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2005-07-05 10:38:32 |
Tight Ass Tuesday |
swoophead |
Its tuesday again and as i didnt get time to see War of the Worlds last week i will go tonight all going well . Its interesting that while the US are sending washing machines to impact with meteors (which i watched with intrest on NASA TV) films of this nature are still very popular . I must say i am looking forward to seeing the footage & information that comes back from this experiment.
Mood - good
Music - Sterophonics , Grandaddy
Edited - Never |
2005-06-30 11:37:59 |
Batman Begins |
swoophead |
i saw this film on tuesday and really enjoyed it , It is very dark And Christian Bale does a great job I enjoyed his character in American Psycho. I wouldnt take young kids as one evil character is quite scary . If you didnt like Batman in the past you will now. I am going to see War Of The Worlds tonight so that will be interesting.
Mood - O.K
Music - Not the Batman Sound track Prince did
Edited - Never |
2005-06-17 08:39:53 |
Team America World Police |
swoophead |
I bought my self a copy of Team America World Police on DVD , I saw the film at the pictures when it came out and i enjoyed it that much i had to get a copy. Now for those who have,nt seen it , it is hilarious . The language is vulgar at times so if you are offended by swearing i would not recommend this film . I am a Thunderbirds fan so the puppets and models are well appreciated in this film. It was made by the guys who made Southpark so the humour is similar, do your self a favour and see this film you wont regret it.
Mood - pumped
Music - Team America theme song (F*** Yeah)
Edited - Never |
2005-06-14 10:02:14 |
Space 1999 |
swoophead |
This weekend i picked up a bargan at my local Kmart store , Space 1999 Boxed set of 6 DVDs with 4 episodes on each disc for $24.99 . I couldnt believe it , i would have paid that for 1 disc . Now i just have to find the time to watch them all .
Mood - Good
Music - Love spit Love , Tatu
Edited - Never |
2005-05-24 14:53:57 |
Canberra/Dr Who |
swoophead |
I had a great weekend in Canberra , it was very cold put pleasant during the middle of the day . We saw most of the sites Parliament house , National Gallery etc . The kids loved the museum , they have lots of activities for them to do . On Saturday night we watched Dr Who which was better than expected , i am looking forward to the rest of the series . Over all had a great weekend .
Mood - Mellow
Music - Simple Minds , Spinal Tap.
Edited - Never |
2005-05-19 12:09:20 |
Canberra for the weekend |
swoophead |
This weekend im off to Exciting Canberra , which should be fun. I am driving up with my family which should take approximately 9 hrs give or take a couple depending on how long we stop on the way. We are catching up with my wifes sister who lives in Darwin and is down for a conference . Anyway i am looking forward to seeing all the galleries etc .
Mood - good
Music - The The , OMD , Alphaville
Edited - 2005-05-24 08:15:53 |
2005-05-03 11:05:32 |
Hitchhikers Guide |
swoophead |
Hopefully i will see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy tonight . I have been waiting a while for it to be releasesd . Tonight is" tight ass tuesday " at our local cinema (half price) . Ive been trying to explain the story to my son to no avail , so i am going to buy the book for him to read.
Mood - Im Excited (Big Kev)
Music - Elvis- Edge of Reality (his best song)
Edited - Never |
2005-04-26 10:55:16 |
Anzac Day Longweekend |
swoophead |
What a weekend i spent most of it painting our picket fence out front what a fiddly job. I hope the solar guard works and i dont have to paint it again for another ten years . 3 coats later its finished . Now to paint the rest of the house.
Mood - Tired
Music - The Bravery , New Orders new album
Edited - Never |
2005-04-15 13:39:51 |
ABC Shop |
swoophead |
I went into the ABC shop yesterday and checked out the merchandise on sale (Goodies Related ) and i couldnt get over how much they have . Hats , fridge magnets , key rings , approns , Tshirts etc . Now all i need is the money to buy the things. Well done ABC shop.
Mood - Broke
Music - Loyd Cole & the Commotions
Edited - Never |
2005-04-12 13:52:34 |
second helping |
swoophead |
;[tt]DWell i bought the dvd at last and i was amazed how well i remembered the episodes. I watched all the dvd in one hit and loved every minute of it. You can notice how much longer each episode is , the GAYBC much of chopped quite a bit.
Mood - good
Music - KLF, Elvis , Spinal Tap
Edited - Never |
2005-03-31 11:52:45 |
Easter Break |
swoophead |
Well we had a short break for easter 4 day weekend. So i took my family on a day trip to an old gold mining town of Walhalla in Victoria . It is very isolated and about a 2hr drive from Melbourne , this town is very small with a population of about 10 im told . During holidays etc the population swells . You can do tours of the old mines and they have a historic train ride. We really enjoyed the trip and i would recommend it to anyone.
Mood - relaxed
Music - Killing Joke, Utah Saints, Simple Minds
Edited - Never |
2005-03-24 09:00:43 |
Day of the Triffids |
swoophead |
Well this morning i thought i would shop online and look for the early eighties TV series Day of the Triffids. I prefer this version to the sixties movie . Anyway you can buy it so i might just have to check the ABC Shop first . If not buy it online .
Mood - Good
Music - This Mortal Coil,
Edited - Never |
2005-03-23 14:24:25 |
Avatar |
swoophead |
I changed my avatar again today , i thought the Clockwork Orange one was a bit full on . Oh well you cant go wrong with a Goodies image so that is what i have done untill i get bored with that.
Mood - fine
Music - Fun Boy Three,Stranglers
Edited - Never |
2005-03-22 09:18:58 |
Weekend wedding. |
swoophead |
Well another weekend gone , I went to a wedding in Melbourne . It was on a boat which cruised around the Docklands area , the Groom was Scottish so there was pipes and kilts everywhere .About 60 guests so it was a big boat , but i must say the music was not so good (Jenifer Lopez , Scatman? etc ) anyway we had a great time .
Mood - good
Music - Telex,Echo & the Bunnymen
Edited - Never |
2005-03-16 13:29:30 |
Long weekend Tomorrow People |
swoophead |
Well we just had a long weekend (labour Day) and the weekend still went to Quick . I did have time to watch the Tomorrow People on DVD . The original series of course , does anybody remember this 70s television series? I love it anyway and had to watch it on my own as my wife finds it boring. Oh well back to work we go .
Mood - Futuristic
Music - Gary Numan, MiSex,Aliens
Edited - Never |
2005-03-12 10:24:03 |
ABC Shop |
swoophead |
I was shopping at Chadstone Shopping Centre in Melbourne yesterday when i walked past the ABC Shop and on the large screen out front was The Goodies. I decided to have my dinner out front of the shop and watch the 2nd series on the screen. ( Shop is next to food court ).
Mood - Relaxed
Music - Morrisey , The Smiths,The Fall
Edited - Never |
2005-03-09 09:15:36 |
Goodies on UKTV |
swoophead |
Well i got home from work last night at a reasonable time to see The Goodies on UKTV . The episode was radio Goodies and i remember it well , had a great laugh as did my family.
Mood - good
Music - TransX, Belle&Sebastian
Edited - Never |
2005-03-08 13:37:21 |
Avatars |
swoophead |
Some people may have noticed i keep changing my avatar. I hope this does'nt annoy to many people i just cant seem to settle on the one image. If you like any of my avatars please let me know.  Alternatively you could let me know if you dislike any of my avatars.
Mood - Indecisive
Music - Blue Nile, Air, Daft Punk
Edited - 2005-03-12 12:34:23 |
2005-03-08 08:46:04 |
Tonights the night. |
swoophead |
Cant wait till tonight , i hope to buy some merchandise . If not i will go to the ABC shop. [img][/img]
Mood - Im Excited
Music - Jimmy & the Boys,Joy Division
Edited - Never |
2005-03-07 11:28:16 |
Goodies ticket |
swoophead |
Well i have tickets and cant wait till tomorrow night, the reviews look great so i hope i will meet some other Goodies fans.
Mood -
Music - Depeche Mode, New Order,Meo245
Edited - 2005-03-08 08:38:52 |
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