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C&G - The Goodies 40th Anniversary
Melbourne Photo Gallery - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 15/12/2010


» 40th Anniversary C&G
» Manchester Photo Ga...
» Bristol Photo Gallery
» Melbourne Photo Gal...

PHOTO GALLERY (Photos provided by Kirri & Brett) 
Kirri (as Drunken Bill from "The End") giving her considered opinion of a Max Bygraves record
Kristen relaxing at the picnic
Brett at the picnic
I thought we'd paid 500 pounds for Nicholas Parsons not to turn up!
Doing a spot of Wig Spotting.  Look out, that double whammy will really scare your hair off!!
AAAARRRGGHH!!  Take that, Maxie boy!
"Turps for burps" taking its toll!
Doing Magnus Magnesium's Goodies Quiz
Some of the quiz prizes on offer
A Haggis-eye view of some picnicking Goodies fans
A pair of Goodies (so they tell us!)
Kim doing one of Tim's patriotic speeches to her loyal subjects
One of Pan's Inbetweenies doing the Festering Ferret!
Puddings at t'ready for t'grand Ecky Thump duel
We'll soon see about that, mate!
"Ladieees and Gennelllwoiiinn the red corner, Ecky Thoomp! ..."
End of Round One ...
Eee bah goom, T'Grand Master makes 'is move ...
Look out, 'e's in trouble ....
And the winner is ...
Oiii ... down goes t'referee too!
And Kirri truly was t'new Grand Master ... !
Though it's a bit like eating Chinese food ... 20 minutes later you've got to kill him again!
That's all folks ... until next time around.

Thanks so much for writing about the events if last month. It's really nice/appreciated for those who couldn't make it to the UK or Melbourne! 
Posted by:froschmann


date: 16/12/2010 21:27 GMT
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