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Kel_13's Journal |
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2008-10-23 16:53:20 |
shame on me |
Kel_13 |
well shame on me for not updating this more often! but i been busy with my new bub! little brandon was 4th september 08! and my daughter just loves him! he certainly has been keepin me busy especially when your not used to been up every 2 hrs of the night and you get to watch all the kool infomercials! and those gross ads asking you to "call me" ewwww. i will try to keep this updated i just forgot about it than i came in and read over my enties lol some funny stuff anyway till next time!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-09-13 17:12:11 |
my bad |
Kel_13 |
my bad indeed i need to do this more often anyway it been a couple weeks since the silverchair/ powderfinger concert which was awsome! got me a couple of shirts and what not! not much really has been up in this quiet lil town i call home
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-04-08 09:37:38 |
Dream |
Kel_13 |
ok weird dream time i was at a goodies show and i got there by accident but wasn't complaining anyway i was sitting in an isle seat and ofcourse the show was great and timbo walked up the middle and everyone was patting him on the back and cheering and he walkied passed me and i grabbed his hand and i wouldn't let go till he gave me a kiss on the cheek and anyway the aftermath of that was i forgot i had ahold of his hand and he was trying to get me to let go . so after all that everyone else left except for me and a couple of other people and i felt kinda silly coz i felt like a stalker soi went to see if i could see them 1 last time and they had fallin alseep in their rooms so by then i decided to leave.
i'll say no more
Mood - happy 4 once!
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-03-26 18:03:33 |
been a while |
Kel_13 |
has been a while since i made an entry i guess not a lot has been going on in my happy lil life. I sent my letter off to timbo last week yesi know he is touring and what not so just for him i will have Patience . Easter is fastly approaching again where did all the days in the year go? lucky this year we are off to the eater show so that should be a whole lot of fun! well i guess thats all from me till next time!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-02-25 10:36:03 |
i went to a party..... |
Kel_13 |
I went to a party.... (Please sign& copy to ur journal )
went to a party, And remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mum So I had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would, That I didn't drink and drive, Though some friends said I should. I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right, The party finally ended, And the kids drove out of sight I got into my car, Sure to get home in one piece, I never knew what was coming, Mum Something I expected least Now I'm lying on the pavement And I hear the policeman say, The kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mum, his voice seems far away My own blood's all around me, As I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, This girl is going to die. I'm sure the guy had no idea While he was flying high, Because he chose to drink and drive, Now I would have to die. So why do people do it, Mum Knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me, Like a hundred stabbing knives. Someone should have taught him, That it's wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents had, I'd still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mum I'm getting really scared. These are my final moments, And I'm so unprepared. I wish that you could hold me Mum, As I lie here and die. I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mum!" So I love you and good-bye.
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) IS HOPING TO GET 5,000 SIGNATURES ON THIS,
1 .. Adam Ross Kalesperis 2. Deanne Perozzi 3. Raphal Nash 4. Courtney Easter 5. James Chandler. 6. Tracy Lamont 7. Traci Arbisi 8. Faye Hollenbeck 9. Devin E. Davis 10. Starla Shaver 11. Theresa Brehm 12. Lisa Brehm 13. Courtney Barnett 14. Erika Hurst 15. Kym Moschgat 16. Michael Hansen 17. Matt Weston 18. Laura Bunch 19. Daniel Lawson 20. Ashley Byrd 21. Brian Chadwell 22. Bonnie Morrical 23. Susan S 24. Michele Zader. 25. Denise Marie Haines 26. Keshia Marie Siders 27. Amy Sue Tresenrider 28. Tracie Balthaser 29. Diana Kaufman 30. Brooke Newkirk 31. AARONBLACKBURN 32. Christina M.B. 33. Crystal Mckenzie 34. Kate Laroche 35. C! allie Firman 36. Christy Turner 37. Rebecca Turner 38. Elena Thomas 39. Missy Burke 40. Erin McCalla 41. Lindsay Potrafke 42. Jenny Eckel 43. Cassandra Duggan 44. Amy Liebisch 45. Eric Widmeyer 46. Alisa Huth 47. Pam Augustine 48. Leanne Trdinich 49. Megan LeDonne 50. Kristen Kennedy 51. Mara Bennardo 52. Lisa Wilt 53. Amanda Pieta 54. David DiCosol 55. Connie Carozza 56. Jaime Jacoby 57. Erin Edm! unds 58. Erin Berecek 59. Becky Porter 60. Alana Miller 61. Carrie Vermillion 62. Susan Spearing 63. Gaye Sougstad 64. LynnSnider 65. DavidShores 66. Carol Conway 67. Natalie Fair 68. Alissa Lloyd 69. Rebecca Wheeler 70. Lisa Riedel 71. Eric Vaughan 72. Danielle Seaman 73. Elizabeth Ambrose 74. Katy Mahannah 75. Susan Hall 76. MIRANDA CUNDY!! 77. Meg Kells-Murphy 78. Samantha Kaiser 79. Travis Lincoln 80. Randy 81. Chris Virgate 82. Matthew Burbles 83. Crystal Dambowsky 84. Kyle freaken McEneany 85. Krystal Scharn 86. Lau!ra Rothrock 87. Bethany Bucci 88. Amy Sat! kevich 89. Christine Rich 90. Courtney Reilly 91. Lauren Tighe 92. Jac! kie White 93. Liz Farrell 94. Kathryn M. 95. Heather Anne Lowery 96. Katie Jo 97. Cara Brenner 98. Emily Green 99. Emily Harris 100. Emily Chen 101. Sarah Schererm 102. Eric Eisenberg 103. SlickDan Goldstein 104. Abby Kimmelman 105. Alyssa Lee 106. David Hoffman 107. Celia Kather 108. Susan Ginn 109. Carly Smith 110. Anna Karis 111. Alison Deffenbaugh 112. Litzi Paredes 113. Teresa Eldridge 114. Stephanie Reese 115. Jamie Turner 116. Jenny Showalter 117. Meg Wooldridge 118. Kevin T$chai 119. Loan Nguyen 120. Elizabeth Yorns 121. Katie McGowan 122. Angie Henderson 123. The Troyfish of VT 124. Natalie Corrigan of VT 125. Dyanis Conrad 126. Vasil! Popov 127. Marie Huitt 128. Jessi McMa! han 129. Courtney Kelly 130. Tracy Smithsher 132. Sally J. James- in memory of... 133. Rachael Harness 134. Jan E. Conley 135. Kari M.Fellers 136. Dawn Love 137. Staci Smith 138. Douglas Blair 139. Brooke Rhea 140. Rachel Hammons 141. Brian Gallion 142. Ben Morrow 143. William Burden 144. Erica M. Smothers 145. Jason Wilchie 146. Frank Smith 147. Kevin Rider 148. Matt Masley- In memory of Alison, killed by drunk driver/1998. 149. Deepak Deean 150. Liz Dedrick 151. Jessa 152. Maureen (MO 153. Dawn O. 154. Paul M.~Peewee 155. Vanessa R.~Venus 156. RyanCabral (stangman) 157. Rachel Miller 158! Christy Fairlie 159. Julie Snyder 160. Alex La 161. Mariah Reyes 162. Brandon Castrejon 163. Ashley L 164. Jeffrey Yamauchi 165. Lois Kuo 166. Priscilla Kuo 167. Me! i W.W 168. Gennie W. Alasagas 169. P.J. R. Alasagas 170. Charina Gonzales 171. Nieves M. Ague 172. Calley Redd 173. Alexandra Hart 174. Lisa Peterson 175. Amber Neil 176. Mandy Cox 177. MICHELLE REQUA 178. Meghan Anne Meyer --- In memory of James & Kendall died from drunk driver01/01/96 . 179. LAUREN BUTTLAR 180. Brandie Thomas 181. Lorianna Moreno 182. Kris Jensen - In memory of Pat Byrd, killed by a drunk driver 01/99 183. Katie Essig 184. Jenny Haney- In memory of Shane Moore & Anthony Saucedod - July 9, 2000 when they were driving drunk. 185. Kim Jones 186. Sarah Bellamy 18! 7. Jon McInturff 188.ElizabethPrice 189. Lesley Kuras 190. Kellyn Blossom 191. Jenna Cullinane 192. Katherine Gritter 193. Ben Thompson 194. Andrea Durell - In memory of the choad car... 195. Erin Rae Lengkeek 196. Tiffany Megan Lott 197. Carrie Deathriage 198. Melissa Mao 199. Emily Leong 200. Jill Burkholder 201. Meghan Cloud 202. SLS 203. Karen Roy 204. Kasey Kniffin 205. Tom Miyashiro - this is for u joe... 206. Jesse Jet Bellefleur 207. Pamichic 208. Fionaap 209. Ann McDermott 210. Gina Cerrito 211. Johnny Horn 212. Melissa Coleman 213. Morgan Saltsgiver 214. Erin Warrner 215. Jennifer Warrner 216. Kayla JOY McKenzie 217. Alison L. 218. Denise M. Malagari 219. Amber Lynn Chesebrough 220. Holly Chesebrough 221. Daryl DuLong 222. Diana Lupa 223. Todd J. Pipitone 224. Eric W. Davies 225. Kristin Landis 226. Dave Woods 227. S.Whitney 228. Christina Sweeder 229. Sanam de Lorme 230. Lindsey Eigenbrode 231. Meredith Keller 232. Candice Roubin 233. ANGEL** 234. Kathleen 235. Alex Rowe 236. Rachel "T" Thompson 237. Abe Thompson 238. David Dare 239. Sarah Gullemette 240. Ben Cormier 241. DevonSmith 242. Ashley 243. Amy 244. Nicole Thibodeau 245. Katie Wallace 246. Jess! ica Shanahan 247. Brianna Harmer 248. Mary E. Sundberg 249. Kri! sten Sundberg 250. Lindsay Chandler 251. Heather King 252. Nyleen Veigas 253. Catrina Basset 254. Melissa Ford 255. Ashlie Johnson- In memory of my beloved John Doe- 256. Ashley Jackson 257. Mark Pepperdine 258. Colleen Pepperdine 259. Monica Waldrop 260. RebekahMartinez 261. Heather VonKahle - my brother was killed by drunk 262. Kristina Yager 263. Shane Peters 264. PFC Jamison Hurley Military Police Corps. U.S.ARMY 265. PFC Daniel Brown Transportation Corps. U.S.ARMY 266. Kyla Parker 267. Angel Acevedo- in loving memory of Jason StofregenKurt Hughes Stock 268. Linda Maberry - In Memory of My Son Jason ! - killed7/16/2000drunk driver 269. Stacy Stafford - In Loving Memory of Jason Stofregen 270. Peyton Potter 271. SheltonPotter 272. Diane Calhoun 273. Sgt Northrop, Linda USMC 274.Lcpl Broadstreet, Monica USMC 275. Ben Senter 276. ChadWhite 277. Eric Clark 278. Julie Smith 279. Dawn Hurley 280. Melissa Baxter 281. Dave Kothstein 282. Mary Whisler 283. George Whisler 284. Joshua Whisler 285. Dave Ivey 286. Sheri Ivey 287. Dave Ivey II 288. Jessica Ivey 289. Rose Ivey 290. Dorie Masterstefone 291. Michael McCarrhaer 292. Maria Hamm 293. Rebecca Hamm 294. Deana Montoro 295. Nancy Lopez 296. Mark Lopez 297. Grace Kieley 298. Becky Gatti 299. Carolyn Showers 300. Robert Hatton 301. TRACY ANGELO 302. KURT ANGELO 303. June Authier 304. Robin Authier 305. Sarah Frey 306. Kathy Breneman 307. Frank Breneman 308. Erin Breneman 309. Jim Cascio 310. Kim Cascio 311. Kate Wolgemuth 312. Stefanie Heagy 313. Ginger Heagy 314. Barry Heagy ! 315. Graham Heagy 316. Gabe Heagy 317. Heather Heagy 318. Megan Heagy 319. Liisa Heagy 320. Christine Heagy 321. Danielle Gehman 322. Sarah Bechtel 323. Megan Vascellaro 324. Alexa Vascellaro 325. Ashley Blount 326. Kristin Blount 327. Scott Blount 328. Ruth Blount 329. Nolan Blount 330. Roger Blount 331. Susan Warner 332. Paige Warner 333. Dang Warner 334. Mark Costrello 335. Janna Yacks 336. Amy Brunner Aka Mr.P!nK (lol mis and nicky) 337. Skye Ruf 338. Deanna LaMasster(CABBAGEPRETZLE!!!) 339. Amanda 340. Ryan 341. Tim Longenecker 342. Joan Smith 343. Andrea Watkins 344. Gail A'Brunzo 345. Lindsey A'Brunzo and Steve Harding- 346. Destiny Sommer 347. Meredith McMurtrie 348. Lynne (Eckman! ) Henry 349. Christy Knight 350. Kimyia Varzi 351. Patti Kim 352. Kathy Chu 353. Emma Otsuji 354. Cynthia K. Estradathis 355. Brent A. Osorio 356. Ana J Alatorre 357. Keith Osorio 358. Becky Pfeifer 359. Alizabeth Pfeifer 360. Raeanne Pfeifer 361. Theresa Pfeifer 362. William D. Pfeifer 363. Carol Pfeifer 364. William H.Pfeifer ! ;366. Quyen Pfeifer 367. AsiaPfeifer 368. ZionPfeifer 369. Tom Pfeifer 370. Jolene Kostenbader,cm 371. David Kostenbader,cm 372. B! ela Gecsey, Costa Mesa , Ca 373. Tiffany Gecsey, Costa Mesa , Ca 374. Nicole Kahn 375. Mark Kahn 376. Tina Garrett 378. Adam Garrett/ Fire Fighter/Paramedic Belton, MO_Ran a call 4/28, Drunk driver head on collision on 71 Hwy, Harrisonville Mo. Killed one, critically injured 5 flown to Children's Mercy. Please sign and forward. 379. Victor L. Watson, Collierville , TN. 380. Christine R. Watson, Collierville , TN. 381. Cindy Smith.Memphis , Tn 382.Buddy Smith, Memphis , Tn 383. KelleyFrans Memphis , Tn. 384. Tammie Dawson, Memphis , Tn. 385. Dale Dawson, Memphis , Tn. 386. J.T. Norris, Memphis , TN 387. Wendy Brown 388. Kathy Garazin, IL 389. Heather Rae Hackett, IL 390. Edward Crane, .391 Linda Gallagher.. 392. Kellie Risk
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-01-28 10:45:04 |
Aussie day + a weird dream |
Kel_13 |
Howdy Well Aussie day i didn't really plan to drink much but i guess it got out of hand And after 12 drinks i felt pretty good still that was until i went to bed and layed down and my head started spinning...but i didn't get sick till the next morning so i'll spare ya'll to details and move on! last night i had this dream that i was with my ex best friend and she told me she didn't like the way i done some things so i said well i don't like people telling me what to do! and with that she got the sh*ts and left!
The end!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-01-25 10:59:54 |
My Daily Horoscope! |
Kel_13 |
January 25, 2007 Your emotional ambitions and ideals slowly and gradually shift toward a new focus. This is a period of rebirth and renewed optimism in relationships. You feel ready to start a fresh new beginning in your life. This is the perfect time to develop new goals and a new vision of yourself.
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2007-01-03 12:34:38 |
Happy 2007 |
Kel_13 |
[color=Purple]Yes im 3 days late but hey! had a pretty quiet new years this year as everyone had to work or be else where didn't really get drunk even though i had 8 drinks and was on my best behaviour well i hope this year wont be as busy and somewhat heartbreakin as the last one as we lost a few famous faces...all there is to say BRING IT ON 2007[color]
Mood - cheerful
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-11-04 11:57:02 |
New Zealand trip! |
Kel_13 |
Hi ppl I been back a while but been busy gettin thing back in order after we got back so hee is a update: Monday 16th october we drive to sydney as we decided to get a flight from there as its cheaper and we stayed the night at a friends house and their daughter drove us to the airpoet the next morning at 5am so we had to be up early out flight left at 8:50 or sumthang so yeah Tuesday 17th october we fly into christchurch and get there at 4pm they are somthing like 3 hrs ahead coz they started daylight saving at the start of oct and wind thereclocks forward 2 hrs i think so that got to me while there, so we stayed the night at christchurch then wednesday 18th our hire car came then we travelled 5 hrs south and got to a place calledDunedin stayed the night and had a look around the next morning(thursday 19th) the ncontinued on south and got to Invercagill which was cold as!! i had to go buy a jacket as the 1 i had wasn't doing its job! so friday 20th morning before leaving invercagill our rent-a-car dies! so we have to call the company and they were kind enough to find as another rent a car in that town so after all that we continued onto queenstown when we got into a motel we took a look around they have some wonderful sites there anyway saturday 21st we got up and went on a cable car ride up a mountain where they have a resturant up there so we took sum pix of the view form the top of queenstown which was heaps nice! then when back down and decided to head to a place 15mins away called arrowtown where they done some lord of the rings shooting there and we looked aronud and got some pix and that so from there we went back to queenstown into a place called deer park heights where more lord of the ringsshooting was done which was really awsome yes they do have deer on deer park heights as well as donkey's goats bison yak and whatever else and ucan feed em and some come up to the window of ur car which is frightenening so sunday we took a better look around shops and everything had lunch at the resturant on top of the mountain which was nice then monday 23rd we went ot the kiwi bird park which was interesting after that we seen some people out on the water on a paraflight ride and decided that we MUST do that so we did and when it was my turn the weather was gettin abit windy so here i was 600 ft in the air and blowin around like rubbish in the wind! it was awsome though!! so tuesday the 24th morning we headed back to christchurch to have a better look around there then wed25th we went to the cookie facoty which was cool and were getting depressed as we had to leave for back to sydney the next day soall up the holiday was awsome and Amy seemed to enjoy it all too its a place id definatly go back to! and recommend to anyone!
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Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-10-09 18:01:31 |
Special But Usless Facts |
Kel_13 |
*There is still an estimated 100,000 tonne of gold left in the ground of california *No Words in the english language rhyme with orange, silver or month. *An earthworm would take 822 years to eat through a corpse *The mona lisa has no eyebrows *There's a one in 2.8 million chance you'll die by falling down a hole *
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-10-06 18:12:40 |
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have? |
Kel_13 |
Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes. You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time. You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it. Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.
You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-09-29 12:47:45 |
Friends |
Kel_13 |
Dear Goodie journal just needed to get a little somthing off my chest that ha been a little bothering My bestie's work place is been repaired so she has not worked since the end of august i thought that was bad for her but then maybe we can spend some time doing stuff as we never really got to as she was working so much and what not but i have not seen her since my wedding 3 weeks ago and i know it works both ways but i have issues with her boyfriend so i won't go see her i know its silly but i just don't like some of the things he has done and now because of him and all i hardly see her because she told me its one of those things she had to sacrifice to be with him :'( which is hardly fair i have already lost 2 other friends 1 decided that drugs were more important and the other decided to hell with us i have party's and party drugs which are better! She is a great person and i hate for anything to happen to our friendship
Mood - peeved
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-09-17 14:29:12 |
Wedding Update! |
Kel_13 |
Well Hello Just thought i'd take this time to update my wedding starts with a little bit of a shambles as we worked out we had forgotton a couple of peopleso we needed extra tables for reception...anyway i get back to pinky's (one of my bridesmaids) to get hair and everything done it was a long prosscess and i was worried about the weather it looked good but then it started to cloud over but luckily the rain held off until the reception and also lucky for shaun that he was feeling alright to get through the ceremony as the night before got out of hand with one of his mates buying him beers at the pub with shots of who knows what in it! we were also worried that the cake lady wasn't going to show as she is old but she did make it and the cake looked great!! so we got throught everything and got some pretty awsome pressies! which im glad so as soon as i get pix i will post em in my space! It has been a week since and all week our 3 year old has been so sick with the god awful flu vomiting and what not, so we were in and out of hospital for 2 days with them saying they couldn't do anything even though she wasn't able to hold anything she ate or drank down! i am happy to say though that today she seems a LOT better! well guess thats all from me for now so till again take care! p.s. here is a pic hope it works
Mood - Happy!!
Music -
Edited - 2006-11-11 15:49:22 |
2006-08-25 17:47:55 |
2 weeks to go |
Kel_13 |
Dear Goodie Journal Well it been a while since i been here, I have been quiet busy getting wedding things organised with only 2 weeks to go! where has time gone! all the hours of the day seem to dissapear! The only thing i am worried about concerning the wedding is the weather! it hasn't been to bad thus far which i hope can stay that way till after all is done! but knowing m and my rn of bad luck i'll just ave to wait and see and wish for the good weather to stay the way it is well haven't got a lot to ramble about so im off to enjoy a few cold ones!  till next time!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-07-02 16:22:03 |
Wedding dream |
Kel_13 |
Dear Goodie Journal It was one of those odd weird dreams it was my wedding day and everything was so dis-organised i had to get dressed at my place and do my own hair and make up as my firend forgot to book the hairdresser and while doing that i had to yell and scream at the groom to be to get off the lounge and go get dressed! And then out of no where the limo driver shows up and it was like 6pm so he had been in town for 4 hrs already so we was running just a little bit late...lucky for me this was all just a dream
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-05-31 19:38:31 |
Alive! |
Kel_13 |
After 3 days of been shot down with the rotten flu i have bounced back enough to make a journal entry thats if my computer doesn't chuck a spaz before i get to finish but anyway just been in bed for 3 days so i guess not a lot has really happened. Apparently i have been booked for next wednesday to go horse riding with my bestie and her sister i haven't been riding in years so that should be interesting and i hope this time i get a horse that works!!...anyway i may make another enrty after that to complain how sore i am haha so till them bye ya'll
Mood - meh
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-05-17 17:52:17 |
alone |
Kel_13 |
It been i long day we went shopping in tamworth to get that all was needed for my little girl Amy's birthday this sunday she will be turning 3! which is hard to believe it didn't seem that long but anyway im a little upset that my bestie won't be here for the day due to work commitments and such but there nothin i can do about that. As the title say i am alone tonight as my other half has gone to armidale to a mates place to watch the Anthony mundine fight but hey its alone time! i can fill it full of goodies watching well anyway i'll be off till next time i am me and your not
Mood - lonely
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-05-10 13:20:10 |
At Last.... |
Kel_13 |
Dear Goodie Journal Yes At Last i got the 1948 show on dvd after hearing so much about it and being possibly the only goodie fan who didn't have it! but anyway i am watching it as i type this and i am absolutley loving it! anyway with that i am getting distracted so i'll be on my way to watch
Mood -
Music -
Edited - 2006-05-16 11:41:18 |
2006-05-03 18:24:36 |
Dreams |
Kel_13 |
Dear Blog I've been having those things you have sometimes called dreams i guess the 1st one was all about my wedding day and it pissed poured rain so without a back up plan we somehow managed to end up at the school in which we both attended and we were under the awnings near our woodtech room and all the teachers were there and as i was walking past the primary school toilets i noticed that one of the most hated teaches "Mr wood" was trying to dance to the music...he was doing the YMCA or some crap and looked REALLY goofy! but anyway the day went ahead and all was good and iwoke up anyway the dream i had last night ws kinda odd but not as i am always dreaming about my Ex best friend and how we are still friends and blah anyway somehow we went to brisbane to visit my other so called friend up there and he was doin well and he asked for pix of my wedding likei haven't herd from him in probably 2 years but anyway it was just a dream so i can't make to much out of it. Any who thats about it from me till next time
Mood - blah
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-04-29 09:57:18 |
saturdays |
Kel_13 |
Dear Goodie Journal It is saturday morning 10:19am by my computer clock i should be cleaning the house as we are going to tamworth to check out what bargains they got down that way maybe i will find a half decent shirt with sleeves that go all the way down my arm unlike the dodgy 1 i got from armidale. Anyway We took out little 1 to see ice age 2 the other night it cost us $12 each to get in and with food and all it was a grand total of $45 RIPPED!! it used to be like $8.50 to get in! but all in all the movie was alright i did enjoy the first 1 and this 1 was ok as well. Well i guess thats all from me i better go and finish what i was doin before my other half gets back till next time!!
Mood - awake
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-04-28 20:38:50 |
still 1 to go |
Kel_13 |
hey all at this time i am watching friday night games which links to our 2006 series of big brother, i haven't really found it as intersesting as some of the previouse years but it is only early (sum 1 on msn is p*ssin me off on purpose) back to the real world i just had to worst case of indigestion from having drunk 3 UDL's (vodka mixed with passionfruit) i thought i was gunna die...yes ok laugh if u must *pauses for laughs* it was only 3! as i am getting weak when it comes to alcohol it must be old age yes i know 23 ain't that old but it seems old to me...anyway response to bondgirl in my last entry maybe i did buy sumthing in a sex shop whilst the boys where like kids in a candy shop... ...i am now on 9 entrys befor getting my journal badge so hopefully i will have more to blab about soon so until then thats all from me....*stops and wonders if any of the goodies who visit the site read the journals* HI TIM!! if they do!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - 2006-04-29 09:45:31 |
2006-04-27 09:05:00 |
joke time |
Kel_13 |
hello there tis me for another entry but with so little to say i thought i'd just post a joke...enjoy
A young cowboy walks into a seedy café in Arizona. He sits at the counter and notices an old cowboy sitting alone with his arms folded, staring blankly at a full bowl of chilli. After 15minutes of staring at the old guy’s chilli, the young cowboy bravely asks. “If you aint gonna eat that, mind if I do?” the older cowboy slowly turns his head towards the young wrangler and in his best cowboy manner says “nah, go ahead.” Eagerly, the young cowboy reaches over and slides the bowl over to his place and starts spooning it in with delight. He gets nearly down to the bottom and notices a dead mouse in the chilli. He sight was shocking and he immediately pukes up the chilli into the bowl. The old cowboy quietly says, “Yep, that’s as far as I got, too.”
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-04-14 11:02:42 |
the trip story |
Kel_13 |
Well as most of you know i have returned from my townsville trip, it took us 2 full days to get there from uralla in nsw. We got as far as bundaburg in the first day and still had over 1000kilometers to go from there as our navigational system told us so it took us like 5mins to pack our things and on our way it was like 6:30am and already 26degrees we were sleeping with the air conditioner on all night. On day 2 it seem to take forever with not much to look at but sugar cane LOTS of sugar cane!! anyway we get to townsville at about 7pm and my brothers place was so hot!! anyway we were there for a while and went back to our motel which was the queensland womens accociation and my other half was feeling a lil uncomfortable staying there so we shipped out the next morning. The day before the wedding my mother and i went to the hens night and was only there a couple hours and then went back where the lads were having the bucks night so they wanted to go back out to the pub so i went along and got kinda slooshed and somehow we ended up in a sex shop and yeah not much else i can say about that...the wedding the next day was good apart from the weather it poured rain! and coz i was bridesmaid we got pix taken in the wet! anway after all that we recovered enough to get ready to head home for another 2 full days in the car so by that stage i was glad to get back on New south wales ground! but all in all it was good to get away. well thats all for that story till next time!
Mood - fine
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-03-19 16:05:00 |
2 weeks to go! |
Kel_13 |
Well it is me again for yet another journal entry. I have just realised that there is only 2 week to go till we head up to townsville for my brothers wedding and hear i was rushing around getting everything set for mine! 2 weeks!! its like a 2-3 day drive from here and we have to take the old folks up with us in the wagon will be a long and interesting trip shall be away for like 10 days though no one will miss me im sure. But anyway i shall be off there is still heaps of things to do before then till next time!!
Mood - happy!
Music - Left outside alone - Anastasia
Edited - Never |
2006-03-16 18:09:10 |
so busy |
Kel_13 |
How busy i have been with planning my wedding for this year! we were thinking of changing the date so everything fits in well and so then i can get the invites sent out! All this expence and just been really busy but lucky for me i have my 2 bridesmaids to help and i thank them for all they have done anyway besides all that not a lot has happened so i'll be on my merry way till next time!!
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Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-02-05 13:07:09 |
weekends.... |
Kel_13 |
Dear Journal Its yet another weekend. We all headed to the show last night just to see the smash up derby's it was probably the only night that the show here was busy since i herd there was only 50 ppl there the night before and considering there is 2500 people in our town thats pretty sad! the show gets worse each year and the derby is like the only thing to look forward to! well it is sunday a day for relaxing in front of the air conditioner since we are still experiencing a heat wave watching not much on the telly. well thats all so till i think of anything else to add to my jounal i bid u all a farwell![b][/b]
Mood - tired
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-01-07 22:13:49 |
yay a scar!! |
Kel_13 |
Well yesterday i got my stiches out leaving me with another scar but its not really going to bother me well maybe it will when it comes to my wedding day which i hope to be this year i'll have to wear a speacial arm band hehe nah it'll be fine like i said im tough!!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - Never |
2006-01-01 19:18:37 |
Happy New Year!! |
Kel_13 |
Dear journal Welcome to 2006! I spent new years eve at the hospital because i had caught my upper left arm on some bird wire requiring me to get 9 stitches. But anyway we decided to stay home and have a old fashioned aussie bbq for new years not forgetting a few drinks of course but we didn't start drinking till 10pm as we were waiting on a friend to finish work and show up and then got stuck into them the night all in all was pretty good. After realising the sun was about to come up we figured it was time to go pass out! and no today i worked out i has about 15 drinks which explains me feeling a lil worse for wear. Tis yet another year a new start and hopefully a year full of goodies!! till next time!
Mood - tired
Music - Bob the builder :S
Edited - Never |
2005-12-29 18:05:51 |
i have returned |
Kel_13 |
Dear journal Well there goes yet another x mas for another year we headed off to thirroul in sydney and the weather was scorching hot! I got my tasty box set for chrissy finally! to add to the small collection for now got back last night at about 8:30pm and spent all today cleaning the house and realised that we actualy had carpet under all that mess! Well now that i have finally taken the time to make my very 1st entry im gonig to head off and continue browsing this brilliant forum. till next time!
Mood -
Music -
Edited - 2005-12-30 09:21:15 |
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