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The Goodies

BBC Goodies Repeat
23/02/2006 13:00 GMT

Posted by davidbalston

The almost topical episode of The Goodies "Winter Olympics" is to be repeated on BBC2 Saturday 4th March 7.10pm to 7.40pm.

Hopefully this will be the start of many Goodies episodes shown on the BBC. 

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Brilliant - about flippin' time too!!!
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 24/02/2006 02:38 GMT
F£$%ing hell! It's working. Let's keep up the prsessure, we'll get them all repeated eventually.
Posted by:Edna


date: 24/02/2006 02:58 GMT
I emailed the BBC the other day, and this came back today:

"Thank you for your e-mail regarding 'The Goodies'.

I note that you would like the programme to be repeated on the BBC, as you feel it could be discovered by a whole new generation of viewers.

Please be assured that your suggestion will be fully registered and made available to our scheduling department and other senior management within the BBC. Feedback of this nature helps us when making decisions about future BBC programmes and services and your views will most certainly play a part in this process."
Posted by:clair

clair WWW 

date: 24/02/2006 03:53 GMT
Whoopee!  I haven't seen that one in ages!
Posted by:Eroomnaillig


date: 24/02/2006 04:47 GMT
There will be a grand up rising chucky!! Power to the People!! The BBC is beginning to see the error of their ways - Congratulations and keep up the Good(ie) Work.  Now if only we can convince the BBC's sister station in Australia, The ABC , to keep it in the family and begin repeating The Goodies on free TVwe can begin the indoctrination of another generation of Australian youth.
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 24/02/2006 09:58 GMT
hopefully lots of people will contact the BBC after the episode airs to let them know of the demand for additional repeats
Posted by:lisa

lisa WWW 

date: 24/02/2006 15:08 GMT
Does this mean we should cancel our run on T' parliment with our black puddings raised on high?
Posted by:zaphod


date: 24/02/2006 15:19 GMT
Absolutely Not!!!  T' Grand Uprising is scheduled as planned - puddings to the ready !
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 24/02/2006 16:54 GMT
About bloody time is all I can say!!
Posted by:artyclarty

artyclarty WWW 

date: 24/02/2006 21:07 GMT
Posted by:bradda


date: 27/02/2006 20:33 GMT
CAN'T WAIT, been TWENTY YEARS SINCE LAST REPEAT, but as usual, BBC ignoring it, with no tv adverts..  huh
Posted by:clownvirus


date: 01/03/2006 23:56 GMT
Excellent news about the repeat, the only trouble is that it's not being shown on BBC2 Wales, ARGH!! And guess what us Welshies are having instead - snooker! How will I contain my excitement as instead of watching our heroes I watch two men knock coloured spheres round a table with wooden sticks. Harumph...
Posted by:KarenP


date: 02/03/2006 09:38 GMT
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