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Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
25/04/2021 12:46 GMT

The April issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. 

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
24/03/2021 12:45 GMT

Due to another slow news month I am postponing this month's newsletter until 25th April 2021.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
25/02/2021 15:43 GMT

The February issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. 

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
30/01/2021 14:31 GMT

The January issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. And due to another issue with the C&G side box. You can view the edition here

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
16/01/2021 18:26 GMT

Due to a slow news month I am delaying issue 232 until the end of the month.  By this time there should hopefully be some Slapstick Festival news.  Thanks for your patience.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
16/12/2020 16:21 GMT

The November issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. And due to another issue with the C&G side box. You can view the edition here

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
16/11/2020 17:11 GMT

The November issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. So I've made sure it's available via the front page in the Clarion & Globe box.

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
15/10/2020 18:19 GMT

The October issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. So I've made sure it's available via the front page in the Clarion & Globe box.

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
30/09/2020 13:25 GMT

In the last issue I forgot to highlight the answers in the Goody Puzzles solution for the quiz. 

Please find them here

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

Posts: 1050




 Subject:  Re: Clarion and Globe Newsletters
20/09/2020 18:16 GMT

The September issue of the Clarion and Globe is now out.  But, due to a technical reason I am unable to send it out to the mailing list. So I've made sure it's available via the front page in the Clarion & Globe box.

And if you have not been receiving any of the new editions or previous ones at all. Please contact the Technical Officer on (As I don't have access to the main computer to sort the issues out. Thanks!)

If you would like to have the The Goodies Fan Club newsletter, arrive in your inbox. Send a blank e-mail to and respond to the reply.  After that you will be on the mailing list.

You can also find a link to the latest issues of the Clarion and Globe in the little box to your right and also in Articles and Guides soon.

'So full of cow, it almost moos'

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