Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
27/10/2010 03:26 GMT
In case of bad weather, Greasy Joe's in Acland Street, St Kilda said they'll be very happy to have us as their guests. 
To make sure the GROK members can keep track of what's going on, i'll cross-post this information in the Events forum! I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Last modified: 02/11/2010 23:54 GMT by skinheadskippy
Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
21/10/2010 04:09 GMT
Thanks for that, Lisa - I really didn't want to cancel it, and judging by the amount of people who clicked 'Attending', I won't have to! It'll be great to celebrate the anniversary here in Australia!
20 confirmed so far and the same amount 'maybe attending'! I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Last modified: 26/10/2010 04:39 GMT by skinheadskippy
Posts: 4549

Subject: Re: Get together
20/10/2010 22:52 GMT
I've posted a request for RSVP's on the home page and also over on the Facebook Goodies page. Hope that helps - it'd be a shame if you have a cancel! |
Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
19/10/2010 09:44 GMT
Could any GROK members who are attending (or considering it) please indicate as such by October 31? Numbers are disappointingly small and i'm afraid I may have to cancel the picnic. I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
06/10/2010 20:53 GMT
Thanks Jeff. I've also posted an ad about it on Gumtree. Very few attendees so far. I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Posts: 222

Subject: Re: Get together
27/09/2010 05:12 GMT
Won't be able to make it to the eastern states, but on the plus side we've put up a link to your Facebook event page at the podcast's Facebook page. |
Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
19/09/2010 23:43 GMT
Aaw nuts, it'd be a shame not to have you with us! Hopefully you can join us, even if it is at the last minute. I'd love to meet your little Gilbert and Twinkle. 
I'm still coming up with ideas for Plan B locations in case it rains. There is a rotunda at the Catani Gardens but if it's raining and windy, we'd need an indoor backup.
I've also posted an event invitation on Facebook to find fans and give us an idea of how many to expect. The more, the merrier! If the admin folks over at the GROK Facebook page would be so kind as to post the link on the wall, it'd be greatly appreciated. I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Last modified: 20/09/2010 09:56 GMT by skinheadskippy
Posts: 455

Subject: Re: Get together
19/09/2010 13:26 GMT
Not sure if I'll be able to get to the Melbourne get-together now  "Someone else's" activities and interests always seem to take priority. Nevertheless...I started collecting some things in case I can/do go. I found a white toy mouse that 'squeaks' when you hold or pat it...(He'll be my 'Gilbert') ,and today I got a fluffy, white, toy cat that walks, mews, and purrs (He can be my "Twinkle" (Kitten Kong)). And I have been hunting the internet for a nice Union Jack mug. My search continues... 'Go on...you know it makes sense!' |
Posts: 469

Subject: Re: Get together
02/09/2010 11:10 GMT
No worries Lisa, it wasn't my thread to begin with!
Info about the Melbourne picnic will be in an upcoming issue of the C&G, for those who don't follow the forum as religiously as they should (shame on you!). I myself brought him in last week - drunk and disorderly. But when I sobered up, he'd gone. Sorry. (P.C. BENT) |
Posts: 4549

Subject: Re: Get together
02/09/2010 03:15 GMT
Uncle Truk :
' I'm up in Minnesota, although I would be willing to travel for a Goodies meet-up, provided there is enough prior notice for me to squirrel away some money for travel expenses. I have never been to the New England area, and I would like to travel there. |
Wow, it's great that you're willing to travel for a get together, Uncle Truk! I think New England is lovely, but I'm highly biased. Hopefully we can get a handful of people in the area for a little gathering.
Apologies to skinheadskippy for us Americans unintentionally hijacking this thread! |