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C&G 112 Mar 2005
#112 Mar 2005 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 21/12/2006


» #112 Mar 2005

Issue No. 112                    12th March 2005
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Newsletter enquiries:
General enquiries:
'The Goodies Rule - OK!'
P.O. Box 325
Chadstone VIC 3148, AUSTRALIA
- Brett Allender 
- Lisa Manekofsky
- David Piper-Balston
- Alison Bean 
Lisa Manekofsky
C&G CONTRIBUTORS: Amy Rixon, Michael Shaw, Cat
There will be a special edition of the Clarion & Globe with all of the information about 'The Goodies Still Alive On Stage' Australian tour which should be delivered by pirate post office within the next fortnight.
As part of this special edition we'd like to publish your feedback about the stage show, so if you were fortunate enough to be in the audience at Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra or Brisbane then please send your comments to <>
1. QUIZ & QUOTE - Goodies brainteasers for you and you and you
2. SPOTTED!!! - The latest Goodies sightings.
3. 2001 AND A BIT - Tim, Graeme and Bill sightings post-Goodies.
4. FEATURE ARTICLE - Sunday Times Magazine - interview with Bill
(by "Magnus Magnesium")
QUOTE: "I think the GPO have a very difficult job to do."
(a) Which Goodie says this quote?
(b) What is the retort to this line from another Goodie?
(c) Which episode is this quote from?
QUIZ: This month's questions are from the episode: "Free To Live" (aka Women's Lib)
(d) What is the name of Graeme's hot date for the evening?
(e) How does Barbara, the Women's Lib inspector, liberate Graeme's date.
(f) What role does Graeme fill at Barbara's father's mansion?
(g) Who becomes Barbara's new boyfriend?
(h) What vocation does Tim consider taking up when it looks as though the Goodies will break up?
The answers are listed at the end of this newsletter.
More exciting than getting your wig-spotters badge! If you've seen the Goodies recently, e-mail <>with the details. Here's where we've Spotted!!! The Goodies this month:
* Dom Romeo has put a transcript of his recent interview with Graeme Garden online at . Dom says "Furthermore, three different interviewettes appear as MP3 files therein." 
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 23rd February)
* I spotted some advertising for the Goodies DVD today. It seems they really want to make sure it sells. It was on the back of a Sydney bus.
(Michael Shaw – 28th February)
** There is a review of the new DVD at DVD Answers.
(David Piper-Balston - Goodies-l - 16th February)
** Radio Times, 19-25 February, includes this review of 'The Goodies...At Last A Second Helping' by Stuart Maconie.
Thirty years on from the Goodies' TV shows, the comic triumvirate at their helm are still national treasures. Bill Oddie is indisputably the nation's favourite genial bearded ornithologist, while the god-like Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor are two of the reasons why 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue' is the funniest radio show there has ever been.
They were pretty funny back in the 1970s too, though in a different way. Then, their stock in trade was an amiable combination of slapstick, satire, Footlights-style wit and a genuine whiff of absurdity, albeit perhaps not as bracing a whiff as could be scented later in the evenings with their chums the Pythons.
These eight episodes are fascinating both as a comedy history lesson and in the different aspects of the trio they illuminate. 'Radio Goodies' is a half-hour of whimsy centred on the wry notion of said radio station having only one record, 'A Walk in the Black Forest'; while 'Come Dancing's conceit is sport commentary applied to ballroom dancing.
But elsewhere, 'South Africa' is a sustained, at times savage, anti-apartheid polemic. Or as savage as you could be in a slot between 'Nationwide' and 'Triangle'. Similarly, 'Movies' is littered with knowing film jokes and has a gag that centres on an Andy Warhol lookalike. Did anyone watching back then know what Andy Warhol looked like? The fact that the Goodies thought they did shows a regard for their audience that today's tell turns might emulate.
(Alison Bean - Goodies-l - 19th February)
(Re: the Australian Goodies DVD not having the booklet by Andrew Pixley, the coloured restoration of Come Dancing or the pdf files of some of the original episode scripts)
Re my comments on the Australian DVD, I would feel totally ripped off if I'd bought the Australian release and found it missed 4 (count them!) special features. I don't blame Australians who are selling their copies and intend to import the UK version. I'd do the same.
In my view it is utterly unacceptable to treat Australian fans in this way. Australian fans bought 50,000 copies of the Goodies DVD and yet it's the British (who bought less copies per head of population than Australians) who get the special features. Obviously the marketing people wanted to make sure the DVD would be available while the trio are in the country, but if I still lived in Australia I'd have rather waited for the proper version.
Does anyone know who the Australian distributors are? It might be worth people writing them a letter telling them why you'll import the UK version rather than buy the Australian one. Or perhaps fans could demand that the extras are released in Australia in some form? Failing that, mass importing of the UK release alone should send a fairly strong message to the Australian distributors.
(Alison Bean – Goodies-l – 9th March)
(Amy Rixon - Goodies-l - 18th February)
To coincide with the DVD release and the Goodies in Australia, the ABC Shops are receiving a large amount of Goodies merchandise. The majority of the merchandise is due into the shops before the Australian DVD release date (3rd March), however one or two items will not be available by this time, but will be available by the end of March.
Merchandise includes:
Keyrings - 2 different styles ($9.95 each)
Pins - 3 different styles ($7.95 each)
Magnets - 2 different styles ($7.95)
Aprons - 2 different styes ($32.95 each)
Cap - ($26.95)
Oven Mit ($16.95)
Pot holder ($12.95)
T-shirts - 2 different styles ($36.95 each) Sizes S - XL
(Amy Rixon – Goodies-l – 24th February)
There was an article in the Daily Telegraph paper on Wed 23rd March about the Goodies. The article states that the Goodies will be airing again in Australia on Fxtel (on the UKTV channel) at 8pm week nights. This appears to be starting from Tuesday 1st March with the very first episode of the Goodies 'Tower of London'.
3. 2001 AND A BIT
If you've sighted Tim, Bill or Graeme in a post-Goodies role, e-mail <> so that we can tell everyone where to spot a Goodie nowadays. Those of you seeking radio & tv alerts between issues of the C&G should consider signing up for the Goodies-L mailing list (more details available on the club website), as our crack (cracked?!) team of reporters attempt to post alerts as the information becomes available.
* A new satellite channel in the UK will be showing repeats of "Bill Oddie
Goes Wild". Here's a cut & paste from
UKTV Style Gardens joins Sky, Telewest lineup
Wednesday, February 23 2005, 10:10 GMT -- by Darren Shelley
UKTV Style Gardens has been added to Sky and Telewest's lineups this morning in preparation for the channel's soft launch at 1pm.
The specialist gardening channel will feature a range of programming designed to appeal to different levels of interest and expertise.
For committed green-fingered enthusiasts, programmes like Gardeners' World, How To Be A Gardener and Gardening With the Experts will be seasonally relevant and feature advice from the ultimate gardening experts.
Programmes aimed at the 'weekend' gardener, which offer entertaining and creative ideas, will include Ground Force, Real Rakeovers and Home Front in the Garden.
Finally, there will also be programmes for viewers who are interested in broader outdoor pursuits and pleasures such as A Year At Kew, Royal Gardeners, Bill Oddie Goes Wild and Dan Pearson's Home Farm.
Themed days and weekends focusing on key programmes and personalities plus exclusive one-off monthly specials are also planned.
On Sky, UKTV Style Gardens is located at EPG number 144 while on Telewest's digital cable platform it can be found on channel 267.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 23rd February)
* Bill Oddie will be a talking head on 'The 100 Greatest Cartoons' this Sunday at 8pm on Channel 4.
(Alison Bean - Goodies-l – 24th February)
* Bill was on Radio Nottingham today (literally 30 seconds ago, I typed as I listened) talking to DJ Jeff Owen about the Springwatch Suvey 2005, a national event which will culminate in a three week series of live broadcasts in June on BBC TV, hosted by Bill and Kate Humble.
The preview show is on Good Friday, explaining what Springwatch is and how the BBC/Woodland Trust initiative is aimed to chart the development of wildlife and plants throughout Spring.
Bill talked in great detail about bumble bees (!) and though I have been an audio typist in a former life, without a tape I have transcribed as much as I could whilst listening to Bill's memories of the Goodies. Sadly, I couldn't type all as my typing almost drowned out the interview (my work PC only has little tinny speakers).
When asked about the Goodies by Jeff he replied with a laugh, "that was another bloke; your mind and memory's gone".
When pressed about the show and its spin off records he went on to say "It was a great time, good fun. It's not over either, there's a new DVD out now and there was one about about two years ago and they're very cheap or they will be once they've been out a bit.
That was a distraction. Something I had to go through, like a teenage distraction. Get that out of the way and onto what I really love: wildlife programmes."
It's always lovely to hear how passionate Bill gets when talking about his wildlife interests and he was in fine form here.
(Cat – Goodies-l – 3rd March)
* Bill Oddie will appear in TV Firsts, a show celebrating programmes that have made a huge impact on British television, tonight at 9pm on UK-TV Gold (repeated at 10pm on UK-TV Gold +1). Whether The Goodies will be included in the list of programmes which have made a huge impact on British television I don't know.
(Alison Bean – Goodies-l – 6th March)
* While in Sydney Tim Brooke-Taylor will be appearing in a show called "No Laughing in the Library" - details can be found on the Big Laugh Festival website ( ). The show is described as "a bunch of comics talking about and reading from their favourite books that make them laugh."
"No Laughing in the Library" is on March 6 at 2:00pm at Riverside Theatres (a few hours before the Goodies 5:00pm show there). Tickets are just $15 - book them on 8839 3399.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 23rd February)
* BBC7 made some changes to its schedule this week. I've just realized that "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" was moved from Fridays to Mondays at 14:30 (repeated Tuesday morning at 6:30).
"I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" remains on Mondays but I think they changed some of the times (it's now on at 12:30 and 19:30).
Don't forget you can listen to each episode for 6 days after broadcast via BBC7's Listen Again service. 
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 18th February)
* The Goodies mention themselves on ISIHAC repeats on BBC7. Tim mentions the Goodies in a round on making TV shows upmarket (ie showing repeats of the Goodies, Dr Whom instead of Dr Who, etc). Later Tim sings the Funky Gibbon to the tune of Hey Jude.
12:30pm timeslot. It'll only be up for a week.
(Michael Shaw – 8th March)
* I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue won best radio programme at this year's Television and Radio Industries Club Awards.
(Alison Bean – Goodies-l – 10th March)
(contributed by Lisa Manekofsky)
Article from "The Sunday Times Magazine" January 16, 2005
"A Life in the Day"
 interview by Danny Scott
Bill Oddie
The bird-watcher, naturalist and former star of the comedy show The Goodies, 63, presents the BBC2 programme 'How to Watch Wildlife', which is also the title of his latest book. He lives in Hampstead, north London, with his wife, Laura, and their daughter, Rosie, 19.
Bill: 'I reckon I'm conditioned to wake up with the sun. At this time of year I'm probably awake by about 7. When I was a kid I used to get up early and cycle down to the local reservoir for a spot of birding. You have to be up early to get the best out of birding. And I'm a record-breaker when it comes to getting out of the house. I don't have any breakfast. I don't have a shower. Just throw on some jeans and a T-shirt, whatever's on the chair next to the bed, and out the door.
Both me and my wife, Laura, are creatures of habit, so if we're both at home we head up to Hampstead Heath - we live just round the corner. She goes off jogging and I walk up to the top of Parliament Hill and have a look at London. Of course, I take the binoculars with me - blimey, I even take them when I go shopping - and I'll see something interesting or unusual on most days.
Now, a non-birder might find the idea of visible migration - or "vis mig", as we call it - incredibly tedious, but I promise you that 10,000 swallows flying overhead in a couple of hours is pretty spectacular. Most days I get asked a few questions by other people on the heath. Somebody says: "See that thing hovering over there? I'm not sure if it's a sparrowhawk or a kestrel." Easy. If it's hovering, it's a kestrel. Sparrowhawks don't hover.
By 9, I meet Laura down at Polly's café in Hampstead. My breakfasts tend to go in waves. For ages I had poached eggs, bacon and tomatoes, but last year I started having muesli and fruit with a couple of black coffees. Breakfast time is when we catch up with things. I'll moan about stuff. Laura moans about stuff. We talk to the lovely guy in the stationery shop - it's meet-the-neighbours time.
When I'm not filming, I decide what I want to do with my day. As soon as I'm back at the house, I go into the garden and replenish the bird feeders. That needs to be done every day, because the squirrels take so much of it. I scatter the seed. Top up the mealworms. Gaze at it all for a bit. Laura calls the garden "ludicrous", but in my head it's very organised. If one gnome was out of place, I'd know.
Then I'll probably go up to the office and do all the mundane stuff like pay bills and ring people. I don't have an e-mail address. If I did, I would probably get about 3,000 e-mails every day from very nice people who wanted to tell me that the bluetits nesting in their shed have raised six out of seven young. I just couldn't answer them all.
Lunch is always at home. Laura works from home too - she writes for children's TV - and luckily her partner, Paul, is a pretty good cook. I usually blag a bit of whatever they're having. You know, hang around looking forlorn until they offer me a bit of soup or something.
I'm not on a diet, but I have got into healthy eating. I try and take on plenty of fruit every day. When I've finished, I treat myself to an extended newspaper break, accompanied by one of my new CDs on the stereo. I am very specific about my choice of music. Actually, music is my illness. The collection is organised by genre and in alphabetical order, with the new-releases pile on top of the CD player. It is the most important thing in my life. It's a terrible thought, but if someone asked me to choose between music and birds, it would be music.
I love having an excuse to go into town in the afternoon. Anything that will take me within walking distance of HMV in Oxford Street. I have a notebook with a list of albums I'm after, and it's rare for me to walk out without buying something. Even if it's just The Best of the Monkees for a fiver. No collection is complete without The Best of the Monkees. Music is what I spend most of my money on. As vices go, it's not too bad. I don't smoke. I don't take drugs.
Laura has quite a few girlie evenings, so that's when I arrange band practice. It's just me and my mates having a bit of a jam. There'll be a few Little Feat tunes in there. Something funky. There's a huge poster of Prince, semi-naked, on the wall to give me inspiration. Don't get me wrong; I'm not one of those frustrated rock stars. When I was with The Goodies, I suppose we were pop stars. We had some hits and we played Top of the Pops. That was enough.
I'll have a shower at some point in the evening. Always a shower - don't like baths. I never bother with moisturizers or anything like that. Then I'll come down and have dinner.   If Laura is out, my dinners get a bit strange. I'll see a bit of leftover spaghetti, some burnt sausages, a few overripe tomatoes. That'll do. And I'm doing my bit for the environment by not letting it go to waste.
I'm very selective about TV. Sport I always watch. Football and rugby in particular. People who employ me have to get used to that. "Sorry, can't do the rehearsals on Saturday afternoon. There's a live Man United game on telly."
I'm usually in bed by 11. And I'm sleeping a lot better than I used to. I think that's because I've found my niche and I'm learning to respect myself a bit more. When you do something you love for a living, you think: "Oh, I can't be a very useful person, because looking at wildlife isn't really a job." But I get a great deal of satisfaction from the fact that I might have made some people take a closer look at birds and wildlife. Actually, that makes me quite proud.'
(by Brett Allender)
Series 9, Episode 4
First screened: 30th January 1982
Graeme and Tim have decorated the office with streamers and prepared a cake (with a massive number of candles crammed onto it!), as Bill's birthday has come around once again and they wait excitedly as they hear his footsteps on the stairs. However the footsteps get slower and slower (and Graeme and Tim almost nod off in boredom) until an exhausted Bill eventually staggers in. He is extremely angry that they have remembered his birthday, as he wants to forget that he is becoming older and after he notices that there are 75 candles on the cake and Graeme reads out a rather mean birthday greeting, he goes on a destructive blitz around the office and dumps the birthday cake on top of his head in rage before he finally calms down.
Bill complains that he feels old and raddled (while Tim hardly helps matters when he ridicules the flabby "Oddie body" after Bill removes his cake-covered t-shirt) and all three Goodies realise that their physical condition has slipped considerably. Graeme takes up a new role as Dr. Grayboots - Beautician To The Raddled and sizes Bill up for some rather dramatic plastic surgery (assisted by Tim, who models various new facial appearances), then decides that the three of them should have a night out on the town with some girls to celebrate Bill's birthday.
Bill claims that no girls would want three "clapped out old has-beens", so Graeme feeds their characteristics into his computer and it selects their appropriately groovy new images and also sets up their hot dates - three old grannies who run them ragged as they drag the Goodies into a pub, over to a cinema (to watch 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' as Tim staggers out and throws up in a nearby rubbish bin afterwards!) and then into a disco, before they take off with three young bikies and leave the Goodies behind gasping for breath.
The Goodies decide to close their business due to old age and Graeme prepares to jump from a window ledge as he makes his final will, in which he leaves his Union Jack posing pouch to Tim (who proudly wears it on his head!) and his stamp collection to Bill- an album full of caterpillars, kittens and other little creatures that he has stamped on! Graeme is too chicken to jump (until he finally launches a spectacular dive and Tim wails that he can see a poor squashed little thing looking up at him - Graeme has landed on Tim's pet tortoise, Gilbert - another one for the stamp collection!), but unveils his amazing Doomsday Machine which will kill him by any one of a number of gory methods. Bill prefers a more peaceful departure (and merely locks himself into an upright coffin with "Bill Oddie - Good Riddance" emblazoned on the front!), while Tim also doesn't want to witness Graeme's gruesome ending, so puts plugs in his ears and closes his eyes until it's all over.
A blindfolded Graeme is just about to end it all when the phone rings, but as Tim can't hear the phone and Bill can't reach it, he goes to answer it (and steps straight through his Doomsday machine, setting off the axe, voltage surge, guns, spears etc which all miss him by millimetres as he walks too quickly!), only to find that the call is for the Robot, who has taken over their business ("Under new management. I do anything, anytime!"). The Goodies resent this tin tyrant's attempt to replace them, as they claim that it can't do the things that they used to do, but the Robot doubts that they are capable of doing their old jobs either.
The only way to resolve the issue is for the Goodies to press the red button on Graeme's computer and perform the Goodies Standard Test (along with the Robot) to decide if they are still up to the requirements of the job. They venture to the testing ground and are required to leap over hurdles, get changed into their costumes (which barely fit any more), produce a patriotic speech within 30 seconds (as Tim falls backwards off the podium while the Robot sends off a burst of fireworks, Union Jack flags and 'Land Of Hope And Glory' music from inside its head!), make a hit record (although they can hardly muster an "ooo" for the Funky Gibbon!) and then get trounced by the hard-headed robot in a ferocious Ecky Thump showdown.
Their fitness is put to the test, as they have to dodge the giant kitten, giant geese (as they flee from a crane which has a large goose dangling from it!) and a cardboard cutout of Nicholas Parsons (with Tim being penalized five points for overacting as he expresses his horror at such a terrifying sight!), but the Robot spectacularly disposes of the goose and Nicholas with some well aimed missiles and when the Goodies fall off the now-blue trandem, it seems as though the Robot will defeat them easily, especially when the autograph hunters run straight past them and mob the Robot instead. The final score from the computer gives the robot 53 points, but the Goodies have a combined total of 54 points (Tim 24, Graeme 28 and Bill 2!), so they get the job, which looks strangely familiar. It is a position at the BBC for three fit young men to be the Goodies, but a man immediately comes along and places a 'job taken' sticker over the advertisement as three robots ride up the road on the trandem gurgling "Goodies, goody goody yum yum ... !"
* Graeme (reading Bill's birthday card aloud): "Your birthday's here, so give a cheer. You've lasted through another year. Be sure you have some birthday fun. You might not get another one!"
* Tim (teasing Bill about his fat stomach): "I am not looking at your body! (laughs) Oh yes I am! ... Moby Dick! Thar she blows, Captain Ahab! ... Jelly on a plate, jelly on a plate, wibble wobble wibble wobble, jelly on a plate (as Bill finds it very hard not to crack up with laughter!) Here come the elephants ... ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom! ... Sorry Bill, sorry!"
* Bill: "Girls always laugh at my body."
Tim (sympathetically): "Oh no, that's impossible. (then sarcastically) Can't be just girls, everybody laughs at it!" (cracking Bill up even further!)
* Bill: "Tim! Graeme's out on the ledge and I think he's gonna jump!"
Tim: "Why?"
Bill: "Because I'm gonna go BOO!!" (causing a startled Graeme to teeter on the brink!)
* Graeme's computer (during the proficiency test, in a teasing voice): "Run, run! Nicholas is after you!"
* Bill going berserk after Graeme reads out his cheeky birthday card; ripping down streamers, knocking all of his cards onto the floor, upending furniture, despatching a rather stuffed-looking dog and finally grabbing his large cake and dumping it on his head as he slumps backwards into his lounge chair (with Graeme and Tim having donned hard hats for protection at the start of Bill's rant!)
* Bill removing his shirt and flaunting the "Oddie body", sparking some very funny verbal exchanges with Tim, the sight of three raddled Goodies shamefully wobbling their 'spare tyres' in harmony and Tim wanting to squeeze Bill's nipple, thinking that it's a pimple!
* Tim expertly modelling Dr.Grayboots' various hair and face transplant styles in the window of a revolving booth, including the poncy La Rue pompadour, the reggae Rastamop, a Grease style coiffure with monstrous shaggy eyebrows, a Kojak pate with matching Prince Charles accessories and a pink wig with a jutting Jimmy Hill jawline and also the Goodies' incredibly daggy getups when they go out to meet their blind dates (three old grannies who leave them for dead!), with Tim in a blond curly wig, baggy suit and a shirt with an enormously wide collar, Graeme with curly brown locks, a humungous hooter, thick chest hair and an incredibly tasteless flared suit and Bill with crested-up hair, a lairy yellow jacket and platform moccasins with pink laces!
* Graeme explaining the features of his doomsday machine which is supposed to finish him off by any one of a number of grisly means, including a swinging axe, electrocution by 200,000 volts, spears, shotguns, a noose and failing that, a one ton weight dropped on his head, then having to answer the phone (as Bill has locked himself in his coffin and Tim has his eyes closed and ears blocked so as not to witness Graeme's horrid demise), walking blindfolded through his machine with the various booby traps going off one step behind him along the way, then finding out that the call was only for the Robot anyway, after which he gets squashed by his one ton weight for good measure!
* The entire Goodies proficiency test, with them having to prove that they are still capable of being Goodies, especially them and the Robot tripping over the wires dragging the giant kitten along (despite the computer's instructions telling them how to dodge the wires and props people), the hilarious Ecky Thump battle with Tim and Graeme bopping the Robot with their black puddings only for the puds to bounce away off its hard metal head (and the Robot then despatching them with its pudding like Bill did way back in Kung Fu Kapers), Bill trying to become t' Grand Master again by blowing his pudding up like a balloon only for it to explode (showering him with a spray of sticky black gunk), working with the dummies which are placed near them and blown to bits by a falling golden egg, and the Robot despatching of the giant goose (swinging from a crane!) and a cardboard cutout of Nicholas Parsons in a ball of flames with a mortar shell fired from a gun in its belly after the Goodies have fled instead of staying to fight these evil creatures.!
David Rappaport
You're Only As Old As You Feel
Kitten Kong (brief clip)
An interesting episode which is a strange sort of parody of the Goodies real-life status at the time; ie getting older, drawing near the end of a 12 year run and perhaps not as physically capable of doing the sort of manic stunts that they were performing in the early to mid-seventies. The reminiscing of various former glories like the Funky Gibbon, Ecky Thump, giant goose and kitten etc (along with the brilliantly less-than-subtle sendups of how these visual effects were achieved) actually would have made this a very fitting final episode and it's a pity that it wasn't left until the end of the series to be screened.
III     Goody Goody Yum Yum
IIIII - Superstar.
IIII - Officially amazing.
III   - Goody goody yum yum.
II    - Fair-y punkmother.
I     - Tripe on t' pikelets.
April Episode Summary –
(a) Bill Oddie
(b) Tim: "Yes, that's why they do it so badly!"
(c) Radio Goodies
(d) Debbie
(e) By making Debbie remove her bra
(f) The butler
(g) Bill
(h) Becoming a nun
8    Goodies fan supreme
7    Mastermind of the year
5-6 Clever clogs
3-4 Reasonably Goodie
1-2 Thick as old boots
0    Rolf Harris!
- The Goodies Still Alive On Stage – by 31st March 2005
- #113: - 12th April 2005.
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