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The Goodies

UKTV (in Australia) has ended their run of "The Goodies"
31/03/2005 00:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

Unfortunately Australian tv station UKTV has concluded their run of Goodies episodes (which began on 1st March).  A customer service representative says that the station does not intend to show further episodes later this year. 

Regarding UKTV only having shown episodes from the first two series of "The Goodies" this month the rep said "Unfortunately UKTV were only allowed to licence Series 1 and 2 of The Goodies, we were unable to clear other series due to clearance issues."

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I think someone seriously dropped the ball at uktv.
Posted by:spong

spong WWW 

date: 03/04/2005 12:43 GMT
I think It's time the english got got of their collective bottoms and petitioned the BBC to release the series for the worlds enjoyment (with respect ) they have released everything else eg. dads army, red drawf and dr who, what give them the right to with hold entertainment enjoyment for whatever reason. Where is the bulldog spirit you people are in a prime position or dont you care
Posted by:raykd


date: 04/04/2005 22:58 GMT
UK TV 10th birthday next month Showing The GOODIES  saturday,1 sund 2 and Monday the 3rd  their Showing
series 1 & 2 only 
saturday,sunday,Monday  2.30-5.30 pm, 


Posted by:Andyt29


date: 20/09/2005 16:39 GMT
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