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post-tour thoughts from John Pinder
Thoughts from John Pinder - Print Email PDF 
Posted by lisa 04/01/2005


» Thoughts from John ...

29 March 2005

The team producing The Goodies tour to Australia all thought it was the best thing ever. Bill Tim and Graeme really were the nicest guys. The show was fantastic and we all just want to have them back next week!

About 25,000 people were able to get tickets to the shows in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane and we think there were probably another 25,000 who missed out because it was such a short tour (we did 13 shows).

We started out thinking it might be four or five shows but the tickets just flew out the door and we added as many shows as we could fit in. Tim Graeme and Bill were tireless and continued to evolve the show at every performances. The world premier of The Goodies Still Alive onstage was a great success!

I think the most exciting thing was that the show was so well put together. I have had hundred of emails from people who, like me, just wanted to be in the same room with The Goodies, saying how wonderful the show was and I really do agree. Personally I loved the 'early days' stuff. I wrote in the program that Cambridge Circus was the first live comedy show I ever saw in 1964 in New Zealand where I grew up. Anyone who saw the show may remember they mentioned a little town called home town..I like to think it was a little joke specially for me but I think the hotel in Timaru was probably even worse than they said!

We wanted people to really get a sense of the importance of The Goodies in comedy history and it was great to see so many performers involved with The Big Laugh Comedy Festival talking about favourite episodes and the influence The Goodies have had on their comedy. The Umbilical Brothers, who had their own sold out show at the festival, saw several of the Goodies shows, and ten minutes before the last minute second Sunday show in Sydney, Shane called desperate for one more ticket. Unfortunately they were all gone...every single one!

One last story...We all went out sailing on Sydney Harbour on one of the few days off during the tour. Deck Hand Tim had a bit of a close shave in a brisk wind as we jibed somewhere off Taronga Park. A rope whipped around his arm and dragged him off the fore-deck. Luckily he grabbed the hand rail and we didn't lose him over board. Melbourne actually saw all three Goodies the next night! (I hope he doesn't mind me telling this story).

Last but certainly not least...Goodies fans are the best! We met so many terrific people during the tour and the crowds outside the stage doors were brilliant.We had to drop the signings in the foyers because of the huge crowds but the smart people jammed the stage door after every show. A round of applause greeted The Goodies as they came out to get in the took an hour to move about three metres...and everyone got pictures and autographs. After the first night at The State in Sydney when the guys eventually got in the car the crowd made a guard of honour and applauded as The Goodies took off for the hotel! Someone even did a traffic cop impersonation and stopped the traffic for them!

Saying good bye with all the team at the airport was sad. There were even a few small tears just held back.

John Pinder


The Big Laugh Comedy Festival



John, as a devoted Goodies fan and an audience member for the first Brisbane show - I bow to thee and kiss thine feet. Bringing the boys over here was an absolute stroke of genius, and many people in Australia would like to shout you a drink or ten. Cheers!
Posted by:skinheadskippy


date: 31/03/2005 20:23 GMT
I too another devoted Goodies fan thought it was wonderful to bring them out to australia. I saw them at the first show in Melb and I travelled about 6ookm just to see them. I also got the pleasure of meeting them with my great friend lydia. we got our pic taken with Tim Brooke taylor.........mmmmmmm that was just the best. They have been my childhood idols since I was nine and now my 6 yr old son loves them too. Thanks a million
Posted by:pkami


date: 31/03/2005 21:56 GMT
The Goodies live was a dream come true. I attended with my 7month pregnant sister. She has since had a boy & named him Timbilgrae. We sat next to freak however, this girl laughed at everything, even when the Goodies were not on stage!? I discovered after she had a free ticket?! When will they learn that free ticket means seat stealing weirdo's as opposed to fan freak weirdo's! She had a witch's cackle that my sister started to imitate - made me laugh a lot, made her self-conscious & made the experience almost worthwhile! If any one can sort out the freaks it's a pregnant Goodies fan!
I wear my Goodies cap with pride & am enjoying the DVD episodes very much!
Hope you had a great time all the Goodies fans reading this who attended!!!
Best wishes & kind regards
Posted by:BlackanWhiteBeauty


date: 19/07/2005 10:51 GMT
I was a pleasent surprise for me to see that The Goodies are still held in such high esteem in Australia, as I discovered when I was visiting my brother in Sydney earlier in the year.  I was wandering around the Pitt Street Mall area when I saw the posters on the State Theatre.  Unfortuntely, as I am sure that you are aware, the BBC in its wisdom has never repeated the shows and so I have had to live on my memories of a very grainy pictured programme.  (I live in Ireland and so only received Beeb signals as "spillover" and the picture was never crystal clear). 

Having had to survive on one VHS offering from BBC Enterprises, along with the ISIRTA tapes,  I jumped at the chance to see my heroes in the flesh and the memory of the  night is a genuine highlight in my life. 

It is also great to come across this site and I have had a enjoyable time reading some of the postings.

I see that some more episodes have been released in Australia on DVD.  Does anyone in this part of the world know if they are available in Region 2 DVD rather than Region 4?  Also, does anyone know if any live shows are planned in the UK?  (Apologies if these questions have been asked and answered previously, I have just found the site and have not had read every posting).

Posted by:eireannach


date: 31/07/2005 05:46 GMT
I nearly fell over when I found out the Goodies would be coming to Perth. I instantly booked tickets for the show for my husband and myself being typical Goodies lovers.

Thankyou thankyou for bringing the Goodies back.
Posted by:Lucy2


date: 14/09/2005 03:16 GMT
Sounds wonderful!  Did anyone record the TV coverage?

Iif only someone could convince the Comedy Network here in Canada to start airing the classic episodes, and those episodes became such a huge hit that somebody would bring the live tour over here!

"The Goodies" haven't aired here since the CBC accidentally aired the series in 1975 (I remember, because I used to rush home from school to watch it.), so a repeat airing is long-overdue.
Posted by:prosebank


date: 10/12/2005 15:45 GMT
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