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The Goodies

Bill at opening in Grimsby this Thursday
21/07/2008 00:30 GMT

Posted by lisa

From the Grimsby Telegraph, Saturday July 19th:

David Laister
Business Editor

10:00 - 19 July 2008

Television presenter Bill Oddie will be in Grimsby next week to celebrate the official opening of town bird seed firm Haith's new site.

And fans of the BBC Spring Watch show are welcome to join in the fun at the new Europarc premises.

From 1pm on Thursday, Bill will be available to sign books and pictures, before giving a short speech to mark the move.

As reported in Business, the company has moved from Park Street to the state-of-the-art 30,000 sq ft building on Genesis Way, a decision made to help grow the business as it looks to become a mainstream supplier to supermarkets.

Haith's mascot, Clair the Canary will be giving out goody bags and balloons, there will be children's entertainment and an exotic parrot display.

Bill has worked with Haith's for several years, and the brand that bears his name has seen huge growth in recent months.

Email Print

Wish I lived in Grimsby!!
Posted by:vanessa cricklewood


date: 22/07/2008 08:02 GMT
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