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 Subject:  Re: Desperately seeking lyrics.
20/06/2002 21:16 GMT

Dear Zaphod Thanks mate that is brill Ive been searching for two weeks V


Posts: 975




 Subject:  Re: Desperately seeking lyrics.
19/06/2002 00:58 GMT

Here's part of it, taken from my random quote database.  Sorry it's the best I have for now, at least until I can transcribe from the Yum Yum album (available in all good record stores and quite a few bad ones as well)


Come on everybody- it's gibbon time!

We're the Goodies- how d'you do?

We've just been out to the zoo

We saw a monkey in a cage

Doing a dance that could be the rage

It's not bad, so let's all do

The Funky Gibbon-- Ooo Ooo Ooo!

Do Do Do The Funky Gibbon (The funky gibbon!)

We are here to show you how

Ooo Ooo Ooo The Funky Gibbon (The funky gibbon!)

Just like you, so come on do, The Funky Gibbon now.

Dogs are always howling

Cats are always yowling

But gibbons only like to sing and dance

You be like that monkey

Get a little funky

And then know why, gibbons smile

Given half a chance..

Do Do Do.. etc


Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun


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 Subject:  Desperately seeking lyrics.
18/06/2002 21:23 GMT

OK Which one of you Goodie Maniacs out there can help me get the lyrics to the Funky Gibbon. SO I must be mad to need them but who really cares .V


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