Clarion and Globe Issue 202 is now here! 25/03/2018 12:18 GMT
Posted by JG_PeckinPahs The new March/April 2018 issue of the Clarion and Globe has been sent out to all members on the C&G mailing list. If you have not received your copy please contact me on
And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)
If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply. After that you will be on the mailing list.
You can also find a copy of the latest C&G in Articles and Guides, to your left.
Edit: If members have changed their e-mail addresses since the last issue of Clarion & Globe in November 2012. You need to re-subscribe to the mailing list. Just follow the same above instruction on how to do this. Then (if possible) remove the old e-mail address of the list. By sending an e-mail to using your old address, and reply to the confirmation email that it will send to you at your old address. - (If you don’t want new owners receiving newsletters too).
Thanks!  |