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The Goodies

Goodies-related shows in the UK (some available worldwide via the internet)
02/02/2006 00:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

* BBC 2 is showing a new series of "Bill Oddie's How to Watch Wildlife" on Tuesdays at 20:00.

* Tim and Graeme's interview from "In Conversation With..." was repeated by BBC 7 on Sunday, 29 January.  It'll then be available via Listen Again through the end of the day Saturday (4 February).  The show can be heard online at

* "Pleasure at Her Majesty's", the 1976 Amnesty International comedy performance which includes an appearance by The Goodies, will be shown on Artsworld on Thursday, 2nd February at 23:30 and again on Saturday, 4 Feb at 22:45.

* "Secret Squirrels", a 10 minute nature documentary narrated by Bill Oddie, is being repeated by BBC 2 on Weds, 8 February at 20:50.

* BBC 7 airs old episodes of "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" (with Tim and Graeme) and "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" (with all three Goodies) on Mondays; they are available via Listen Again for six days after broadcast. The shows can be heard worldwide via the internet from

* "Bill Oddie Goes Wild" is being repeated on UKTV Style Gardens on various days and times the week of February 7-10.  Please consult your local listings for details.  That station will also be airing "The Best of Bill Oddie Goes Wild" on 10 February.

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