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Bertha Torr

Posts: 65

Bertha Torr


 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
02/06/2021 20:55 GMT

Good spotting, BritOzMan. I see Martin is on the case and posted there 5th May. No reply yet but I'll be checking that site periodically.

I don't have to take this kind of thing from you, you know! But I'm going to...

Posts: 52



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
01/05/2021 13:25 GMT

Looking at this forum post on a cricketing website, there is a guy who mentions that he has episodes of The Goodies taped on either VHS or Betamax (He didn't mention which format he had The Goodies episodes on specifically). Maybe someone on here could contact him, and ask him what episodes he has. The link to this forum post is below.


Posts: 80



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
17/03/2020 04:59 GMT

Not to get anyone too excited ...

The little wheels are spinning again.

We were hopeful the crowdfund documentary would be an avenue to get the search out there, but this ABC radio show will do for the moment.

[From description]
John Williams, ABC TV and film archivist, Warren Coleman director and screenwriter, and Jeff Walker, Goodies podcast host, join Indira Naidoo to talk all things Goodies.

--, the South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club, Inc.

Posts: 13



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
23/09/2018 13:40 GMT

OK, so after looking at the program listings for 1979, 1980 and 1981, as supplied to by MartinAgain's personal research on the topic, I've remembered a few things that I had forgotten. In 1979 there was a run of about 50 or so episodes and I had decided to begin recording them on my brother's Betacord video recorder, beginning with Tower of London, after the ABC had played some random episodes prior to this. During these recording sessions there were numerous black and white broadcasts of what we now know were episodes that no longer existed in colour thanks to the BBC wipefest of the early 70s. The first black and white broadcast was on a Thursday, followed by another black and white one for the next Goodies broadcast on the following Monday. For the life of me I couldn't work out why the ABC was broadcasting black and white copies in amongst the colour ones. At the time I thought they were just having trouble with their playback devices and we lucked out that it was happening on episodes like Come Dancing. A little later on the original Kitten Kong was broadcast in black and white and was recorded onto my video tapes. A few weeks after that the Montreux version of Kitten Kong was broadcast in colour. By this time I had begun recording episodes onto a new tape as the first one was full. So I decided to keep switching between the two tapes in order to compare the differences between the two versions. This is when I mentally noted the different song segments, the difference in the scene where the lads get into their mouse suits, and the difference in the ending when the giant mice appear. I think there was also a "bloody hell" in one which was a "ruddy hell" in the other, but I could be wrong on that one. I then kept recording the episodes as broadcast until the ABC decided to stop showing them, so I ended up with about 40 episodes on tape, and I'm pretty sure the final episode I recorded for that run was Superstar as I remember thinking that was a crappy episode to end on. I waited and waited for the show to come back on, but it never did for the rest of the year. What happened to the tapes? I don't know. I could have re-recorded over them, or they could have just ended up as landfill after we eventually changed to VHS when Beta fell through for the home market. But this shows that there was at least one broadcast of the original Kitten Kong in Black and White in 1979. There may also have been a broadcast in 1980, but I only ever remember seeing it the once apart from viewing the recording I made for a few times to compare it with the later version. So there's a possibility that other people in Australia remember this broadcast, and a smaller possibility that other people in Australia recorded the broadcasts onto video tape in 1979 as well as me. Do any of these recordings still exist? Who knows. Surely I wasn't the only person in the country who had access to a video recorder in 1979 and who recorded The Goodies broadcasts from then as well.

(I recorded the original Kitten Kong onto Beta video tape from a rare TV broadcast of it in 1979, but then I wiped it. NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!!)
Last modified: 23/09/2018 13:42 GMT by NubglummerySnr

Posts: 80



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
19/09/2018 07:56 GMT

I was more curious about non-Goodies things, as they could give a good benchmark. Your brother's recordings too.

This sounds like the 1980 run, which started from 18 February, replacing 'The Original Laurel and Hardy' and 'Castaway', running until 10 July when it was replaced with 'Laff a Bits' and 'The Ghost and Mrs Muir'. Doctor Who also started at 6.30pm that day, with season seventeen from Destiny of the Daleks to Horns of Nimon, then back to Robot. Blake's Seven series two and three premiered from 7.30pm, Friday 22 February.

Is there anything else from this era that could indicate what the year was? Family things? Elections? Other TV shows?

--, the South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club, Inc.

Posts: 13



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
19/09/2018 07:10 GMT

I was recording the entire run, so everything before and after the Kitten Kong episode. It started with Tower of London and went from there. Once a tape was full a new tape was recorded on until that was full. No idea how many episodes I squeezed onto each tape, or the recording length of each tape, or how many tapes were recorded on. No idea if it was paired with Dr Who or Kenny Everett. Could have been paired with Mr Squiggle for all I know. I just remember I had recorded both versions of Kitten Kong within weeks of each other during this time and then played them back to back to compare the differences, and I remember the lads at school being just as confused as I was that it was first broadcast in BW and then that it was rebroadcast in colour with the changes.

(I recorded the original Kitten Kong onto Beta video tape from a rare TV broadcast of it in 1979, but then I wiped it. NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!!)

Posts: 80



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
19/09/2018 03:56 GMT

This may be Come Dancing on Wednesday 30 April 1980; The Sun-Herald weekly guide from 27 April, Canberra Times 25 April and The Age 24 April. It's only spelled out in The Age, The Canberra Times only gives B&W and the Sun-Herald has nothing. The Dr Who was Terror of the Zygons 2 in Adelaide, Melbourne and Hobart, and episode 3 in Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Darwin.

What else did you or your brother record? It may help indicate which run you are thinking of.

--, the South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club, Inc.

Posts: 13



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
19/09/2018 02:01 GMT

To further clarify, when the Kitten Kong was screened twice, the ABC was showing the episodes in the correct order as far as opening themes could identify which series we were on. Kitten Kong original in BW was followed by Come Dancing, also in BW and I'm pretty sure there was a weekend break between the two. Kitten Kong Montreux was screened weeks later, which is why I had the two on separate video tapes, which is how I could easily compare the differences at the time. I can only vouch for this being shown on the ABC in Sydney.

(I recorded the original Kitten Kong onto Beta video tape from a rare TV broadcast of it in 1979, but then I wiped it. NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!!)
Last modified: 19/09/2018 02:02 GMT by NubglummerySnr

Posts: 80



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
19/09/2018 01:00 GMT

In 1979 and 1980 screenings are still regional. Sources are inconsistent. One paper will give B&W, another will give no listing. I'm treating it as additive; if one publication gives details, unless explicitly contradicted, the greater detail is probably right. Daily is likely to be more accurate than weekly.

Forgive me NubglummerySnr, but I'll add a brief summary of your claims.

1. B&W Kitten Kong was played between 1978 and 1981, followed a couple of weeks later by the colour Kitten Kong.

2. B&W Kitten Kong was on a Thursday, B&W Come Dancing the following Monday.

3. You tend towards the later 6.35pm 1981 screenings for this.

And on to finds. Broadcasts were national until there was a pre-emption, then drifted out of synch. There was a week of cricket in March 1979 which the WA Goodies avoided entirely as the time difference meant the sport was on in the mid afternoon (I think this may be the reason why I hate cricket so).  B&Ws start showing up in April 1979 after the broadcasts are out of synch. These are Mondays and Thursdays but still untitled.

At the end of the 1979 runs are three B&Ws, Perth's run ends first and Melbourne last, all in favour of The David Nixon Show, a la-de-da television magician. I have audio recordings of The Goodies and David Nixon which go back to this run, frustrating I could have material from the missing episode.

In general terms, playing out ~58 episodes depending on region, the 1979 order seems to be the new series six (Cod to Almost Live) then the series in vague production order, a couple of B&Ws mid run and then three B&Ws at the end of the repeat series.

The 1980 run starts in production order, as per Matthew's belief that ABC bought new episodes in 1981. Given they had only bought up to series six (save Hype Pressure) and didn't play the longer specials in this slot, the most their pool could have been was 53, the run extended to ~92 episodes, or almost double the existing number. and that includes all five presumptive B&Ws. They also appear to have chosen Wednesdays in the midst of the run as B&W day, as successive weeks from April have The Greenies, Commonwealth Games, Come Dancing and untitled B&W. By mid-May they have started from series one again.

--, the South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club, Inc.

Posts: 13



 Subject:  Re: The Original Kitten Kong episode.
18/09/2018 23:58 GMT

Well, ABC TV did manage to acquire the original Kitten Kong somehow. How else would I have seen it, recorded it and used the tapes to compare it with the Montreux version in the late 70s/early 80s? I didn't imagine the Babyface routine, the dropping of the syringe or the footage of real mice at the end. I even remember the scene where the lads changed into mice outfits being different. The original didn't have the Graham lookalike walking in the doorway carrying the syringe. This WAS played in Sydney sometime between 1978 and 1981 in Black and White and I DID record it onto a Beta video tape, along with other Goodies episodes. If only I'd known enough at the time to keep the recordings.

(I recorded the original Kitten Kong onto Beta video tape from a rare TV broadcast of it in 1979, but then I wiped it. NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!!)

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