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C&G 124 Mar 2006
#124 Mar 2006 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 04/01/2007


» #124 Mar 2006

Issue No. 124                   15th March 2006
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Newsletter enquiries:
General enquiries:
'The Goodies Rule - OK!'
P.O. Box 413
Croydon VIC 3136, AUSTRALIA
- Brett Allender <>
- Lisa Manekofsky
- Alison Bean
- David Piper-Balston
- Linda Kay (Goodies Cor!! Comics Synopsis)
C&G CONTRIBUTORS: Jason Towers, Paul Bines, Daniel Bowen, Sue Kenney
WITH THANKS TO: Graeme Garden
(Note: Andrew Pixley's 'Broaden Your Mind' Synopsis will return in April or May)
1. QUIZ & QUOTE - Goodies brainteasers for you and you and you
2. SPOTTED!!! - The latest Goodies sightings.
3. 2001 AND A BIT - Tim, Graeme and Bill sightings post-Goodies.
4. FEATURE ARTICLE - An interview with Tim in "Jackie" - 1975
(by "Magnus Magnesium")
QUOTE: "I now realise that there's no need for the useless gimmicks and fads of this modern world. I have no need for smart cars, expensive food, toilet paper, deodorant, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, foot powder ..."
(a) Which Goodie says this quote?
(b) What sort of characters are all three Goodies in this episode?
(c) Which episode is this quote from?
QUIZ: This month's questions are from the episode: "Double Trouble" (aka The Baddies)
(d) Which award are the Goodies trying to win?
(e) What do the badly-behaving Goodies doubles supposedly say to Vera Lynn?
(f) Most Goodies episodes have two parts. How many does this one have?
(g) Name one of the two grisly ways which Doctor Petal initially tries to dispose of the Goodies.
(h) Who is the host of the awards night?
The answers are listed at the end of this newsletter.
More exciting than getting your wig-spotters badge! If you've seen the Goodies recently, e-mail <>with the details. Here's where we've Spotted!!! The Goodies this month:
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 16th Feb)
I've just received word that the Phoenix Arts Cinema in Leicester plans to hold an approximately 2 hour screening of key episodes of The Goodies this Sunday, 19 February, starting at 2.30pm.
The Cinema is located on Newarke Street; their Box Office can be reached at 0116 255 4854.
Here's a blurb from their website (at ):
Sunday, February 19, 2006 at 2.30pm. Tx: 1970/81, approx 1hr 45mins, PG
PRICE : £4.90
Dirs: John Howard Davies, Jim Franklin, Bob Spiers
By any measure The Goodies were pretty unfairly neglected by the BBC compared, say, to Ronnie Barker in Porridge or The Trotter Family in Only Fools & Horses who seem to have never left the schedules. And despite the Goodies "retrospective" the Beeb mounted last Christmas, it's high time to restore order and screen some of the most memorable episodes featuring Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie, and Graeme Garden. Our compilation will include whole or part episodes of The Movies, Goodies and the Beanstalk, Punky Business, Kitten Kong, and hopefully Robot
(from information by David Piper Balston, Lisa Manekofsky and Andrew Pixley)
(Goodies-l - 23rd Feb)
The almost topical episode of The Goodies "Winter Olympics" is to be repeated on BBC2 Saturday 4th March 7.10pm to 7.40pm.
Hopefully this will be the start of many Goodies episodes shown on the BBC. :-)
The screening is part of a theme night for the Winter Olympics; though unfortunately not a Goodies-themed night. Here's some info Andrew Pixley has posted in the club forums earlier today:
"From speaking to some of my colleagues who were involved with the scheduling of the episode, I understand that it has been specifically chosen to tie in with a strand of programmes connected with the Winter Olympics. Furthermore, it is indeed a "test" episode to judge ratings and - just as importantly - audience feedback. It is possible that other relevant episodes will be scheduled as parts of other "theme nights", and a favourable response to these from viewers could be a major factor in determining the viability of a sustained repeat season.
So - I for one will be making a quick 'phone call to say "thank you" to BBC2 for their first "Goodies" episode in almost 20 years. And I might ask for a few more while I'm about it. After all, if you don't ask, you don't get.
But this is excellent news, and it shows that the profile of the show generated by "Return of the Goodies" *has* been noticed by BBC2 since the notion of repeating "The Winter Olympics" was generated entirely internally as far as I'm aware. And I can't wait to see the "Winter Sportsman" sequence again ...!"
NOTE: The Goodies episode "Winter Olympics" will be repeated on BBC 2 (though unfortunately not in Scotland or Wales) on Saturday, 4th March at 19:10.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 1st Mar)
The clipshow "Sun and Moon" will include some Goodies footage. It is scheduled to air on BBC 4 on Friday, 10th March at 1:10 and to be repeated Monday, 13 March at 3:35. Here's a listing: "A compendium of clips features some offbeat sightings on our screens. Patrick Moore meets the vicar who doesnt believe the sun is hot, Alan Whicker explores the strange Swedish phenomenon of mooning at the sun, and the Blue Peter team come face to face with a scientifically accurate lunar monster. They are joined by such luminaries as the Goodies, Doctor Who, Thunderbirds, the Two Ronnies and the cast of the Magic Roundabout."
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 5th Mar)
In last week's update I mentioned a clipshow called "Sun and Moon" which is scheduled to include some Goodies footage. Rather confusingly, what appears to be the same show is now showing up in the listings as "Time Shift" (with the episode title being "Sun and Moon" - thanks to Pete Wilson for the heads-up). The show is scheduled to air at various times on BBC 4 this week, starting tomorrow night (Monday, 6 March) at 22:00.
(by Lisa Manekofsky and Sue Kenney)
American artist Sue Kenney recently completed work on a Graeme Garden marionette. Some photos of the puppet can be seen on her website, (click on the "puppets" link in the menu).
I was fortunate to see the progress as the puppet was created - a fascinating amount of work went into the project. For those of you who are interested in some of the details Sue has provided the following brief description of her work:
The Construction of the Graeme Garden Marionette
     Graeme was built with a variety of materials. His main body (three pieces) was carved from basswood. Since his main joints (elbows, knees, etc.) are based on a mortise and tenon design, I used birch, which has a finer grain and is a harder wood.   That was basically to ensure that there would be no splitting and less wear as the puppet is used. His hands and feet are made of wire covered with a chip resistant oven hardening clay. Throughout the body, hands and feet, I embedded small lead weights to keep the puppet moving as naturally as possible. 
     Graeme's head was a bit of a challenge. The core is a hardwood ball, and the face and hair were sculpted using the oven clay I used for the feet and hands. It is attached to the torso with an eyehole screw and a piece of heavy gauge steel wire wrapped with a thinner brass wire. I also used steel wire to make pin joints for the wrists, ankles, knees and elbows. The other joints and main spine support are of a couple of different types of nylon cord. Graeme's standing height is roughly 14 inches.
     The clothes are of a few different fabrics, most notably corduroy. I used both a sewing machine and hand stitching. His glasses are heavy card stock, painted and covered with about 5 coats of acrylic varnish. I used acrylic paint for the face, hair, hands and feet. 
     Of course there are a bunch of other materials I had to use in the fine tuning stage, but this summarizes the basics. 
(from information contributed by Jason Towers)
For a bizarre and no doubt unauthorised Goodies sighting, check out the bottom left (if you'll pardon the pun) of this flyer:
At least the superchaps three are fully clothed!
3. 2001 AND A BIT
If you've sighted Tim, Bill or Graeme in a post-Goodies role, e-mail <> so that we can tell everyone where to spot a Goodie nowadays. Those of you seeking radio & tv alerts between issues of the C&G should consider signing up for the Goodies-L mailing list (more details available on the club website),as our crack (cracked?!) team of reporters attempt to post alerts as the information becomes available.
* BBC 2 is showing a new series of "Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife" on Tuesdays at 20:00.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* "Birding With Bill Oddie" is being repeated on UKTV Documentary and UKTV Documentary Plus 1 at various times on Feb 21-23. Please consult your local listings for details. 
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* Bill's appearance in "Who Do You Think You Are?" is being repeated on Wednesday, 1 March on UKTV Documentary (at 21:00) and UKTV Documentary Plus 1 (at 22:00). The two channels are showing it again on March 2nd, 5th, and 6th (please check your local listings for the times).
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* Bill is scheduled to appear as a guest on the chat show "Now and Then", to be shown Thursday, 2 March on UKTV Gold from 22:20-23:20 and then repeated on UKTV Gold Plus 1 an hour later. Here's a listing: "Terry Wogan that legend of the world of broadcasting makes a welcome return to the chat show format. Joining in with 'the crack' will be dancer Michael Flately, national treasure Julie Walters, Goodie turned bird fancier Bill Oddie and comedian and now actor to boot - Johnny Vegas."
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* "Bill Oddie Goes Wild" is being repeated on UKTV Style Gardens on various days and times. Please consult your local listings for details. 
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* "Springwatch with Bill Oddie" has been nominated for a Royal Television Society Award in the "Features and Factual Entertainment" category. It will be competing against two shows call "Dragon's Den" and "Rock School". The awards ceremony will be held on March 14th.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 22nd Feb)
* Bill will appear in a new series called "My Appalling School Report" on BBC 2 Friday, 10 March at 22:00. Here's a listing, "Four-part series in which celebrities such as David Puttnam, Alan Sugar and Bill Oddie talk about the often-disparaging school reports they received. Actor Peter Davison and rugby player Matt Dawson describe how they dealt with the dreaded report day, while reports from Jeffrey Archer and Jeremy Paxman illustrate just how accurate some can be. Other contributors include: Ted Wragg, Adrian Lester, Michael Winner, Gyles Brandreth, Fiona Bruce, Glenys Kinnock, Anita Roddick and Jane Asher."
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 1st Mar)
* Bill presents the 10 minute long nature show "Wild Owl Farm" on BBC2 Wednesday, 8 March at 20:50.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 1st Mar)
* All these years on and still people think Madonna has a thing for Bill! :-),,30000-1213636,00.html
Sky News Home
Birds of a feather? Did I Hear That Right?
Updated: 15:01, Tuesday February 28, 2006
Madonna and ex-Goodie and TV bird expert Bill Oddie may be an strange partnership but they are united by song.
Some people in a survey thought a line in her song Erotica ("Erotic, erotic, put your hands all over my body") was "Bill Oddie, Bill Oddie, put your hands all over my body".
(David Piper-Balston - Goodies-l - 1st Mar)
* Here's another review of a Bill Oddie wildlife programme by the Evening Standard's Victor Lewis-Smith (published 22nd February 2006). And once again, Victor's not a fan of the bearded one...
Back to nature with a big yawn
by Victor Lewis-Smith
Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife, BBC2
While driving up north recently (travelling at a sedate 110mph on a narrow B road, and wondering whether to fit small warheads to the grille of my car so that I could blast those vile speed cameras into oblivion), I saw a sign to Hebden Bridge, and instantly thought of Margaret Thatcher. Why? Because Sir Bernard Ingham, her famously hairy-eyebrowed "bluff Yorkshireman" of a press secretary, spent the entire Eighties banging on about the glories of his beloved home town.
It was quite a surprise to discover that he didn't actually reside in Hebden Bridge, but at Nutcracker Gables in Purley. His living in the very heart of the south only came to light a few years ago, when he was arrested and charged with criminal damage for having kicked and dented his Surrey neighbour's shiny new Mercedes ­ strange behaviour from a man who used to warn us constantly against the politics of envy.
How delightful it was to see that loud-mouthed arrogant bully (who used to treat journalists like cattle) finally forced to kowtow to authority, with all power gone, no longer even a Purley King.
I thought of Sir Bernard again last night, when Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife visited Hampstead Heath. Two gigantic eyebrows (which on closer inspection turned out to be very hairy caterpillars) were inching slowly across the grass near Hampstead Women's Pond, and I realised how appalled the man who habitually refers to his home town as "Hebden Bridge BL" (Before Lesbians) would be by the proximity of such a notorious Sapphic sanctuary.
According to innumerable press reports, life on the Heath often gets very wild indeed, what with Coldstream Guards and politicians exchanging furtive glances with TV presenters and off-duty policemen, all of them eager for a quick thrill as they bungee jump with their careers and reputations. Yet Oddie seemed blissfully unaware of the sexual shenanigans that take place daily on his "local patch", although surely with those high-powered binoculars he always carries, he must have occasionally seen a cockatoo?
Despite the prominence of a wooden bench dedicated to "the memory of Jack and Reg", the programme was determined to treat the place not as a gay cruising area, but as an urban nature reserve. "Get to know every branch of every tree in your local patch ... visit it regularly, day after day," Oddie exhorted his audience (even though the "local patch" of people who watch wildlife on television is almost certain to be the piece of carpet between the sofa and the fridge), before taking us on a guided tour around the Heath. "Oooh, there's a young kestrel," he gushed in sotto voce tones, like a low-budget Whispering Attenbore, then spotted a grey squirrel (or tree rat, as I prefer to call them), earnestly stripping away bark. Clearly the place is teeming with fauna, but be warned if you're thinking of going there: apparently, it's a bugger to get in.
"Ooh, there's a great crested grebe," said the lesser-bearded twat, before embarking on a self-indulgent romp in which he picked up armfuls of autumn leaves and scattered them about, with a cavalier disregard for the dog crap that invariably adheres to them.
But there was some undeniably well-shot footage here, especially of the colony of wild parrots that live on the Heath, which some claim have escaped from Shepperton Film Studios, but others say were released there by Jimi Hendrix (presumably at the time he recorded his famous song, Purple Haze, which included the line "Excuse me while I kiss this guy").
Indeed, so realistic was the camerawork that when a woodpecker appeared in close up, my cat (which had been sleeping quietly on my lap) suddenly woke up, leapt at my TV screen, and clung on with all four paws to the four corners of the set, before slowly sliding down to the floor, in traditional cartoon cat fashion. That was the most entertaining thing I saw on my TV last night, but unfortunately it was on the set, not in it.
Many years ago, I observed the misanthropic former Goodie telling a bemused autograph hunter where to stick his head (let's just say it was somewhere not recommended by the Royal Society of Proctologists), and I confess that I've never liked the man since.
Back then, he used to bore us all with lectures about the artistry of his "through-composed scores" for The Goodies (even though he has Van Gogh's ear for music), whereas now he's boring us all with ornithology, and it ill behove him last night to utter the phrase that is the hallmark of the true dullard: "I'm probably totally nuts!"
As he peered through his binoculars, I was reminded of the time a confused old lady handed a crystal glass to me saying: "Hold it up to the light, Victor, and you'll see all the colours of the rectum." Well, she was what I used to refer to as a malapropistic orthinologist. No, I don't mean ornithologist, I mean orthinologist. She was a word botcher, not a bird watcher.
(Alison Bean)
* Graeme's first appearance in "Have I Got News For You" is being repeated under the title "Have I Got 2002 For You". The show airs on Sunday, 5 March and Monday, 6 March at various times on UKTV Documentary, UKTV Documentary Plus 1, UKTV Gold, and UKTV Gold Plus 1 (please check your local listings).
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* "Bromwell High" will be premiering on BBC America on Thursday, March 23rd
( )
(Lisa Manekofsky)
* A new play written by Graeme Garden will premiere in London's West End next month. Here's more info from the Theater News section of (specifically at ):
Doctor McCoy Stars in Pocket Orchestra Premiere
 by Caroline Ansdell
Dr Who's Sylvester McCoy (pictured) will star in the world premiere of The Pocket Orchestra - The Unlikely Lives of the Great Composers at the West End's Trafalgar Studio 2 next month.
The new play by Graeme Garden and Callum McLeod runs from 26 April 2006 (preview 25 April) for a limited four-week season to 20 May 2006. The comedy takes an "irreverent, satirical and shamelessly anecdotal" look at the history of classical music and the often bizarre and anarchic lives of the great composers.
In addition to Doctor Who, McCoy's television credits include Rab C Nesbitt, Frank Stubbs Promotes and The Gil Mayo Mysteries. On stage, he has appeared in Noises Off in the West End, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at the RSC and the title role in Adrian Mitchell's adaptation of The Pied Piper at the National. His other stage credits include Arsenic and Old Lace, Dick Whittington, Pride and Prejudice, Live from Golgotha, Robin Hood, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Hypochondriac.
Graeme Garden is best known as a member of The Goodies and the radio series I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. On stage, his credits include The Unvarnished Truth in the West End and Cloud Nine at the Royal Court. He also wrote several episodes of Doctor in the House and I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again for BBC Radio.
Callum McLeod has conducted and been musical director for many West End productions including The Phantom of the Opera and Peter Pan. He has also worked extensively as a musical director for Michael Ball and as a director of the British Philharmonic Orchestra. The Pocket Orchestra is produced by Ambassador Theatre Group in association with ScreenStage.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 6th Mar)
Official website here:
(Alison Bean - Goodies-l - 6th Mar)
* Graeme Garden kindly sent us a pointer to the Theatre Guide information on the new play he's written, "Pocket Orchestra" (from )
Trafalgar Studios 2 (14 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2DY)
Box Office: 0870 060 6632
Genre: Musical Subgenre: Comedy
Age suitability: General
The complete history of classical music is told through the lives of the great composers. From Beethoven to Brahms and everyone in between, classical music's biggest names are all included in this hilarious show, which features live performances from a cast of actor/musicians.
The Pocket Orchestra is written by Goodies legend Graeme Garden and Callum McLeod, and stars former timelord Sylvester McCoy.
Author: Graeme Garden and Callum McLeod;
Cast includes: Sylvester McCoy
Previews from: 25 April 2006
Opening night: 26 April 2006
Closing: 20 May 2006
Times: Mon-Sat 19:45 (26 Apr 19:00),
Mats Thu & Sat 15:00 (No mat 27 Apr, extra mat 26 Apr)
Prices: £15-£20
(Lisa Manekofsky)
* "Golf Clubs with Tim Brooke-Taylor" is being repeated by Discovery Real Time Extra. Please check your local listings for dates & times.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* Noticed Tim on the news, amongst those who gathered for a memorial for Ronnie Barker the other day. BBC News Online has the story here:
They also have some video of it, though unlike what I saw on TV, through the murky RealVideo picture, I couldn't make out Tim anywhere.
(Daniel Bowen - Goodies-l - 5th Mar)
* Stars join campaign to save Arkwright's shop
By Charles Clover
(Filed: 07/03/2006)
A shop made famous by the late comic Ronnie Barker in the BBC's sitcom Open All Hours is under threat of demolition just days after his memorial service.
Albert Arkwright's shop still stands in Balby, Doncaster, but the area has been proposed for demolition under reconstruction plans across the Midlands and the North sanctioned and partly funded by the Office of the Deputy Prime
Now a unisex hairdressing salon called Beautique, it was once one of the most famous television shopfronts in Britain during the 1970s and 1980s, when Open All Hours had 17 million viewers.
With the repeat of the famous sitcom, it is a tourist attraction again, but its famous past has not been enough to save the whole area from being demolished.
A group of protesters from the Doncaster Against Demolition campaign attended the service of thanksgiving for Ronnie Barker at Westminster Abbey last Friday. Campaigners Ray Nortrop, Laurence Parramore, and George Ross, 78, whose house in Wheatley is already scheduled for destruction, found ready support for their campaign among some of the greatest names in light entertainment.
Sir David Jason, who played Granville in the series, Terry Wogan, David Frost, Stephen Fry, Richard Briers, Bernard Cribbins, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Alan Yentob, the BBC's director of Drama, Entertainment and CBBC, all signed Doncaster Against Demolition's petition.
A council spokesman said: "We have put out our local development framework and it does propose to demolish some of the houses in the urban centre. There are no specific plans as yet and when there are they will be subject to extensive public consultation."
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 6th Mar)
* Tim's co-star from the radio and TV series Hello Cheeky has died. 
What a very sad week it's been for Tim and for all fans of radio comedy. :-(
Comedian and writer John Junkin has died at the age of 76. Junkin, who was in the Beatles film A Hard Day's Night and appeared in TV shows such as The Goodies, had been suffering from lung cancer.
He died at 0130 GMT at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire, said his friend and former BBC Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis.
Five years ago, Junkin made a TV comeback in EastEnders, playing Ernie, a stranger who came into the Queen Vic.
The Ealing-born comedian had also had emphysema and asthma.
Junkin's film roles included Shake, who was one of the road managers in the Beatles' 1964 comedy adventure, A Hard Day's Night.
He also appeared in classic British comedy The Plank, with Tommy Cooper and Eric Sykes.
He was also a prolific writer. His credits include the Morcambe and Wise show and ITV's Hark at Barker, which starred Ronnie Barker as Lord Rustless alongside Josephine Tewson as Mildred Bates.
He also wrote and appeared in Marty, which starred Marty Feldman.
More recently, Junkin was on the writing team of The Crazy World of Joe Pasquale and The Impressionable John Culshaw.
Junkin also appeared in sitcoms Terry and June and Till Death Us Do Part.
His radio credits include Hello Cheeky! alongside Tim Brooke-Taylor and Barry Cryer, which was later turned into a TV series.
(David Piper-Balston - Goodies-l - 7th Mar)
* BBC 7 airs old episodes of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (with Tim and Graeme) and "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" (with all three Goodies) on Mondays; they are available via Listen Again for six days after broadcast. The shows can be heard worldwide via the internet from
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 21st Feb)
* I recently received an email from the people responsible for publicising recording dates of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" stating that there were two imminent recording sessions in London for a new series of "Hamish & Dougal; You'll Have Had Your Tea" starring Graeme Garden and Barry Cryer. The first recording is on March 6th at The Mermaid; the second (tickets might still be available!) is March 26th - I quote the email: "The second recording will take place at 7.30pm (doors open 7pm) on Sunday 26th March at The Duchess Theatre, Catherine Street (off The Aldwych), London WC2B 5LA. Tickets cost £6.50 each and are obtainable by calling the box office on 0870 890 1103. (The theatre box office is run by a ticketing agency, and there will be will a handling charge of 60p on these ticket sales. The advantage is that they are open 24 hours a day)"
(Paul Bines)
(contributed by Lisa Manekofsky)
The following article appeared in "Jackie" magazine issue number 625 dated December 27, 1975.
Taylor Made!
Whether they're performing their latest hit record on "Top of the Pops" or clowning around on their own television show, the Goodies always seem to work as a perfect team. And Tim Brooke-Taylor, the Goodie with the fair hair and the angelic face, reckons that the reason the boys get on so well is because they're all so different!
"Graeme is the quiet one," he told me. "He's more reserved than Bill or myself. Bill has more of a temper and sometimes flares up which is a useful ingredient in a group of people working together. I'm between the two of them, really. I'm calm, but I agree with Bill about causing a fuss when it comes down to it."
"When it comes to saying how the country should be run we all seem to think the same in the end, so I suppose that proves that we think the same basically. I think the biggest tribute you could pay to us is that it doesn't matter when one of us is away because we know the other two will take the right decision. I think the moment we couldn't put our trust in each other like that, the Goodies would be finished. For example, I recently made a series for Yorkshire TV which was called 'Hello Cheekie' [sic] and was an adaptation of a show I've done for some time for BBC radio. While I was recording that in Yorkshire, I had to leave the writing of our Christmas special to the other two, although of course I put ideas in and all that. But as soon as I linked up with them again, I knew they had made the right decisions all through."
And, unlike many people in show business, the Goodies' close relationship isn't limited just to their work. They often get together socially as well - although, as Tim explained, all three of them have very different interests. Bill, for instance, spends a lot of his spare time in the open air. "Bill's a great birdwatcher," Tim said. "In fact, at the moment he's in the Scilly Islands watching birds. He's very knowledgeable and serious about it." 
In fact, Bill seems to be interested in anything that flies! "He's just become a fanatic about flying kites," explained Tim. "He goes up to the top of Hampstead Heath every evening and flies his kite. He's got what he calls a thirty-foot dragon and talks about nothing else. In fact he's getting quite boring about kite flying. I mean there is a limit to the amount you can talk about kites, isn't there? And I don't see what he sees in it. I mean, once or twice might be OK, but night after night. What can be different about it? As far as I'm concerned, the kite goes up in the air, and that's that!"
Graeme, meanwhile, is the most artistic Goodie, and so when he's not working as a comedian or a pop star, he becomes an artist instead! "He's a really good cartoonist and artist," said Tim. "He draws quite a few cartoons for magazines, and when it came to writing our book, 'The Goodies File,' he did a lot of the layout and drawings. He also goes fishing,"
One thing Graeme doesn't share, however, is the interest both Bill and Tim have in football. "I'm a Derby County supporter, because that's where I come from," said Tim, "and I was very excited when they were at the top of the First Division last season. Bill is what I'd call a lapsed Chelsea supporter. I think he's returned to his first love which is Bromwich Albion. Back to the roots as it were. That's where he comes from, you see."
"Otherwise I like the more boring things of life, films and things like that. Well, films are not boring but they can get a bit boring if that's all you talk about!"
But Tim has one other passion that he hadn't mentioned so far - ski-ing! I asked him what had made him fall in love with such a hazardous sport? "Ski-ing really makes the perfect holiday, because there's the sun, the mountains, and the fresh air," explained Tim. "You find you get up earlier than you would do at home and you're exhausted at the end of the day because of the incredibly pure air. And once you learn you seem to get on very quickly. I was soon flying down mountains like a bird! At least that's what it felt like, after no time at all. And there's one great advantage - you never have to climb up the mountains. They have these wonderful machines that you hook yourself onto and they take you up the hills so you can come skimming down again. I haven't been ski-ing this year, but it's like riding a bicycle. Soon after I learned, I went on a weekend package holiday and was delighted to find I was soon roaring along again." Although he didn't manage to find the time for a ski-ing holiday this year, Tim did have a break in the summertime. At first, he intended to go to Swanage in Dorset - but somehow he ended up in Italy instead!
"I'd booked up to spend a week in Swanage," he said, "but then a week or two before I was due to go, it rained a lot, and the weather looked really bad. It was just before all that marvelous summer weather started. So I decided that there would be a week's bad weather in Swanage, and I decided instead to go with John Cleese (of Monty Python fame) to the north of Italy. As it turned out, it was hot in Italy, and it was brilliant weather at home as well! Still, I needed the week off from England, because we'd just finished work on the last Goodies TV series."
"It's pretty wearing work being a Goodie, especially now that we're making records as well. But I wouldn't want it to be any other way. I love being a Goodie!"
(by Linda Kay)
Issue 183
1st December, 1973 No. 71
Cover banner: "Goody-Goody! TV Stars "The Goodies" Appear Inside!"
The idea of the Goodies becoming "baddies" was explored in the Goodies own television series when Dr. Petal created evil robot versions of our heroes. Much of the "havoc" caused by the Baddies in that episode is mirrored here but apart from that the premise and plot are completely different, as you'll see when you read the Cor!! comic we'll be reviewing this month.
The Goodies are sitting in their office when there is a knock at their door. Tim and Graeme look at the door in puzzlement (Bill is busy trying to get money out of a piggy bank to pay the delinquent bills on their desk). A mouse is also sitting on the desk looking at the door.
GRAEME: That's strange! Our clients don't usually knock!
Graeme opens the door and a sinister-looking man with a pointy beard and cloak, a real Svengali, waves a pocket watch back and forth in front of Graeme's face.
HYPNOTIST: Keep your eyes on this watch ... you are feeling *sleepy* ... you cannot keep your eyes open ... sleep ... *SLEEP* ..!
Graeme simply sneers at the man.
GRAEME: What on earth are you trying to do? What *is* all this rubbish? You don't think a trick like *that* would work on an *intelligent person,* do you?
Graeme turns around to see both Tim and Bill (not to mention the telephone and the mouse on the desk) have fallen fast asleep.
GRAEME: Did you hear that ... ? *Oooer!*
The hypnotist casually hits Graeme on the back of the head with his cane.
The hypnotist hovers over the unconscious Goodies evilly.
HYPNOTIST: You are under my *control* ... you will *obey* my wishes! You will cause *havoc* in Cortown ... then you will rob a *jeweller* and bring the *loot* back to me! Ha, harr! You will now become ...
We cut to the next panel where The Goodies have donned black stocking clothing which covers their entire bodies (except for their white gloves) and they are riding down the street on their trandem. Bill holds a sign which reads "We don't do anything for anybody - EVER!"
HYPNOTIST: (Continued from last panel) ... THE BADDIES!
As they continue to ride, Bill shoots the helmet off a police officer's head using a rock and slingshot.
BILL: Tee, hee!
As they ride past an elderly man in a wheelchair Tim blows a horn right into the man's ear, making him jump a mile.
The Goodies are hiding around a corner as a man walks down the street, not watching where he's going. Tim pulls a manhole cover off with a rope so that the man will step into it.
The Goodies appear from behind a brick wall and shoot pea shooters at a group of young boys.
A sixteen ton weight is dropped onto an unsuspecting businessman waiting at the bus stop.
The Goodies reach the jewelers's shop and Graeme breaks the front window with a brick while Bill jumps off the back of the bike carrying a bag marked "Swag."
The Goodies speed away from the jewelry store with the stolen loot, the owner chasing after them angrily. Tim pushes another policeman out of their way as they speed down the street.
BILL: Back to headquarters, gang!
Back at their office, the Goodies stand in a daze behind their desk as the Hypnotist examines the stolen jewels.
HYPNOTIST: Ha, ha! In one hour you will awake and become *The Goodies!* You will remember *nothing!* But tomorrow at midday you will become *The Baddies* once again!
The Goodies are sitting innocently in their office when there is a loud banging on the door.
POLICE: Open up! It's the *police!*
GRAEME: The police?
An inspector in a trench coat enters with two policemen. He shows the Goodies his credentials as he speaks.
INSPECTOR: I'm Inspector Fumblefuzz of the Back Yard ... and you're just the men I want!
The Inspector addresses them earnestly.
INSPECTOR: There's been a rash of nasty doings by an outfit called *The Baddies!* And we want *you* to *capture them!*
Sign-Off Line: If You Know What's Goodies For You You'll Order Cor!! In Advance!
III - Goody goody yum yum.
The beginning of this two-part story sets up the situation nicely and is quite intriguing the way it leaves off, leading readers wanting to pick up the next week's issue of Cor!! to find out what happens.
There are plenty of small, hidden jokes throughout this comic for readers find. In the first panel we can tell the Goodies are in financial straits because an in-basket is filled with papers marked "Bill" and "Inland Revenue" and Bill is fiddling with his piggy bank (which is only producing moths). The other wire tray on their desks holds a steaming teapot and teacups. After the hypnotist waves his watch it's very funny that not only Bill and Tim fall asleep but also the mouse, the telephone, the bills in the inbox are drooping and the piggy bank is asleep on Bill's stomach.
When the Baddies first appear on the scene one policeman and a dog go running away while two army sergeants grab each other in fear, crying "Mummy!" The old man who is frightened out of his wheelchair has a wind-up key on the back of the chair. The line of businessmen at the bus stop don't pay any attention when the 16 ton weight drops on their colleague. Ironically the headline of the newspaper the one businessman is holding (in the Daily Wail) reads "Further Crushing Burdens on Bus Commuters." This same man also has a small lock box chained and locked to his wrist and a small note from the cartoonist points out this is a season ticket.
When the Goodies rob the jewelry store there is a sign in the window which reads "Cut Price Diamonds - 5000 pounds off (with stamps.)" Next to the jewelry store is a pawn shop (three metal balls hang from above) called "I. Hockum." A policeman is standing by a sign on the corner while a car going through the intersection appears to have struck a pedestrian. A dog also sits by and watches the robbery with its tail wagging. As the Goodies race away from the crime scene Tim pushes the policeman into the sign, bending it sideways. And one of the pawn shop balls is falling toward Bill's head.
In the swag bag along with regular jewels is a crown and scepter. And Tim is playing with a paper airplane, Bill is sipping a cup of tea (with his pinky held out) and Graeme is reading a copy of Cor!! when the police come knocking.
A very exciting and suspenseful comic ... how will it all end? Find out in our next review!
To view these strips online, you can visit this page:
We'll post the currently reviewed issue plus the two previous issues for latecomers.
(a) Tim Brooke-Taylor
(b) Advertising men
(c) It Might As Well Be String
(d) Nice Person Of The Year Award
(e) "Knickers!"
(f) Four
(g) With sulphuric acid or by alligator attack
(h) Michael Aspirin
8    Goodies fan supreme
7    Mastermind of the year
5-6 Clever clogs
3-4 Reasonably Goodie
1-2 Thick as old boots
0    Rolf Harris!
- #125: 15th April 2006. 
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