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Posts: 270



 Subject:  Re: ChinBeardBooks website still in operation?
06/05/2024 05:26 GMT

Ah good - website is now back up after all these months with a 'Coming Soon' message -

Hope we have more Goodies Novellas on the way.

Gave site the once over with a security test and it got an 'A' as did GoodiesRuleOK

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"

Posts: 52



 Subject:  Re: ChinBeardBooks website still in operation?
27/10/2023 01:53 GMT

Here's the reason. Should be viewable in a incognito tab without a account requirement.

If not, here's the text:

29th September


Much sadness, here at Chinbeard Books HQ. Our website has gone.

The new host service provider - that we didn't get a choice whether to move to or not after the parent company was taken over - neglected to inform anyone that they were only transferring domain names and, it turns out, would wipe all existing websites once transferred; meaning you have to build your website again from scratch and don't have access to the website you used to have (with its shop, release dates, graphics, news items, etc, etc).

Apologies to those who are looking for us and can't find us.

We'll be back as soon as we can.

EDITED TO ADD: For fans of The Tomorrow People, never fear. This doesn't affect anything, and you've no need to worry. Our part is done. The printers send the books directly to AUK, who are distributing them, so our website being down isn't some terrible conspiracy to deprive you of your books you very kindly pre-ordered."

Last modified: 27/10/2023 01:53 GMT by BritOzMan
Bertha Torr

Posts: 66

Bertha Torr


 Subject:  Re: ChinBeardBooks website still in operation?
26/10/2023 21:38 GMT

I get a 'potential security risk ahead' warning. Have sent BEJ a message.

I don't have to take this kind of thing from you, you know! But I'm going to...

Posts: 270



 Subject:  ChinBeardBooks website still in operation?
25/10/2023 23:32 GMT

Is ChinBeardBooks website still in operation?
(where we get Goodies current and future 'novellas' from?)

If I go to I get the following message
If you're seeing this page, the website has been removed from

Tried via it's IP address [] and get same message at

I am guessing they are still in business?, but for a number of weeks now cannot connect to a working webpage.

I don't have any twitter or bookface accounts to see if there are any updates/messages at the following sites:

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Last modified: 25/10/2023 23:33 GMT by wahski

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