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The Goodies

fan photos requested for use in BBC 2 documentary
01/11/2005 05:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

The producers of the Goodies BBC Reunion Special (to be broadcast on BBC 2 near Christmas) are requesting the fans' best photos from the April 2000 Kitten Kon convention and the Australian Tour 2005. 

The producers expect fans to send the photos free of charge in order to help them make the BBC Reunion Special.  Please note that they cannot guarantee they will use the photos.  Fans submitting photos should clearly state their name, to be used for the copyright paperwork, and provide contract details (so permission can be sought for any photos that will be used).

Photos should be send in the highest JPEG resolution possible.  There is no limitation to the size of the photos.  If you are sending them via email, they request a maximum of three photos per message (multiple emails are welcome).

Photos can be emailed or sent via post to the following addresses:

Objective North
Barclay House
35 Whitworth Street West
Suite 202
M1 5NG

I imagine it will be helpful for you to send your photos as soon as possible.

Email Print

but i live in australia though will that make a difference?
Posted by:theshufflemaster


date: 07/11/2005 16:46 GMT
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