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Posts: 49



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM
03/10/2022 03:10 GMT

I got a response on 30/09, but initially forgot to post it here.

“Dear Henri

Our policy is to minimise edits but these are occasionally required for a variety of reasons (including copyright reasons).

Best wishes

(name redacted)”


Posts: 49



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM
28/09/2022 02:09 GMT

I’ve now just replied to this email, asking if the episodes will be cut/edited, to avoid potentially offending viewers, or for timing (or both). Again, if I get a response, I’ll post it here.


Posts: 49



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM
28/09/2022 02:00 GMT

To my surprise, I actually got an email back from That’s TV. I’ve included it below (with the name of the employee who responded to my email redacted).

“Dear Henri

Thank you very much for your email below.

We have secured the rights to over 60 episodes. These are selected episodes from all seasons including every BBC and ITV season. At present a ‘new’ episode is being scheduled each night at 9.35pm (not just Wednesday’s) with repeats at various other times. We have secured the rights to use the BBC/ITV programme files.

We are in discussion over a few of the episodes and so I’m afraid I cannot answer all of your queries at this stage.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to contact us. I hope you are able to help spread the word!

Best wishes

(name redacted)
That’s TV”


Posts: 49



 Subject:  Re: The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM
27/09/2022 13:28 GMT

Just remembered, I forgot to ask in my email about whether they’d be cut/edited.

Have to wait and see on Wednesday (and hope that a UK viewer who’s a member of this fan club, could tell us if they were or not).


Posts: 49



 Subject:  The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM
27/09/2022 13:11 GMT

Tune your TVs and set your PVRs UK fans, The Goodies start on That’s TV this Wednesday night at 9:35PM. Goody Goody Yum Yum!

I’ve emailed That’s TV querying about how many episodes they’ll be broadcasting, and whether this will include:

• The two 45 minute specials, The Goodies And The Beanstalk & Goodies Rule - OK?.

• The series 2 “special”, entitled A Collection of Goodies (Special Tax Edition).

• Their Travelling Instant Five Minute Christmas sketch from 1972’s Christmas Night With The Stars.

• The one LWT/ITV series (That’s TV have already shown this series, so they may not show it again, although I hope they still would)

• The colour version of Come Dancing (as opposed to the b/w version).

• Caught In The Act/Playgirl Club & Commonwealth Games (due to them both only surviving in b/w)

I’ve also queried whether they’ll be using Network’s restored versions of the episodes, and what their intended broadcast schedule is.

If I get a response, I’ll post it here (although I most likely won’t get one).


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