of things are troubling me. With one thing and another, I just haven't felt like writing, I guess.
I saw Batman Begins last night and really enjoyed it. It hearkens back to the former Batman, with Michael Keaton. I appreciated the way this one has explanations for the presence of the amazing gadgets, etc. 
I am going to have quality time with my horse, Muscles, today. I have not had much opportunity lately and haven't ridden for several weeks. I have been busy. Plus we have had a record amount of rain this month and with the solstice having just past and consequently the days being so short, it has been difficult to spend time with him. The farm has been so muddy and slippery, though, that I'm not sure how much success I will have even today. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Mood - Tired and Bothered
Music - None
Edited - 2005-06-25 11:17:35 |
2005-05-31 23:58:15 |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith |
Janice |
I have seen the new movie...finally! Oh how well everything has been brought together. Mr. Lucas is a very clever film-maker, to say the least! I watched Episodes One and Two (Edit: I should add "again"!), over the last few days, now I've seen Episode Three. It will be fun to watch the other episodes to see, for once, the whole story in order!
The scenery is spectacular and the machines are so amazing, as to entertain any I found with one of my friends!
It was not a disappointment.
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - 2005-06-01 00:01:49 |
2005-05-26 14:57:37 |
In Fond Memory |
Janice |
Today I have been to the funeral of a friend. I only got to know him relatively recently. He was a pilot with 45 years’ experience. I had been flying with him, once, earlier this year. He took me flying in the aircraft that ended up being his funeral pyre.
Not even two weeks ago, I saw that beautiful, red and white Citabria in the blue sky. I saw it turn. Something was wrong; I knew what was going to happen. I saw it crash, then, after a pause, I saw the flames. It was already too late. My new friend, and the young lad that I later discovered had been with him, would not have survived the impact.
He was a dear man, with a loving wife and family; Someone who had come up to me one day, and given me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, when he saw me at Parafield Airport. He had given me a lift in his car. He had taken me flying. He smiled and made fun. I will miss his presence at the flying things I go to.
Mood - Quiet
Music - Ultravox
Edited - 2005-05-26 23:27:37 |
2005-05-10 22:02:19 |
The Final Countdown |
Janice |
Well, it's a while since my last entry...been a bit "otherwise occupied", I guess. A couple of aviation friends came 'round on Friday night. We had dinner and watched "The Final Countdown":a 1980 movie about a US aircraft carrier going back in time to just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbour. The main theme being, "What are the implications if we interfere and change history, or do we let it be?" Anyway, it was the movie that originally sparked my interest in aircraft. I remember coming home after seeing it and, finding Mum in the laundry, began sharing the wonders of what I'd just seen on the big screen! It's actually 25 years ago this year! I said to my friends the other night that, had I not seen it all those years ago, we may not have been sitting there watching it together; The whole thing of our friendship being based on our mutual interest in aviation. It's an interesting thought... 
I went to the SFSA social night on Saturday. That was fun. There are a couple of characters there whom I find very entertaining! I hope to go to one of their official meetings in a couple of weeks and give it a go. Girls, if you want to be popular...go to SFSA...we're a bit sparse...out-numbered by guys!!
Mood - Happy
Music - Blondie
Edited - 2005-05-26 15:00:34 |
2005-04-27 10:43:14 |
Kangaroos and Aeroplanes |
Janice |
About 2 weeks ago, 2 dogs harassed the roos, when no-one was home. The neighbours’ son contacted my friend, Mel, and she rang me, so I whizzed up there. The lad had chased the dogs off. The roos were quite stressed. Roos can die from such stress. Rooby had injured her foot and needed a visit to the vet and has had to have treatment at home every day since. Jackeroo swelled up the next day and Mel gave him an antibiotic injection, in case he had an infection. My roo, Paney, was okay and is gradually settling down again. The dogs have been identified as those of a neighboring farm, but there is another farm between them and Mel’s, so they are wandering considerably. Apparently other neighbors have been sick of them already. The owners can’t keep them in, so they are going to get them re-housed.
We have just had the Anzac Day long w/end. My pilot friend flew me to Swan Hill, in Victoria, for the Antique Aircraft National Fly-In. Last year an artist/pilot from there invited me to stay at her home, if I came for the event. I had a great time. About 200 aircraft flew in for the event. I had a number of friends there to hang out with. Of course I also met and made new acquaintances. Jenny, the lady I stayed with, had asked me to bring some art over to display. I didn’t sell any, but had made up little business cards and a number of them were taken. One person found out that he was staying at the same place with the artist (me) and has commissioned me to do a painting of his aeroplane. One of my friends also wants me to do the same. So it was a successful venture. That friend took me and another friend flying over Lake Boga, which was a WWII Catalina (boat-plane) base. Another friend also organized it so that I got a flight in a Russian Yak 18 and that was fun, too.
Mood - Relaxed
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-04-10 20:58:42 |
Woo-hoo! |
Janice |
I went to an Antique Aircraft Fly-in today...and someone else wants me to do nose-art, but this time on a warbird that flies! It's for a Nanchang and I will also have to design the nose-art, based on what the pilots want, so it will be all my own work! Two lots in one week... I'm so excited! This also means my artwork will get to go to airshows. I offered to do it, so I can get to fly in the aeroplane! 
You never know what a day holds.
I also met a famous aviation artist and he liked the photos I showed him of my work, so that was quite a compliment. I've had a good day!
By the way, my horse was much recovered today.
Mood - Happy and pleased
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-04-09 21:48:53 |
Robots and Muscle Power |
Janice |
I thought I heard someone say something about an ad on TV with robots in it...I caught most of it tonight. Watch out for an ANZ Bank ad. It has the Lost In Space robot, a Dalek and others!
My horse was beaten up this morning by his paddock pal! So my friend informed me. (He lives at her place.) The horses were having breakfast (he was in his stable, which leads off the yard where his "girl"friend eats) and he, guts that he is, finished first. He went out the open stable door and hung around his girlfriend, who got ticked off and had a go at him. He went back into his stable, but she must've been really narky and followed him in. My poor boy managed to get away, but not without numerous bites to the back/bum and what appears to be a kick to the side. I think the people who named him were a bit misguided: His name is Muscles. But then again, she's called Honey!
Mood - Tired
Music - Ultravox
Edited - Never |
2005-04-07 20:59:49 |
Close Shave |
Janice |
I saw something amazing today, which was only not hugely tragic, by a narrow margin...
I was driving home down a main road (one with two lanes each way, a wide dirt and grass median strip in the middle, with a farm-type wire fence running down the length of it). I was in after-5, reasonably heavy traffic, in the 100km/hr strip, (only the cars were going about 80 km/hr...which turned out for the best...). Anyway, I was heading north and about to turn off to the right. Up ahead of me, (not more than 100m, I guess), I saw a car that was heading south suddenly charge west into the median strip. It sent up a huge plume of dirt, like a rally car, then proceeded to continue straight across between the northbound traffic and ended up facing south on the far side of the road-verge. It was like something out of a car-chase TV show...only it was real! I was stunned that the car got through the oncoming traffic without causing a major accident. I've never seen anything like it.
Why it happened, I don't know. The driver must've lost control, because no-one would normally do such a thing. People don't do U-turns straight through fences and into thick, oncoming, 80km/hr traffic! 
And some people think I drive like a racing driver! This person was just about lining up for the Darwin Awards.
Mood - Tired and a little perplexed.
Music - Blondie
Edited - Never |
2005-04-06 20:57:44 |
Opinionated little ol' me! |
Janice |
So...I've just found that I've been awarded the "opinionated" badge...I didn't even know I was in the running for that one!
I've finally settled down after the excitement of the weekend (see last journal entry). I found that such a buzz. If I get to do that artwork, it will be on display in a museum!
I've discovered today that Red Dwarf VI has been released on DVD...I've got I and V, so I've got two out of the six DVDs...I'll just stick with my old videos for the other episodes and keep waiting for the specials!
Mood - Happy
Music - Spandau Ballet
Edited - Never |
2005-04-03 20:25:23 |
Zaphod, Journals and a Spitfire |
Janice |
I met our very own zaphod last night...and a very pleasant meeting it was, too! He's just as nice as you may expect. I went along to the SciFi club he's in and had a nice time meeting a number of its members.
This, being my eleventh journal entry, sees me on my way to my second journalling badge; having proudly gained the first one on entering my tenth journal.
I was also able to get the Goodies postcard that Edna wanted, plus spares, so I'm feeling rather pleased with myself tonight. But my joy is mainly because I saw a Spitfire I've wanted to see for years and the owner gave me a personal guided tour. PLUS he needs the nose-art repainted and I offered to do it, which he seems keen to take me up on! Not only did I get to see the aeroplane, but I might get to do the artwork on it. How cool is that?!!
Mood - Happy and somewhat smug!
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-29 21:03:16 |
Bunfight at the Ok Tearooms |
Janice |
Today I watched “Bunfight at the Ok Tearooms”, on the new DVD. (I gradually watch new DVDs, so as to savour them - rather like eating fine chocolate...I don't just scoff it till it's all gone!) It’s been years since I’ve seen that episode and it was good to sit back, relax and watch it again. Graeme’s acting at the end is great fun and I love the way they lug the “mule” around everywhere.
Something done in the episode was reminiscent of a scene in Red Dwarf (Series One-episode Two) I saw the other day, (on my other new DVD). I wondered if the Red Dwarf writers copied the idea: Tim putting shaving cream under his arm, instead of deodorant spray – Lister does the same thing. Of course, they may have just come up with the same gag - great minds think alike!
Mood - Relaxed
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-24 22:27:05 |
My happy purchases |
Janice |
Today I saw the new Goodies DVD on special, for just under $Au40, so I got it! Yay! I also got Series I of Red Dwarf, at just under $35, at the same place...I've been waiting for ages to see that on special and start the replacement of my old videos. (Yes, I'm a bargain hunter!) I bought Series V recently, but I still have 3 series to go, to be up-to-date.
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-23 22:13:10 |
Snooze |
Janice |
I had a friend around tonight and discovered that she loves The Goodies too! She is quite a bit younger than me, so I was a little surprised, but pleasantly so, of course! I stuck my old tape in the VCR & we watched Snooze and had a few giggles. (I like those lines: BO “I’ve just done a jingle!”…GG ”That’s a good boy.”)
Mood - Pleasant
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-22 22:54:22 |
Resignation |
Janice |
I guess our dear Zaphod is probably right and I should stick to being Janice, so as not to confuse people by changing my login! At least I know I could change my identity, if I wanted to...
Mood - Calm
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-20 14:51:09 |
Frustration |
Janice |
I still haven't been able to get that new "login" on the go, but my "signature" was accepted. I recently got my "veteran visitor" badge. That one came up quickly. I'm aiming for the "journalling" badge now. My icq, which I was also glad to get a badge for, has been updated and has more info on it now, so I'm getting all organised!
Mood - Tired and flat!
Music - Split Enz
Edited - Never |
2005-03-18 19:50:51 |
Tried again. |
Janice |
Well, I've tried to change my login, but I've tried it before and it didn't seem to work. Maybe it will this time. I've also given myself a "signature" to go with it. See how it goes!
Mood - Quiet
Music - Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing.
Edited - Never |
2005-03-17 23:15:28 |
Eventually |
Janice |
Well, I want to change my login to something other than my name, just for fun...but I just can't work out how to get into it to change it. I must chase it up! (Or someone will read this and tell me how! ) I've had two ideas for a login: I just loved it when Tim sang "Wild Thing", so I thought I might call myself that (if it's not already taken)...but I can't live up to it! (I'm probably more of a "Mild Thing".) So I've got another idea...but I'm not revealing it just yet.
Mood - Mild
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-16 18:49:53 |
Interesting |
Janice |
How interesting it is to write a journal and get responses! I'm glad Edna noted my having better spelling than some teachers...I AM a teacher! It is nice to have recognition. I must now live up to it and make sure I ALWAYS check my spelling before posting, so as to not get any mocking! (Especially considering people actually read what I write! Funny, wasn't it, that Edna made a mistake in her comment?) I am finding this site so much more fun than I could have imagined. I think I may even be able to make new friends through it. It's great!
Mood - Happy
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-15 19:01:26 |
Poor Typing |
Janice |
P.S. to last entry... Note to self: MUST check spelling before posting! My Spelling is actually good, but my typing is not!
Mood - Embarrassed
Music - None
Edited - Never |
2005-03-15 18:59:44 |
The Beginning |
Janice |
So, this is I go with my first "Goodies" journal ebtry ever. I am gradually finding my way around this site. I haven't worked out how to post News yet, but I guess I'll get there. I now know what an "avavtar" is and have posted one! The helpful "zaphod" has made me fewel very welcome as a new member. I did not find the site because of the recent tours, but I'm a teacher and saw a student wearing a Goodies T-shirt and he told me about it. So, here I am!
Mood - Calm
Music - None
Edited - Never |
Public Journal List |