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Magnus Magnesium's Bumper Goodies Quiz #6
Answers - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 30/12/2006


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(Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Score 1/2 a point if you're close!)
(1)   Pets Corner
(2)   A stick insect
(3)   Gypsies
(4)   The Grand National
(5)   Towing a milk cart to earn back the lost money
(6)   A wild boar
(7)   Bill Oddie – Good Riddance"
(8)   "A raving nutter"
(9)   The Detectives Club
(10) France
(11) Trees and cows
(12) The Hercule Poirots
(13) One of its own tailfeathers
(14) Plankton
(15) Nobel Prize chemists
(16) Concrete
(17) A Yummy Meter
(18) A pie
(19) That he "can't stand dogs!"
(20) The Keep Filth Off Television Campaign
(21) Torrid Nudes Of Grope City
(22) White sheets
(23) A giant lollipop
(24) Rolf Harris
(25) 1973
(26) Tim
(27) The trandem bike
(28) The real Eddie Waring
(29) The Germans
(30) Big baggy trousers
(31) Custard pies
(32) The Wombles
(33) "Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside"
(34) An American Indian
(35) By squirting oil in his mouth
(36) The Two Folk
(37) New Faeces
(38) "You can get locked up for that, y'know!"
(39) The Fifties rock 'n roll era
(40) Flowers
(41) 2000
(42) Truth
(43) "… Buy some, or I'll break your fingers!"
(44) Hello Cheeky
(45) Red
(46) A budgie skin
(47) He had problems getting them to say "Who's a pretty boy?"
(48) Haggises
(49) BOO!
(50) "Don't answer that!"
(51) He is trying to impersonate the much taller Vanessa Redgrave
(52) Leftist Loony Party
(53) A Hawaiian hula
(54) Oliver Reed
(55) Jimmy Young
(56) Choice of Anita, Chopper, Richard and Rolf
(57) Moscow Zoo
(58) Six million
(59) Into the mack
(60) To hide his "silly" scout hat
(61) Immediately take a cold shower
(62) Stealing a pair of Margaret Thatcher's knickers
(63) Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar and David Frost (though Frosty pinched his!)
(64) Two months
(65) Fruit
(66) Dracula's Entrails
(67) David Frost
(68) Clapham Common
(69) The Brighton to Birkenhead Freeway
(70) "Or a chicken being flattened by a train"
(71) The Midnight Cowperson
(72) Loony Moth
(73) California
(74) Bounce
(75) The pocket movie camera
(76) 25 pounds
(77) Bill
(78) Sambo
(79) Buster Keaton
(80) A snail
(81) A plate
(82) Turning right, turning left and "turning nasty" (a 2 fingered salute!)
(83) Spain
(84) On the desk of the race commentator
(85) Choice of TV, gramophone, piano keyboard and washing machine
(86) Because it kept falling over
(87) Roast chicken
(88) Inside its eye
(89) " … at least send us a good ventriloquist!"
(90) Tim
(91) Tim
(92) A hockey stick
(93) A cow
(94) A session of physical exercise
(95) Tanks
(96) The Minister of Sport
(97) By 3 coffins draped with Union Jack flags
(98) That it's really whale blubber, just like all of the other dishes
(99) Bill
(100) Hot water bottles
90-100    Mastermind Of The Year
75-89     Goodies Fan Supreme
60-74      Clever Clogs
40-59      Reasonably Goodie
21-39      Thick As Old Boots
0-19        Rolf Harris!

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