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Goodies Anagrams
Goodies Anagrams - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 05/07/2006


» Goodies Anagrams

by Lisa Manekofsky and Brett Allender
(from C&G #63 March 2001)
Announcing the Goodies Rule - OK! Anagram Challenge
A recent survey of the Clarion & Globe readers found that they would like more Goodies-related games and activities. We'd like to propose an activity for everyone to participate in - the Goodies Rule-OK! Anagram Challenge.
As you probably already know, an anagram is a word or phrase made by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. Some people are very talented at making anagrams; the rest of us can take advantage of the many anagram generators that are available on the web. The challenge is to find interesting or amusing results from the hundreds (or even thousands) of anagrams that can be generated from Goodies-related words or phrases.
A past edition of the C&G has already revealed that the name "Tim Brooke-Taylor" is really just an anagram for the extremely useful "rear lobotomy kit" (who could ever survive without one!) so fire up those anagram generators and reveal what sort of deep and meaningful phrases lie hidden in sayings like "hoots toots och aye the noo", "grand master of eckythump" and "plague of Rolf Harrises" just to name a few!
Interested in taking up the challenge? If so, generate your anagrams, pick the best results, and email them to <>. Be sure to indicate the original word/phrase you used. The judges' favorite anagrams will appear in upcoming issues of the Clarion & Globe (with credit given to the person who submitted them). And if you're really lucky, you might even win a night of mixed dancing at Disco Bilius with Robin Day, er Yad ... who definitely wouldn't appear in anything as degenerate as the C&G!
(from C&G #64  April 2001)
Last month we launched a quest to uncover the most interesting anagrams that can be manufactured from rearranging the letters of well known Goodies phrases to form another phrase that is suitably appropriate, eg "Graeme Garden" can be changed to "meagre danger", though he was anything but this when working on Frankenfido, Almighty Cod or any of his other loony projects for that matter!
Aside from the misdirected letters from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, we did actually receive two genuine replies which contained anagrams that Robin Yad would be proud of.
Firstly well done to Kay Dickinson for coming up with the following three anagrams - in her words, "all my own work, none of this anagram-generator cheating business...":
* It Might As Well Be String = Tim rinses t'big hat well" (with a spare "g")
* The Pirate Post Office = Stop that pee orifice. (charming!!)
* Stuff That Gibbon = Fans of TBT hit bug.
And secondly, an EarlOBE to Andrew Davie for his enthusiasm in sending in the following batch of very clever and witty Goodies anagrams:
* grand master of eckythump = Fetch me a musty pork
* eckythump = my ketchup
* Bill Oddie = Libido led
* The Goodies = Hide Stooge
* Graeme Garden = me end rare gag
* Cricklewood = weird o'clock
* Graeme, Bill = lame gerbil
* goodies and the beanstalk = oh! seek a bad old giant nest
* funky gibbon = big bony funk
* goodies and the beanstalk = dead giant loses a bet. honk!
* the tower of london = no red loon theft... ow!
* love the police = ole! the evil cop
* charity bounce = chaotic run... bye! OR thrice-a-bouncy
* winter olympics = ice, snow? try limp!
* frankenfido = freak find? no!
* scoutrageous = as rogue scout
Anyone got any more anagrams to contribute? If so please send them in via homing kangaroo to <>

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