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Bertha Torr

Posts: 66

Bertha Torr


 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
22/02/2023 22:41 GMT

Hi Andrew, just been poking around Find My Past. Perhaps you have since found this out, anyway, but Lee and Vaune are in fact sisters. Which one had the husband who was instrumental in getting The Goodies on air, please?

I don't have to take this kind of thing from you, you know! But I'm going to...

Posts: 363



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
25/09/2009 15:33 GMT

Ingemar :

'Is it really? None of the girls in "Fly me" look at all like the "Henson and Bedges" girl, but she looks very much like the picture posted in this thread.

I'll admit that I'm going off the post-production paperwork for the episodes (which isn't always 100% correct); the notes indicated that she was the second "Fly me" girl, Charmaine (is that her name - ages since I've seen it!). When I get chance, I'll have to dig the episodes out and take another look. Any excuse to watch "The Goodies"!

You can do a lot with make-up though.

All the best



Posts: 203



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
25/09/2009 09:40 GMT

Andrew_Pixley :

' '
Ingemar :

'I wonder, is the girl in the "smoking scene" (Henson and Bedges mock ad) in "Goodies in the nick" possibly Valerie Leon? She is only listed as participating in "It might as well be string" but the "nick" girl looks very much like her too.

Ahhhh!  That's Lee Craig Raymond.  She's also Charmaine in the "Fly Me" advert in "The Race" and also appears as one of the maids with tea and crumpets in "Hunting Pink"; she may also be one of the girls draped around Bill in "Superstar", this time under the name of Vaune Craig-Raymond.

Is it really? None of the girls in "Fly me" look at all like the "Henson and Bedges" girl, but she looks very much like the picture posted in this thread.

You can do a lot with make-up though.


Posts: 363



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
17/09/2009 16:31 GMT

wahski :

' Here is pikky of Valerie Leon

Here is link to Henson & Bedges Ad¤t=GoodiesAd-HensonBedges.flv

I didn't realise she was also in Carry On Movies....

Indeed ... and of course it's interesting that her husband was instrumental in "The Goodies" getting on air!


Posts: 363



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
17/09/2009 16:29 GMT

Ingemar :

' Many of the guest stars in Goodies are documented and easy to identify. However, I wonder, is the girl in the "smoking scene" (Henson and Bedges mock ad) in "Goodies in the nick" possibly Valerie Leon? She is only listed as participating in "It might as well be string" but the "nick" girl looks very much like her too.

Ahhhh!  That's Lee Craig Raymond.  She's also Charmaine in the "Fly Me" advert in "The Race" and also appears as one of the maids with tea and crumpets in "Hunting Pink"; she may also be one of the girls draped around Bill in "Superstar", this time under the name of Vaune Craig-Raymond.

Hope that helps!



Posts: 2433



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
17/09/2009 16:24 GMT

Hammer horror too. She did tons of stuff!


Posts: 270



 Subject:  Re: Guest stars in Goodies episodes
17/09/2009 09:27 GMT

Here is pikky of Valerie Leon

Here is link to Henson & Bedges Ad¤t=GoodiesAd-HensonBedges.flv

I didn't realise she was also in Carry On Movies....

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Last modified: 17/09/2009 09:32 GMT by wahski

Posts: 203



 Subject:  Guest stars in Goodies episodes
15/09/2009 19:39 GMT

Many of the guest stars in Goodies are documented and easy to identify. However, I wonder, is the girl in the "smoking scene" (Henson and Bedges mock ad) in "Goodies in the nick" possibly Valerie Leon? She is only listed as participating in "It might as well be string" but the "nick" girl looks very much like her too.


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