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BBC Worldwide statement re differences in UK & Australian DVDs
09/04/2005 05:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

Thanks for Phil Guy for passing this along.  He wrote to Roadshow Entertainment to complain about the missing extras from the second Australian DVD.  The message was passed along to BBC Worldwide, who sent this statement:

"We are fully aware of the difference between our Australian release and the UK one and we certainly did not want to release a different version out here!!  However to meet our release deadlines (to coincide with the Goodies Tour of Australia), we could only include (a) what the UK had ready at the time and (b) what we had rights in...Unfortunately we still do not have rights in the booklet, although we are still trying to clear it!

This is our statement on the differences: 'There are some differences between the UK and Australian releases. The imperative was to release the second DVD to coincide with the "Goodies Live" tour to Australia and to meet that deadline some 'extras' which were made available for the UK release, were not available for the Australian release.

Unfortunately restoration work on some of the extras,the colour version of "Come Dancing", script PDFs , an "In conversation" piece with the Goodies recorded during the commentary sessions and English subtitles on the episodes were not able to be included in the Australian releases version. In addition, Australian rights have not been granted for the booklet included in the UK version. '"

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I got the UK version, but it never came with a booklet...
Posted by:RossH


date: 15/04/2005 12:00 GMT
Ross, you should have gotten the booklet with the UK DVD.  Did you buy a new copy?  If so, you should contact the seller and let them know about the missing item.  You can point out that the booklet is listed as an extra on the DVD's back cover.
Posted by:lisa

lisa WWW 

date: 17/04/2005 11:33 GMT
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