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Magnus Magnesium's Bumper Goodies Quiz #1
Goodies Quiz #1 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 28/12/2006


» Goodies Quiz #1
» Quiz Answers


 Can you reclaim the Mastermind Of The Year title from Cuddly Scamp Hairylegs Of Cricklewood by answering these 100 Goodies questions correctly? Your time starts now …

"A Kick In The Arts"

(1) For which worthy cause does Tim conduct a "Pro Celebrity Sports Night"?

(2) How much money does he raise for this cause?


(3) Who provided the money for the Goodies' new office?

(4) According to Bill's ad, what are the Goodies able to do?

(5) What is Graeme's response to this?

(6) What substance gives Bill wild hallucinations when he sucks on it?

"Black & White Beauty"

(7) Which name has Graeme given all of his pets at the rest home?

(8) Tim thinks that he's eating pickled walnuts. What are they in fact?

(9) What is the name of the neighbouring farm that Bill takes over?

"Bunfight At The OK Tea Rooms"

(10) What is a destitute Tim forced to mend his hanky with?

(11) Which catchy song is the backing music for their search for gold?

(12) Which three valuable commodities do they find instead?


(13) What is the name of Tim's eccentric uncle?

(14) Who are the Goodies trying to save Camelot from?

(15) Whose book of medieval jokes does Tim quote from?


(16) What was the key requirement for the babysitting job that the Goodies took on?

(17) How did the Goodies meet this requirement?

(18) Which housekeeping chore does Graeme undertake?

(19) Which Goodies song is used as background music while they are doing the housekeeping chores?

"Come Dancing"

(20) Whose learn-to-dance kit (with very camp instructions) do the Goodies use?

(21) What is Penelope Fay's true identity?

"Cunning Stunts"

(22) What is the name of the Goodies' newspaper?

(23) How does Bill supposedly win the hand of Mildred Makepeace in marriage?

(24) What is Graeme's verbal response when Mildred rejects him?

(25) Which unusual contest does a depressed Bill enter?

"Daylight Robbery On The Orient Express"

(26) What costume is Bill wearing at the shareholders meeting?

(27) Which group of detectives are disposed of in the exploding toilet?

"Double Trouble"

(28) Which award are the Goodies in the running for?

(29) Which frequent target of the Goodies phones in to nominate, only to be given the prohibitive odds of 2 million to 1 on winning?

(30) Which guest star plays the evil Doctor Petal?

(31) Which other classic BBC show did he have a starring role in?


(32) What was Graeme's present to himself, and why was it so useful?

(33) What was the cheeky slogan on Tim's billboard for his hot chestnut stall?

(34) What does Tim have a major phobia about?

(35) What does Graeme use as props for his Miss Piggy impression?


(36) What colour are all of the food items that Bill has cooked for the other two Goodies?

(37) What is the name of Uncle Tom's favourite hen?

"Football Crazy"

(38) Which phrase does soccer hooligan Bill continually shriek at a fallen player?

(39) Which award does Bill win for his hooliganism?

"For Those In Peril On The Sea"

(40) Which people first discovered the island of Munga?

(41) What did the French do to cause the island to become lost?

(42) Why does Lou, Bill's vulture, look rather unwell?


(43) What kind of novelty dog does Graeme breed for Tim and Bill?

(44) What name does Tim give it?

"Free To Live"

(45) What is the name of Graeme's hot date for the evening at the start of the episode?

(46) How does Barbara, the Women's Lib inspector, liberate Graeme's date.

"Gender Education"

(47) Which organisation does Mrs Desiree Carthorse work for?

(48) How are the Goodies required to assist her?

(49) What is her response when asked "What does your husband do?"

(50) What does Bill say to Mrs Carthorse to shut her up when she starts to lecture him?

"Goodies And The Beanstalk"

(51) What donation does Graeme's "One leg – please give generously" sign bring?

(52) Where does the beanstalk end up growing to?

"Hunting Pink"

(53) What costume is Tim wearing when he visits his great-uncle?

(54) What is the name of his great-uncle's country mansion?

"Hype Pressure"

(55) Which favourite target of the Goodies had a book titled "Play The Guitar My Way - And Other Jokes"?

(56) Complete this quote by Bill: "I'm gonna give up music ..."

"Invasion Of The Moon Creatures"

(57) What is the correct password for entry to Graeme's top secret lab?

(58) What primitive vegetable life do Bill and Tim find on the moon?

(59) Which theme music does Graeme's radio telescope play when he tries to use it?

(60) Which creatures does Graeme use to help him track down the runaway rabbits?

"It Might As Well Be String"

(61) The Goodies potential advertising market is divided into 4 classes - D for dumb, C for clever, B for brilliant and A for ...?

(62) Which group of people make up the D class consumers (bless 'em!)?

"Kitten Kong"

(63) Who is Bill cooking a lavish meal for at the start of the episode?

(64) Which song do the two singing dogs perform?

(65) Which guest star gets squashed by Kitten Kong's giant paw?

"Lighthouse Keeping Loonies"

(66) The Goodies are stuck in a lighthouse because Graeme misread an ad. What did he think that the ad was for?

(67) What causes Bill to freak out part way through the episode?

"Lips Or Almighty Cod"

(68) Which show does Nicholas Parsons do on Eskimo television?

(69) What does Graeme say upon hearing that the Eskimos love Nicholas and his show?

"Loch Ness Monster"

(70) Which deadly Scottish creature menaces Tim at the campsite?

(71) Why is this creature so deadly?

"London To Brighton"

(72) Which company do the Goodies get to sponsor their charity walk?

(73) What costume do they have to wear during the walk?


(74) Why, according to Tim, is the upcoming Test match likely to have a sticky wicket?

(75) Tim is "going to make a complaint to the very highest authority." Who do a shocked Graeme and Bill think that he is referring to?

"Punky Business"

(76) What is the name of the Goodies' squeaky clean rock band?

(77) Which utterly contagious song do they sing at the start of the show?

(78) What does Bill want to change the name of the band to?

"Rome Antics"

(79) Which year is this episode set in?

(80) Why is the air in Cricklewood unfit to breathe at this time? (according to Bill anyway!)

(81) Which group invades Rome, creating a crisis for new Emperor Tim?

"Royal Command"

(82) Who hosts the initial, stupendously boring, Royal Variety Show?

(83) What is the Queen's instruction for Rolf Harris' fate in the second show?

"Saturday Night Grease"

(84) Which classic disco tune does Tim get dressed to in the opening scenes?

(85) Who is the presenter of the Disco Dancing championships?

"South Africa"

(86) What is the inscription on the sign for the South African Tourist Board?

(87) What do they have in South Africa instead of black and white minstrels?

(88) Which classic Goodies song is played while Bill is fleeing from the police?


(89) Which song do the Goodies initially perform at the Isobel Chintz star agency?

 (90) Whose show do they then appear on after being rejected by Isobel?

 "The Clown Virus"

(91) What is the name of the American Army Major who summons the Goodies?

(92) Who has placed a large order for the Clap Gas?

"The Commonwealth Games"

(93) Which sport does Tim claim that the Commonwealth was founded on?

(94) Which country do the Goodies compete against after all other nations boycott the Commonwealth Games?

"The Goodies Almost Live"

(95) Which instrument does Tim expertly handle in "Please Let Us Play"?

(96) What is the name of the funky group that provide the weird dancing moves during "Poor Old Soul"?

"The Greenies"

(97) How does the vicar greet the Goodies at Penrudden Cove?

(98) Why have all of the other residents fled the village?

"The Lost Tribe"

(99) Why was Hazel initially left behind on the Goodies' expedition to find her father?

(100) What is the delicacy that Graeme cooks up for the lost tribe?


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