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artyclarty's Journal
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2005-01-06 05:06:50
My DVD Party
Well its become a bit of a tradition in my group of freinds, but every now and then we all get together for an afternoon of dvds. It was my turn to host so I decided to watch Morecambe and Wise. Out of 12 people only 2 had heard of them! Two!! But to make matters worse, I tried to redeem myself with The Goodies, no-one could dislike them.....WRONG. Every single one of them basically didnt have a clue what was going on. They said it was rubbish (but in much stronger language than that) and how politically incorrect it was. :'(
How life sucks, even worse I have to go back to school tomorrow....more work and exams.

Mood - S'alrite i guess
Music - Richt this sec Franz Ferdinand
Edited - Never

Honestly, kids today. Hugs. Aunty Edna. Which episodes did you make 'em watch?
Posted by:Edna


date: 06/01/2005 06:50 GMT
And you didn't beat some sense into them with black puddings?  Shame on you!
Posted by:zaphod


date: 06/01/2005 19:28 GMT
Damn, knew there was something I was supposed to do.
Put on goodies and the beanstalk, they said that it was 'incorrect' ;(
Posted by:artyclarty

artyclarty WWW 

date: 10/01/2005 19:36 GMT
The Goodies, politically incorrect? Did I miss something? No I dont think so. More a case of trendie buzz word usage by village idiots. Tell your friends to produce a comedy classic and then see how it stands upto the test of time. I am amazed at how many issues that were aired during a comedy show went on to become mainstream political issues. I roughly estimate The Goodies lead time at 10 years.
Posted by:D-Day


date: 06/05/2005 21:49 GMT
tut tut tut The Goodies politically in correct tell ya' what get a black pudding and belt em' once for me;)
Posted by:FuZzY_cHoPs


date: 22/06/2005 17:18 GMT
They must remember that they were made during the '70s so they might be a bit politically incorrect now.
Posted by:ISIRTA


date: 05/02/2006 20:43 GMT
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