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A Guide to The Goodies Books, Records, & Videos
Books - Print Email PDF 
Posted by lisa 27/03/2006


» Books
» Records
» Videos & DVDs

The following is an abbreviated version of The Goodies Illustrated Guide website ( which contains larger photos and additional details about these and other items.




The Goodies Annual 1974


Published by World Distributors
Copyright 1972 by Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, and Bill Oddie

SBN 7235 0221 8


While the Goodies were given the copyright for this book they didn’t actually write it. 



The Goodies File


By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie


Hardcover Edition

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 19 October 1974

ISBN: 0-297-76816-6

Paperback Edition (“El Cheapo Edition”)

Originally published by Sphere Books on 11 September 1975  

ISBN: 0 7221 1886 4 


96 pages


The premise of The Goodies File is that it is a compilation of evidence gathered by Mrs. Edna Tole, one-time employee of the Goodies, who was seeking to expose them and, in the process, “make a million pounds”.   Among the humorous contents are a series of letters between Mrs. Tole and the book's publisher.  The real-life publishing company's name was used; this was changed from Weidenfeld & Nicholson in the hardcover edition to Sphere Books in the paperback edition. 


The Goodies Book of Criminal Records

By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie


Hardcover Edition

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 27 September 1975

ISBN: 0-297-77027-6


Paperback Edition  
Published by Sphere Books on  23 September 1976

ISBN: 0 7221 3960 8


96 pages


In their second book, the Goodies are supposedly suing the  publisher of The Goodies File.  The book opens with a letter from the Goodies’ lawyer saying, “…On my clients behalf, I must make it plain to you that they were distressed and embarrassed by the publication of scurrilous material, all of which is forged, and in any case they meant to burn it all before anyone got their hands on it.”  However, in order to win their case the Goodies need to prove that each of the various charges against them are indeed false - that “evidence” is the substance of another very funny book.


The Making of The Goodies’ Disaster Movie

By Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden & Bill Oddie


Hardcover Edition

Published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson on 15 October 1977

ISBN: 0-297-77338-0


Also published by St. Martin’s Press (New York, New York, USA) in 1978



Paperback Edition
Published by Sphere Books on 28 September 1978 

ISBN: 0 7221 18805


96 pages


The third humorous book written by The Goodies tells the fictional story of their attempt to make a movie.


The Goodies Fun Book


Published by Cadbury Limited (conceived by Marketing Solutions Limited)

Copyright IPC Magazines Limited and The Goodies 1977.


Cadbury promotional item, available by mail.  There were two different versions, one geared for younger childen and one for older children (a fan who sent away for them thinks the choices may have been for under 8 years old or 8+ years).  These books included reprints of Goodies comics from COR!!, other comics, and puzzles.


I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again – The Classic Scripts

By Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie

Published by Javelin Books  - 14 November 1985

ISBN: 0-7137-1759-9


This book contains scripts from I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, the 1964-1973 radio series featuring Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall, and Bill Oddie.  The cover features a drawing of the three Goodies plus John Cleese.  


'Nothing To Do With Us1!!' One of my favourite albums ever, The Policeman's Opera is a work of Genious!!

Posted by:Les


date: 01/08/2008 16:09 GMT
i did buy the goodies file, and book of criminal records when in uk in 1976, plus two of their albums,
i still have the albums, not sure about the books though.
Posted by:Skyline59


date: 27/02/2009 10:44 GMT
I have as a personal goal to collect every Goodies record. Bill is just too awesome.
Posted by:SirQuacky


date: 19/02/2012 16:15 GMT
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