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C&G 138 May 2007
#138 May 2007 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 13/05/2007


» #138 May 2007

             ( )
Issue No. 138                   12th May 2007
- Brett Allender <>
- Lisa Manekofsky
- Wackywales, Sosia, Prunatic
1. QUIZ & QUOTE - Goodies brainteasers for you and you and you
2. BOFFO IDEAS – The latest club news and happenings
3. SPOTTED!!! - The latest Goodies sightings.
4. 2001 AND A BIT - Tim, Graeme and Bill sightings post-Goodies.
(by "Magnus Magnesium")
QUOTE: "I've got dishpan hands, housemaid's knee, flunky's feet and butler's bum!"
(a) Which Goodie says this quote?
(b) Why is he having to do all of the housework?
(c) Which episode is this quote from?
QUIZ: This month's questions are from the episode: "The Stone Age"
(d) Name two of the three hobbies that Bill indulges in all at the same time
(e) According to the book of potholing, what is the person about to descend into the pothole known as?
(f) What sort of creature are the Goodies trapped inside below ground?
(g) What sort of food was the potholer who was trapped there before them most fond of eating?
(h) Who scored a hat-trick of goals for Chelsea in Bill's imaginary soccer game?
The answers are listed at the end of this newsletter.
You can make it happen here. Liven up the club with a boffo idea for bob-a-job week. E-mail <> with your comments, ideas or suggestions - meanwhile these are the boffo ideas which our club has been working on this month:
(by Lisa Manekofsky)
We're very pleased to welcome the newest addition to the club committee - Dawn (aka wackywales). The committee is the international group of volunteer staff who keep the club running (designing & maintaining the website, editing the newsletter, managing our t-shirt sales, etc.) We're delighted to have Dawn join us in this labor of love!
We'd also like to extend a hearty welcome to all the new members who have joined the club recently (we're just about to pass the 4,300 member mark!) We hope you're enjoying everything we have to offer, such as the website, mailing list, and newsletter. Please don't hesitate to make suggestions, contributions, or just join the friendly folks in the forums - that's what makes the club fun for all of us!
Please note that new items have been added to our selected Goodies club t-shirts clearing sale.
Full details are available at  
The final count is through for the April website poll and in a lower than usual turnout, sense has unfortunately triumphed narrowly over silliness (though thankfully both triumphed over Rolf this month for a change!) The final vote tally was:
What merchandise should The Goodies be selling on their current UK tour (which runs through April 18th)?
- the new "The Complete LWT Series" DVD      48 votes
- "T' Secret Of Ecky Thump" training video         44 votes
- Little Rolf cuddly toys                                       33 votes
- Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club t-shirts              21 votes
- lemon sherbet (with free video monitor)            19 votes
- tomato sauce squirters for bunfighting               16 votes
- Nicholas Parsons masks                                  13 votes
- an Eskimo phrase book (ah here's one!)             5 votes
- other                                                                 4 votes
- Snooze antidote (for Max Bygraves shows)       1 vote
Total                                                               204 votes
This month's poll is a interesting question that we've probably all wondered about at some stage, so head to the website and cast your vote. You know it makes sense!
If The Goodies tv show was still in production, which topic should they send up? (Use the comments feature to make additional suggestions.)
- the internet
- reality TV
- home improvement shows
- PDAs / mobile computing
- 24 hour news channels
- Bill's nature programs
- Harry Potter
- out-of-control celebrities
- other
- Rolf Harris
More exciting than getting your wig-spotters badge! If you've seen the Goodies recently, e-mail <> with the details. Here's where we've Spotted!!! the Goodies this month:
(Lisa Manekofsky – Goodies-l – 11th Apr)
* Sun, 15 April - "Laughter in the Air" on BBC 7 at 17:00. The episode "The Cambridge Connection" looks at the Cambridge Footlights impact upon comedy and mentions the Goodies. The 22 April episode, "Comedy off the Cuff" examines the art of unscripted comedy, including "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue". The series can be heard online at  and will be available for six days after broadcast via Listen Again.
(Lisa Manekofsky – Goodies-l – 11th Apr)
Sat, 21 April & Sun, 22 April - "The Goodies" is being repeated on UK satellite channel Paramount Comedy 2 as double-bills. I see them scheduled on Sat, 21 April starting at 23:50 and Sun, 22 April at 22:00. Please verify scheduling with your local listings.
(Lisa Manekofsky – Goodies-l – 6th May)
* Mon, 14 May - "When We Were Scouts" will be repeated on BBC 4 at 19:00 to 20:00. This program includes clips from The Goodies.
4. 2001 AND A BIT
If you've sighted Tim, Bill or Graeme in a post-Goodies role, e-mail <> so that we can tell everyone where to spot a Goodie nowadays. Those of you seeking radio and tv alerts between issues of the C&G should consider signing up for the Goodies-l mailing list (more details available on the club website), as our crack (cracked?!) team of reporters attempt to post alerts as the information becomes available.
(All items in this section contributed by Lisa Manekofsky, except where otherwise credited)
* Fri, 13 April - "Bill Oddie Goes Wild" is repeated on BBC 2 at 19:30.
(11th Apr)
* various - "Bill Oddie Goes Wild" is being repeated at various days and times by UKTV Gardens. Please consult your local listings for details.
(11th Apr)
* Nightly - "Bill Oddie's Animal House" on The Baby Channel (Sky channel 285, ) nightly at 8:30pm (thanks for Fiona Mikiel for this info)
(11th Apr)
* daily, the week of Mon, 30 April - "My Famous Family" with Bill is being repeated on UKTV History and UKTV History Plus 1 at various times
(20th Apr)
* Here are links to a couple of articles that cropped up yesterday mentioning Bill's nature activities. The first two involve an effort to deal with the dwindling bee population.
From the Manchester Evening news:
From the Natural History Museum (has a photo of Bill):  
From the Evening Star:
(26th Apr)
* It appears Bill's episode of "Play It Again" has been rescheduled for Monday, 7th May on BBC 1 at 19:00.
For our members in Wales, please check your local listings as BBC 1 Wales may be broadcasting the show an hour earlier, at 18:00.
Here's a listing:
"Play it Again" - Series that follows six public figures as they pursue their dreams of becoming musicians, capturing the trials and tribulations they face during the process and watching how they fare as they dedicate themselves to a rigorous musical regime of lessons, practising and public performances. Bill Oddie learns to play the guitar. (Stereo, Widescreen, Subtitles)
(28th Apr)
* The following appears on The Independent's website at
The 5-Minute Interview: Bill Oddie, TV presenter, writer and conservationist
'I blame Bush (for Iraq) but at least he's an honest idiot'
Published: 28 April 2007
Oddie, 65, fronts Honeytastic Habitats, a campaign to make gardens bee friendly.
If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...
   At home playing my guitar or playing new CDs.
A phrase I use far too often is...
   The F word. I use it counter-productively. If I complain on the phone and say it, they put the phone down.
I wish people would take more notice of...
   Wildlife. Appreciating the role of bees, for example . Without pollination we wouldn't have flowers.
The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was...
   Having a nervous breakdown. I had no idea I was susceptible.
A common misperception of me is...
   That I am a jolly, beer-drinking man. I hate excessive drinking.
I'm not a politician but...
   I wouldn't have invaded Iraq if I had been. I blame Bush, but at least he's an honest idiot. Blair has done so much damage to the image of telling the truth in politics.
I'm good at...
   Taking in the big picture on an issue.
But I'm very bad at...
   Practising anything.
The ideal night out is...
   Going out with my wife Laura, my daughters Kate and Bonnie, and we would go to hear my other daughter Rosie and her band playing at a club.
In moments of weakness I...
   Buy some new records.
You know me as a television presenter, but what I might have been is...
   A musician or a warden at a bird observatory.
The best age to be is...
   Mid thirties. You've acquired some skills and still got the energy to indulge them.
Elisa Bray
(28th Apr)
* Thanks to prunatic for letting us know that Bill will be on "The Wright Stuff" tomorrow, May 1, from 9:00-10:30 on channel Five.
(30th Apr)
* Mon, 21 May - the new series of "Springwatch with Bill Oddie" (thanks to Sosia spotting this)
(30th Apr)
* Mon, 7 May - "Loose Women" on ITV1 at 12:30 will include an appearance from Bill.
(6th May)
* Weds, 16 May - "Who Do You Think You Are?" on UKTV History and UKTV History Plus 1. Bill's episode is being repeated at various times; please consult your local listings.
(6th May)
* Fri, 18 May - "Bill Oddie Goes Wild" is being repeated on BBC 2 at 19:30.
(6th May)
* Sun, 3 June - "Star Portraits with Rolf Harris" with Bill. "Star Portraits" is a series in which 3 professional artists paint 3 completely different styles of portrait of a famous person. You can see Bill's portraits at  (thanks to wackywales for spotting the date)
(6th May)
* Fri, 13 April - "The Long Hot Satsuma" on BBC 7 at 23:30. BBC 7 repeats a second episode of the 1989 comedy sketch show which starred Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer, and Alison Steadman. It can be heard online from  The episode repeated on 6 April will be available on BBC 7's Listen Again through April 12th.
(11th Apr)
"The Unbelievable Truth", a new comedy panel game devised by Graeme Garden and John Naismith, started its first full series yesterday (a pilot episode aired last year). Graeme will appear in some episodes of the series.
The show airs on BBC Radio 4 on Monday evenings, with a repeat around noon on Sundays (check your listings for the exact start time, as the Sunday ones tend to vary by a few minutes). The series can also be heard online at; each episode will be available for a week after broadcast via Listen Again.
The following article about the first episode in the new series appears on the Guardian's website at
....Unbelievably: a new Radio 4 Panel Show
By Ben Dowell / Radio 10:20am
Last night Radio 4 showcased its new kids on the panel show block - the show Unbelievable Truth hosted by David Mitchell and featuring a crop of young comedians including Marcus Brigstocke and Tony Hawks. Did you like it? Do you think it will give old favourites such as Just a Minute and I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue a run for their money?
I say old favourites, but the show was devised by panel show veterans Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith, long standing panellist and producer respectively of the anarchic R4 show I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue. But what was different about this show was that it appeared (at last) to be trying to give the young pups a panel show platform, something that may even last the decades that "Clue" and "Just a Minute" has been entertaining Radio 4 listeners.
Personally I thought it was a neat, if limited premise, ably performed by last night's panel of Frankie Boyle, Tony Hawks and Marcus Brigstocke (who seems to have a permanent berth on the station these days, though he's probably not as ubiquitous as Peep Show's David Mitchell).
The premise, in case you didn't catch it, sees each panellist deliver a lecture on a given topic (Elizabeth I, Cats, The Human Body, Morris Dancing..anything really), which must be entirely untrue, except for five unlikely facts... The job of their opponents is to challenge if they think they've detected an item of truth. Panellists lined up for this first series include Graeme Garden, Alan Davies, Jo Brand, Jeremy Hardy, Clive Anderson, Tony Hawks, Neil Mullarkey, Sandi Toksvig, and Marcus Brigstocke.
As I say, I thought it worked well. Mitchell was an assured and witty host. But there is a danger that the format, even with the entertaining asides, could feel a bit samey after a while. Clue is all over the place (joyously so) and Just a Minute (in which panellists have to keep talking on a subject without repetition or deviation for 60 seconds) may be a simple format but it benefits from the fact that the hothouse of each minute keeps all of the contestants on their toes, even when panellists such as Paul Merton are engaging in their fantastically absurdist flights of fancy.
Unbelievable Truth meandered a bit, maybe not enough, and it seemed a little too obvious to me to detect when they were lying and telling the truth.
But it's new. And shouldn't be strangled at birth. And at least comedy on Radio 4 is looking to the future - and away from the dark days of five or so years ago when all those 11.30pm programmes almost made one lose the will to live. And this could bed in nicely. Anyway. Enough 'Ands' from me. Over to you
(25th Apr)
* Congratulations to the team behind the most recent "Giles Wemmbley Hogg" series, including Graeme Garden, for winning Silver in the 2007 Sony Radio Academy Awards Comedy category. The series, entitled "Giles Wemmbley Hogg Geht Zum FussballWeltmeisterschaft Weg!" was written by Marcus Brogstocke & Jeremy Salsby with additional material by Graeme.
Here's a blurb about the show from the judges, taken from : "Brilliantly scripted and characterised, this programme was funny from the very start. The judges noted the skill with which the writers incorporated highly topical references, and they warmed to this well-meaning but useless idiot."
Also of note - according to the 27 April 2007 edition of the BBC 7 newsletter, their repeats of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (featuring Tim & Graeme) ranked at number 6 in the Listen Again BBC radio figures for March 2007! I'm sure the fan club members contributed to that success. :)
(30th Apr)
* Mondays starting, 7 May - "Bromwell High", an animated series in which Graeme voices one of the characters, begins on TV2 in NZ on 11.25pm (info at )
(6th May)
* Fri 11 May and Sun, 20 May - "Have I Got 2002 For You". Graeme's 2002 appearance on "Have I Got News For You" will be repeated on UKTV Gold at 01:50 and then shown an hour later on UKTV Gold Plus 1 each of these days.
(6th May)
* Another article about Tim from yesterday's Eastbourne Herald.
Eastbourne Herald
April 26, 2007
HEADLINE: Reunion for Tim of The Goodies
TIM BROOKE-TAYLOR renewed friendship links formed more than 45 years ago when he was in Eastbourne to appear at the Congress Theatre with Graeme Garden in The Goodies Still Rule OK!
Tim and retired Eastbourne solicitor Christopher Metcalfe met at Pembroke College, Cambridge, when they were both members of the college drama society, The Pembroke Players.
"Pembroke Players toured Germany with As You Like It, playing twice a day at some 20 venues. Later Tim and I separately joined the famous Footlights Club in 1961," Christopher said.
"Tim was a year behind me at university. His talents flourished in the Footlights and the year after I left he became president.
"Tim, John Cleese, Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden and Graham Chapman and others performed in a revue, Cambridge Circus, in 1963 which transferred to the West End and eventually to Broadway."
Tim Brooke-Taylor went on to appear in Me and My Girl, At Last the 1948 Show and more than 90 Goodies programmes.
He has recently completed the 25th series of I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue.
Although their paths divided - Christopher studied law and only recently returned to the stage with Eastbourne Operatic and Dramatic Society - they have remained friends.
During Tim's stay in Eastbourne, the two friends did lots of catching up and Tim Brooke-Taylor was interested to hear that EODS celebrates its centenary this year.
"I wish the society the very best of luck and success with its productions during 2007," said Tim.
(Wackywales – Goodies Forum – 27th Apr)
* Sundays - ABC Radio National (Australia) had been broadcasting "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" (with Tim and Graeme) on Sunday mornings at 5.30am. From  it appears the show may have ended its current run on the station as of March 4th BUT that "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again", the 1960's sketch comedy series with all three Goodies plus John Cleese, Jo Kendall, & David Hatch, might be aired by ABC Radio National on Saturday mornings from Jul 7, 2007 to Jan 26, 2008.
(11th Apr)
* Mondays - BBC 7 airs old episodes of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (with Tim and Graeme). Each episode is available via Listen Again for six days after broadcast. The show can be heard worldwide via the internet from  on the day of broadcast as well as for six days afterwards using Listen Again.
(11th Apr)
* "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Vol. 10" is scheduled to be released in the UK on May 7th. shows the cover (which features a new design compared to volumes 1-9), plus this description of the 2-CD set:
"Four compilations of the hugely popular and award-winning BBC Radio 4 series. 'Risky, rude, brilliantly written and superbly performed' - "The Judges", Sony Radio Academy Awards. Inspired nonsense and pointless revelry - it's time for another helping of the antidote to panel games, "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue". In this tenth collection, the gang return for further moments of mayhem, puns and one-liners; not forgetting a healthy dose of innuendo and double entendre. Regulars: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Barry Cryer and Graeme Garden - and special guests are given silly things to do by chairman Humphrey Lyttelton. So join Humph and company in these perennial favourites: New Definitions, Swanee Kazoo, One Song to the Tune of Another, Sound Charades and last, but certainly not least, Mornington Crescent. Other exciting rounds include Just a Minim, Swankers and 84 Chicken Cross Road.
With the lovely Samantha, bringing up the rear with her laser display board, this compilation is especially for you, Mrs. Trellis of North Wales."
(20th Apr)
* The club has learned that "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 10" will be available from digital retailers as well as in shops; this is good news for our non-UK members who don't wish to order the title from overseas (though vendors such as  will ship it internationally). 
ISIHAC Volume 10 will be published by BBC Audiobooks on 7 May 2007.
Estimated running time is 2 hour 35 minutes on 2 CDs. 
The CD ISBN is: 9781405677738
The Download ISBN is: 9781405667036
I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue 10 will be available from all good bookshops, online at or by BBC Audiobooks direct mail on 0800 136 919
This title is also available to purchase as a download from digital retailers such as Audible, Audioville, iTunes, Mediabay, 7 Digital, Simply Audiobooks, Spoken Network, TuneTribe, Plays on the Net and Wippit.
(25th Apr)
* Here's another update about "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 10", which is due to be released on May 7th (as a 2 CD set in the UK and as a download available from many digital retailers).  Besides the regular panelists (Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, and Barry Cryer) the set will include contributions from guest panelists Jeremy Hardy, Ross Noble, Andy Hamilton and Rob Brydon.
(1st May)
* For anyone who missed it at the bottom of the tour announcement message, the new series of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" will start on BBC Radio 4 (online at ) on Monday 4th June at 1830. This is the week after "The Unbelievable Truth", the series devised by Graeme and ISIHAC Producer Jon Naismith, finishes its six-episode run.
(2nd May)
"I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 10", the latest BBC Audiobooks release from the popular BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show, was released on May 7th. As was mentioned in news postings to the club, Chairman Humphrey Lyttelton and regular panelists Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, and Barry Cryer are joined in this edition by guests Jeremy Hardy, Ross Noble, Andy Hamilton and Rob Brydon. 
The first things I noticed about the Volume 10 are a welcome update to the cover (the previous design has been used since at least 1998 – see ) and that the running time was longer than for previous sets. At 2 hours 25 minutes, ISIHAC 10 packs in an additional 20+ minutes of material; the set is certainly chock full of laughs. Personal highlights for me are multiple examples of Humph having difficulty getting through his lines as he breaks up with laughter (such as during "Humph's Handy Hints for the Ladies"); this often prompts amusing ad libs from the panelists (and big laughs from the audience). I was also pleased that the set includes an example of the amazing song stylings of Rob Brydon (that man can sing!) plus the hilarious DIY Sci Fi round from a recent edition of the show. 
There are too many rounds to list here, but rest assured there are plenty of favorites (such as Uxbridge English Dictionary, One Song to the Tune of Another, Sound Charades, Swankers, Word for Word and, of course, Mornington Crescent) as well as fun one-time games like Russian Roulette and Cat Glass Pudding.
As has been mentioned previously, ISIHAC 10 is available as a 2-CD set in UK shops, by mail order from internet vendors such as, and for purchase as a digital download from many digital retailers such as Audible, Audioville, iTunes, Mediabay, 7 Digital, Simply Audiobooks, Spoken Network, TuneTribe, Plays on the Net and Wippit.
From the ISIHAC mailing list:
Please find below a list of dates and venues for a short (10 date) tour of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" in August, September and October this year.
Not all the venues have their tickets on sale yet, though one (The Assembly Hall Theatre Tunbridge Wells) has very nearly sold out as they have sent out a brochure.
Apologies to those in the far North, far West, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - this is just a little tour and we've deliberately booked venues that keep travelling to a minimum for the teams. If all goes well, the plan is to mount a longer tour in 2008 which we hope will be more extensive.
The show is called "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue - The Official Stage Tour" and will be a kind of 'best of' show, featuring favourite rounds from the past 35 years. The guest panellist will be Jeremy Hardy. The show will not be recorded for broadcast on Radio 4.
(2nd May)
For the latest information see the club FAQ at
The following are the dates in the tour. All shows have gone on sale.
* Thursday 30 August LEEDS GRAND THEATRE
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £12.50 - £27.50
    Box Office Tel: 0870 121 4901
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £14.00 - £25.00
    Box Office 0115 989 5555
* Monday 10 September NORTHAMPTON DERNGATE
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £25.00 & £20.00
    Box Office : 01604 624 811
* Monday 17 September Assembly Hall Theatre TUNBRIDGE WELLS
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £24.50
    Box Office: 01892 530613
* Tuesday 18 September BIRMINGHAM HIPPODROME - Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
* Wednesday 19 September BIRMINGHAM HIPPODROME - Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £14.50 - £26.50
    Box Office: 0121 622 7486
    Event Listing at Ticketmaster site:  
* Tuesday 25 September IPSWICH REGENT
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £20 - £22.50
    Box Office: 01473 433 100
    Venue URL:
* Wednesday 26 September NEW THEATRE OXFORD
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £20 - £22.50
    Box Office Tel: 0870 606 3500
    Event listing at Ticketmaster site:
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £22 - £24
    Box Office: 0118 960 6060
    Reading Comedy Festival URL:  
    Show starts 7.30pm, ends approx 10.15pm
    Tickets: £20 - £23
    Box Office 01273 709709
    Venue URL:  
    Brighton Comedy Festival URL:  
(by Brett Allender)
Here's something a little different to the usual Word Finders and Crosswords which have been part of the C&G in recent months.
This puzzle consists of a series of Goodies clues to solve, with the highlighted letter (in brackets) from each horizontal answer forming a vertical solution, which happens to be a phrase of Tim's from the episode "Punky Business" The information to solve the clues can be found in my Goodies Episode Summaries in the Articles section of the website if there are episodes listed that you are unfamiliar with.
The solution will be published in the June edition of the C&G. Alternatively there is a copy of the puzzle (in Word format) and solution on the website at:  








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1.   (6 letters)           What the Goodies collect their problem animals in 
                               (Kitten Kong)
2.   (5 letters)           Tim is attacked by a wild one (The Lost Tribe)
3.   (5, 4 letters)       Name of the guest who plays Desiree Carthorse 
                               (Gender Education)
4.   (4, 2, 4 letters)   Goodies song used as backing music (Hunting Pink)
5.   (5, 6 letters)       Tim has a major phobia about his (Earthanasia)
6.   (6 letters)           Goodies episode title: (It Might As Well Be ??????)
7.   (7 letters)           These people steal all of Britain's cod 
                                (Lips Or Almighty Cod)
8.   (6 letters)           First name of the newsreader who appeared in
                                several episodes
9.   (7 letters)          The surname of this newsreader
10. (11 letters)        The new form of segregation (South Africa)
11. (10 letters)        The town where the Bunfight takes place (OK Tea Rooms)
12. (6, 5 letters)      The Obedience And Intelligence Prize-winning dog
13. (6, 7 letters)      The guest who was the voice of The Queen in
                               several episodes
14. (4, 6 letters)      The new star attraction of the Goodies Safari Park 
                               (Scatty Safari)
15. (11 letters)        The Goodies bounce around the world to this song
                              (London To Brighton)
16. (8, 4 letters)      She launches the Viking boat for the Goodies
                              (For Those In Peril On The Sea)
17. (7, 5 letters)      This guest gets squashed by the giant kitten's paw 
                              (Kitten Kong)
18. (7 letters)         The kind of movie that Graeme is trying to make 
                              (The Movies)
19. (8, 4 letters)      Venue of the Ecky Thump duel (Kung Fu Kapers)
20. (3, 5 letters)      The leader of "Wabbit Power" 
                              (Invasion Of The Moon Creatures)
21. (4, 3, 5 letters)   Goodies song about throwing up everywhere
22. (5, 5 letters)      Bill's pop star alter ego (Superstar)
(a) Bill
(b) Because Tim has left them to go to the health farm
(c) Chubby Chumps
(d) Choice of birdwatching, soccer and music (sax / drums)
(e) "The reckless loony"
(f) A Tyrannosaurus Rex
(g) Cheese and chutney sandwiches
(h) Hayley Mills
8    Mastermind Of The Year
7    Goodies fan supreme
5-6 Clever clogs
3-4 Reasonably Goodie
1-2 Thick as old boots
0    Rolf Harris!
The one remaining tour venue that isn't on the main word list – cryptic clue: "To arrive in the world facing Mecca":
- #139:    15th June 2007.
The Goodies Fan Club Clarion and Globe is copyright The Goodies Rule - OK! 2007. All rights reserved.
Permission to reproduce this work or any section of it, in any form must first be obtained from the copyright holders.
For further information regarding this publication please e-mail <>.
For other general enquiries about the 'Goodies Rule - OK' fan club or 'The Goodies' itself, please e-mail
E-mail <> requesting transfer to the Word mailing list.

Posted by:gracerules


date: 09/06/2007 15:31 GMT
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