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 Subject:  Re: Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
30/08/2002 15:26 GMT

I agree that come about series 4 of the Goodies, they did exceed Python, but let's face it, the earlier series of the Goodies were just as hit and miss as Python, if not more as you had to put up with half an hour of weak comedy rather than a couple of minutes. As for Python being overrated? I don't really think so. It was good. Let's not be bitter about it being repeated and mentioned more often, as quite frankly I think it has more appeal to some people. I know many people who I've "subjected" to some real class Goodies eps and they just switch off, whereas they'd happily sit down to a splash of Python. And Python has been treated badly by the beeb. Yes, they have some more mainstream videos out, but they're still compilations, as Zoë said. And only 4 vids anyway. Not much of an improvement.

So, honestly I think we just ought to face up to the fact that these days Python is winning, but who knows? They did much less material and people will get bored. Maybe the Goodies Revolution is yet to come in Britain. Dunno about you Aussies. Getting repeats n' all. S'not fair.

*Exits left, grumbling*


Posts: 14



 Subject:  Re: Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
26/08/2002 22:55 GMT

I agree that both the Goodies and Python are pretty good. However, I also agree with something I think Bill might have said, which went along the lines of Python's "high's" being better than the Goodies', but Python's "low's" being lower. Basically, when Python was working well, it was fantastic, but when it wasn't quite right, it was pretty crap. The goodies was much more consistant.


Posts: 0



 Subject:  Re: Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
26/08/2002 15:27 GMT

Today i have seen Allo Allo, keeping up appearances

and will have to face the onslaught of some mothers do ave em. Why do the bbc consider this lot of old rot to be classic comedy and leave the goodies behind, and believe me it gets worse with constant repeats of dad's army and are you being served (surely one of the most offensive programmes ever made) Zenaphobia is fine, dated innuendo is fine but sharp surreal comedy is out. Maybe the beeb should try and remember that the goodies won the silver rose for them twice.

I disagree however that python is overrated, when it works it's sublime, and anyway it's different from the goodies, can't you like both? Besides the bbc treat python pretty shabily as well, with the video issues avaliable as greatest skits rather than the complete series.


Posts: 293



 Subject:  Re: Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
26/08/2002 09:31 GMT

As a  very young Goodies viewer the "adult stuff" went over my head, but I liked the "silly stuff".  As  I grew older I got more out of it and developed one of my first "TV crushes".

I think the child/adult thing was a double-edged sword though.  It meant that the Goodies got away with a lot, but people underestimated them as a "kids programme".


PS for a long time I never believed Cricklewood was a real place!


Posts: 293



 Subject:  Re: Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
25/08/2002 15:13 GMT

I first "got into" Monty Python as a "clever" teenager in the late 70's.  Prior to that I couldn't understand it at all.

Now, I can't really understand what the fuss was all about.

It's a shame now that no-one seems to know or care about the Goodies in Britain except the faithful few.  Perhaps the long awaited DVDs of some more episodes will help in that regard.  Fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes crossed!



Posts: 290



 Subject:  Monty Python overrated? Goodies underrated?
25/08/2002 07:37 GMT

You know, whenever quirky British comedy is mentioned (especially from a BBC context), Monty Python always seems to be at the top of the list. The Goodies are never really mentioned much in that regard. I really think that "The Goodies" worked on more levels that Monty Python and is seriously underrated for its cleverness in that regard. What do you guys think?


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