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Goodies Galleries for Episode Summaries
28/02/2007 00:30 GMT

Posted by bretta

The Goodies photo galleries for each of my Episode Summaries in the Articles section are now completed to the end of Series Five.  I should have the galleries for the remaining four series completed within the next week.

Email Print

Great Stuff, this is what I have been intending to do for years, and never got around to finishing it.

You're welcome to any screenshots I have already done at

The quality isn't too bad, I've limited them to vcd resolution.

just wondering - should some of the pictures have a rating of them hee hee, there's Bill's bare bum in there somewhere....
Posted by:wahski


date: 22/02/2007 21:07 GMT
Wow, these look great, Brett!  Thanks for all the work you're putting into this project. 
Posted by:lisa

lisa WWW 

date: 23/02/2007 04:25 GMT
Thanks for those kind words Lisa and Wahski.  I won't worry about giving the pictures a rating though - I'll just cover everything in white sheets to keep Mrs Carthorse happy!
Posted by:bretta


date: 24/02/2007 11:09 GMT
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