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The Goodies

further Goodies repeated on Australia's Comedy Channel
31/12/2008 00:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

The Comedy Channel in Australia has scheduled another batch of Goodies episodes from series 1 and 2.  Here is the schedule currently displayed at

    Fri 02/01     11:30AM     Love The Police
    Sun 04/01     10:30PM     Women's Lib
    Mon 05/01     11:30AM     Women's Lib
    Tue 06/01     11:30AM     Sex and Violence

Use the "click here for more" link below to see a list of further TV & radio shows of interest to Goodies fans.

Also, UK channel Paramount 2 will be repeating some Goodies episodes (probably from the LWT series) on Sat, 10 Jan (at 21:30) & Sun, 11 Jan (at 21:35).

Here's a list of upcoming TV & radio shows of interest to Goodies fans. "(NEW)" indicates shows added since the last update (some of which may be repeats). It's advisable to check your local listings for schedule changes.
Feel free to let us know about anything that should be added to the list - contributions & corrections are always welcome! (Thanks to everyone who's been helping with the spottings!)

* Weds, 31 Dec - "Hamish & Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea Hogmanay Special" (with the ISIHAC cast) on BBC Radio 7 at 23:30-00:00.  The show can be heard online from; it can be heard from Listen Again after broadcast from

* Weds, 31 Dec - "Standup on 7 - Rock'n'Droll - Barry Cryer & Ronnie Golden" (for the Barry Cryer fans) on BBC Radio 7 ( at 22:30. Available from Listen Again after broadcast from

(NEW) * Thurs, 1 Jan - "Agatha Christie's Marple", which includes a cameo from Graeme, on ITV1 at 21:00

(NEW) * Thurs, 1 Jan - "Grumpy Old New Year" with Bill is repeated on BBC 2 at 01:15

(NEW) * Sat, 10 Jan - "The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs", presented by Bill, is repeated on BBC Prime at 08:00 and 23:00

(NEW) * Sat, 10 Jan & Sun, 11 Jan - "The Goodies" on Paramount 2 Saturday at 21:30 and Sunday at 21:35.

* Mondays - "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" with Tim, Graeme & Bill is being repeated on BBC Radio 7 at 12.30pm and 7.30pm. The show can be heard worldwide via the internet from; each episode will be available for a week after broadcast from Listen Again at

* Thursdays - "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" repeats on BBC Radio 7.  The show will be available online from; repeats will be available for a week after broadcast from   . 

* various dates & times - The Comedy Channel in Australia occasionally is repeating episodes of "The Goodies".  Consult their website (at ) for details about any episodes coming up in the next 7 days.  Currently first and second series episodes are scheduled for the first week of January.

Email Print

Lucky Aussie's Wish They Were On TV Over Here In New Zealand
Posted by:goodiesguy


date: 02/01/2009 21:27 GMT
Only lucky Aussies who have Foxtel!! I am jealous too!!
Posted by:vanessa cricklewood


date: 03/01/2009 13:09 GMT
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