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Posts: 2437




 Subject:  Re: Goodies Imaginary Pinball Machine
08/04/2008 18:05 GMT

That is fantastic - I want one!  It does look rather complicated though...


Posts: 270



 Subject:  Goodies Imaginary Pinball Machine
08/04/2008 13:42 GMT

While going through some old discs I re-stumbled across something I got hold of a number of years ago (mid 90s) from a friend of a friend etc who initially wrote the document.

For those of you who remember .... a few years back it was a popular pastime for some people to  put money into this giant light flashing electronic noisy box,  and you would press these buttons called flippers on the side, in an attempt to hit a shiny silver ball to stop it going down the middle and sides.

A number of these "pinball" machines were released based on a theme of some kind, whether it was a music group, a movie or TV show. Eg: there were Starwars, Dr Who, Flash Gordon or Elvira, Rolling Stones, KISS,  Evel Knievel,  Star Trek,  Knight Rider pinball machines.

Although one was never produced, a person who designs pinball machines, produced a document which describes how they would go about creating a Goodies pinball machine.

If you are interested, I have put this document at link
It might be good for a laugh?

[ dang! just took away my doc file, so had to move it to another server    ]

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Last modified: 08/04/2008 14:17 GMT by wahski

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